This video shows the ghost being used. It now has a meter like sprint ability, which is the booster. The booster for the ghost is no longer infinite. :/ YouTube - Halo: Reach Ghost Battle (Off-screen) - E3 2010
I hate when people use the ghost guns. This new meter thing will promote that and people will not use it to get splatters like it use to be.
where did you get that? and this looks like it could be an improvement, but I wonder if it is different online, or if they just changed that due to feedback in the beta, cuz the beta had inf boost
OMG They took my suggestion for limited boost! =) Okay, i guess it wasnt really mine but i put my name on the thread that brought it up... I am very glad that they changed this because now people cannot simply 'rape' with a ghost. Now they must take the time to get it right and learn the actual skills of the ghost to be able to 'rape.' Now it takes true manliness to 'rape' all the little boys playing halo. And 'rape' those little boys i shall! Edit: Umm...................
Its called "Youtube". Its a website you can go to where people upload all kinds of videos and you can watch them free. You can ever search specific themes, like "Halo Reach Firefight gameplay".
Originally from IGN sometime last week during E3, then recorded and posted on youtube by someone. As for the ghost, I think implementing this was a good idea. Promotes more use of the guns rather than just splattering people.
I hated the ghost, I could never platter anyone. At full speed they would just bounce off with half-shields. I suppose this is to balance decreasing the speed required for a splatter.
The ghost was awesome in halo 3. It's a bit depressing to me they weakened it, but it's still a fun vehicle.
Problem: This is only for the ghost... most of the drive to survive maps are using mongooses or warthogs but still I hope they dont exist in reach D:
Even though theres a meter for the boost now, it looks like it recharges really fast. Almost instantly.
I hope it wasn't because people used the boost to splatter everyone only because the guns where to slow and weak in the beta. (Well that's why I only splattered because i couldn't kill with the guns) In my opinion should of made the ghosts bullets faster or stronger.
I will respectfully disagree with that. In my opinion the ghost should be an almost all splattering vehichle, so I like the idea of weak guns. People who just back away from you and shoot with their ghosts annoy the heck outta me in halo 3
Yeah it doesn't look like it will change gameplay that much, I think it will be a general improvement
I think they did this because in Halo 3, its pretty easy to run away from the fights that you get into by using the boost on the ghost. Also it looked like you have a reasonable amount of boost time on the ghost, plus Armor Abilities recharge incredibly quickly.
I accualty do not like the idea of having limited Boosters. Same thign with the Warthog Turret Machine Gun.
really? I like the idea of both. I drive the hog a lot and I hated when my gunner would just be holding down the trigger... you never know if he actually has a target or not. I think it makes the game a bit more realistic.... turrets cannot not be fired forever without breaking down
Not to hate on you, but this just made me lol. Since when has Halo been about realism? Its the future maybe they have super metal that doesn't heat up. But to me it seems, or at least seemed in the beta, that the ghost and banshee were sooo slow. And the Ghost is supposed to be a power weapon, but if you're good you can actually dodge it and destroy it. Weakening the Ghost kind of seems like noob compensation to me.