And a little bit of vomit. I like it. Simple, but lighting seems to bright for me. But I guess that's why it is not my sig.
You (and Kidbomber) have the best lighting in this GnA community, in my personal opinion. I love all aspects, but the clipping masks appear as random to me.
Honestly the lightings off the me. The lighting is actually coming from the multiple sourcs, look at the left man's hands, the smile wrinkles or w/e on Obama's face, and the shadow from the lady's sleeves. I'm bit a big fan of the text, but I would think if the smaller stuff was actually harder to read it would be better. For such a bright light source, it seems strange how dark the sides are. All me opinions of course
a little bit of clipping masks Every looked at chung_wii's recent tags? He is the master at it. I agree on KB, not really Miraj. He just brushes with a white soft brush XD <3 Miraj
There is really no point into arguing over this. If by looking at the picture you think "soft brush" then I didn't do well with the lighting. I'll try to improve it in my future signatures.
Its more than just that, I didn't want to insult you and was I trying to argue? Talk to me on skype brah.
So you don't see the gradient of light to dark in this sig at all. If there was just a soft brush for lighting, the sides wouldn't be dark like they are now. Just so you know..
It may be, I don't know. But I know there was more work put into lighting then a soft brush. He could have used Render -> Lighting effects like I do. Just so you know