No it wouldn't. Have you ever put on a helmet that had a mesh face plate? You don't think you could see through it, but because it's so close it's fine and it doesn't bother you. Same idea. Oh, and I know you were kidding.
this isn't mesh though, this is carved in with a knife. Im thinking that would be somewhat accurate, cept your eyes would be seeing right through the eyes of the skull, so only your peripherals would be effected.
If it was possible to put emblems on (possibly only EVA) helmet it would make Emilie's helmet be less unique but me personally I don't see that as a bad thing, If we can't use Emile's Skull that would still make it unique. If we can not, every one will because of the custom emblems possibility's if they even put in on at all. Choosing where you want your emblem to be would add more customization which is what reach Armory is all about.
While customization is a main selling point to me by far, I still like some form of uniformity. They are spartans. Military issued gear. Therefore, the emblems all belong in the same place. Personally, I just think putting things like that on your visor would be cheesy, and It'd be something only kids do. Much like the hayabusa armor or the katana. Everyone is entitled to their own personal desires and opinions, but i shall use mine to wish heavily against that.
Is that all you get from pre-order? I forgot completely what you got and now it's REALLY PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!! I spend my days trying to remember what it was.... Also, does anyone know if EB games (in New Zealand) has that for pre-order?
yea, but $150 gets you that, flaming helmet, and a stone figurine of noble team, along with other awesome things. legendary edition here i come.
So I went to this site and it said I can haz recon if I pre order (which I did long, long ago). Does that mean I can haz Noob Tube belt too?
Wasn't that body piece available in the beta, Scout to help camo capability's for 2,000 or 5,000 creds, something like that. So I'm expecting the waist will be able to be bought with creds. Not an Exclusive item like recon or flames. but still save you some creds. Also there's a non default shoulder piece whats up with that?
The chest piece alone was available in the beta. This piece also comes with the grenade belt. Therefore, it WILL be exclusive. You might, depends on if Gamestop owns EBGames there.
I didn't read the article but the "Waist" is a customizable option in the armory meaning the grenade belt will be separate from the chest piece. And If you meant there 2 items that come with the pre-order then if one is avalible to buy with credits I don't see any reason for the waist to get special treatment. (To be honest I don't believe this pre-order bonus but that's just because I'm a little skeptical)
First off, we have not seen any proof that "waist" is a custom option. Furthermore, the grenade belt and any other waist attachment could be connected to different chest pieces for all you know. The picture I re-posted of the pre-order bonus is taken from Gamestops website itself, so disbelieve all you want. Additionally, for further unnecessary crushing of your opinions and theories, they highlighted the chest piece/grenades in a single united color to show exactly what the piece of armor was that is the bonus. Meaning its a single piece. Thank you.