i've been chilled out to Led Zeppelin the past 3 days. I started at Led Zeppelin I and i'm currently on Houses of the Holy. right at this moment: YouTube - D'yer Mak'er by Led Zeppelin mmmmm
It's like prefect summer music, bro. YouTube - Washed Out - Feel it all around YouTube - Toro y Moi - Talamak YouTube - Memory Cassette - Asleep at a Party --- I did that at one point, like last summer, or something. <3
all of the really in-depth recording and crafting of every Zeppelin track is starting to make all electronic music sound really drowned out and bland. All the humanity behind each individual sound, with all the imperfections.. it's just so real. I'll have to ease back into it after i get off this binge. I just have to let some electro burst my eardrums for a bit and i'll get off this boat i stumbled on. i think. im just slightly worried i broke the rest of my library with Led Zeppelin. rofl.
Acouple of weeks ago I was on a really heavy psychedelic indie rock binge, After that I was on a mix tape binge by this dude Childish Gambino. Now its chillwave.
My dad basically raised me on the Eagles, so anytime I feel bored of any genre, I can always return to good 'ol Hell Freezes Over.
God damnnit I need to find one person on this site to talk about basketball with, hell I was going to make a NBA thread, but that will be hella pointless...
The band i ALWAYS go back to is the White Stripes. i know that band like the back of my hand. never gets old. --- Translation: "hey black guy, you are black, and a lot of black guys play basketball, therefor you probably follow basketball, correct?"
Sweet. One ****ing person. luls at vidya game website. I should still go make an NBA thread haha. Yes, I'm a Bulls fan(watched every game the last two seasons). Let's see, if I were in your shoes, you want Lebron to stay and play, yet in my shoes I want Lebron to come play with Boozer, Rose, and Noah. Clearly the best option for him, now considering the Bosh/Wade combo.
it's not that it's a vidya game website, it's the fact that basketball is as boring as your ****. never any action.
Coming from 5'2 guy who can't make baskets, amirite lol? Also, imo the NFL is the best sport to watch on tv, then NHL. Yet, I find basketball and baseball the best sport to actually go to. I've gone to all five of my hometowns sports games many times.
ahah touche NHL > everything else. also, my city pwns your city at all sports. especially football. ...... (....)
Heyyy BT sorry for the crazy late response. Yeah I'm up for it, when? Cause I don't have much of a time slot... Depending on when dinner is I have about 3 hours tops tonight...