If you'll head over to Halo Waypoint you may find the "ForgeHub Montage" there. This is our first collaboration with 343, and hope you guys enjoy it. There were 10 maps chosen with various parts of the Halo community, and 343 did a great job with the video. Just thought I'd like you guys know to check it out! Discus if you wish. Edit: Youtube link, courtesy of Rifte. YouTube- Forgehub Halo Waypoint Video
Just watched it now, someone needs to upload to youtube I think it's nice that some of the older maps were picked, shows some of the original ideas ForgeHub used to churn out. I hope there will be more videos like this. Maybe a bi-monthly selection of some of the best maps and a montage is made for them every month. Ohh I didn't like the editing to much, it didn't show the best parts of the maps, it just followed players and didn't give a chance to show some of the great forging, I understand that some maps are more gameplay based and in that case it was better to follow them. Ohh and the gameplay was laggy -.- Fail ;p Keep up the good work 343!
Why don't you just watch the video and find out? As I said, it's most of the older maps, the newest from what I saw was Ignite.
Youtube would be good...capture it someone? This was our first collab with 343, I don't blame them that they were probably pretty confused as far as what to do because they've never done anything like it before. But in the end I think it turned out well. We'll be doing a bunch more stuff with them in the future, will be talking options tonight. We may actually be moving to our own video editing work (I've been talking to CMNeir from Halo 3 Tricks about working with him) to lighten the load and so we have more control of what's shown. Maps were... Ignite Grindstone Conduction Help's on the way Cave Freaks Silhouette Distortion
Then why would anyone list the maps if your too lazy to care? My xbox was off but I turned it on just to see this. If your wondering if any of your maps are on, their not. It's mostly high-up ranks on the forum that made the cut. --- Sounds cool, what sort of new projects? Maybe if cmneir is up for it, we could have the FHF's up there every month?
Jesus christ, calm down. I figured it would be all featured maps, I know it isn't any of mine. I'm just curious which maps got in and I don't care enough to turn on my xbox and figure out where Halo Waypoint is on the dashboard. --- Thank you.
Super secret projects! Nah, probably similar stuff. We've discussed a ton of options but I hadn't gotten to see the video until today, so now we can know what we're looking at. Already talked to Chris, he's probably able to work with us, so that'll be kewl. I've always wanted to get one of those crazy promo videos for FH so maybe he can work on something.
I'll capture and upload tomorrow, if the quality is passable using my DVC100. Waypoint's video quality ain't so great, so maybe it'll balance it out. The 'tage was pretty cool, a lot of good memories of TGIFs and customs with friends came back. Makes me reflect on the glory days of Halo 3, hopefully Reach will live even longer.
If you haven't found it yet, start by being on the main screen on the dashboard. I'm not sure which category its under, but the picture should look something like this.... There really isn't too much halo3 related stuff on the dashboard at all so you shouldn't miss it.
I'm uploading it right now, it'll take 15-20 minutes to fully upload and process. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cty3-tjDYms
It says the name of the map on the bottom left. They spelled Shadow Viper's name wrong too for Grindstone I thought the camera work could've been better, but regardless, congrats on getting Waypoint FH
Yeah thats rather a successful step for FH getting on Waypoint. So well done guys, and a good first video I guess