Holy **** I have bungie chest!! Everyone check their armor!! So much for this being the worst bungie day ever lol
HOLY ***ING BBQ SHI* **** OMG f*** LAWL Really? thats disappionting. Everyone in matchmaking will just run around with their head on fire and it will become obnoxious to the point of.... OH HELL I HAVE A MOTHER ***ING FLAMING HELMET. WOO! EDIT: I'm off to troll in matchmaking for all the noobs who haven't realized it yet. LAWL
Ohh shi, your ****ing joking right? Ohh and you knwo Bungie said there would be timed death barriers instead of gay-ass invis barriers, I think they came through on their word, and have made then disableable as well (is that a word, lol)
they do a good job at dealing with a sea of obnoxious 13 year olds. little shits expecting to be spoiled on 'bungie day' even though there's nothing more to really give us.
I saw nothing even remotely fake about the jetpack-flag. Why in the world would that NOT be an option in customs? --- A post on the MLG forums and my reply. It is relevant to people's interests here. The chess map was obviously forged, and good call about the trees and rocks outside looking similar. The blank skybox and other features were obviously unfinished in that Chess vide. Blood Gulch very well could be a forged remake. Wasn't there also a comment about some of the maps that ship with the game being made in forge? I understand that that could mean anything from Powerhouse was forged to there will be maps like default Foundry and Sandbox, but it doesn't seem impossible for Blood Gulch to have been forged.
Here's a wild idea. Bungie has made one huge map (considerably larger than halo 3's sandbox map) were each area is editable. Kind of the same line of Ladnils post this, except it could be possible that every map in the game is actually one HUGEE map. I doubt it, but it could be possible to some extent, as in maybe one huge map which includes two small maps, which is what Ladnil's quote says. Kind of like how every map in Halo 3 is based of the theme of somewhere in campaign, except the two areas are merged together. There is a tower like the one from the covenant campaign mission in the video which I saw, meh, you never know..
Source me okay, it could be an option but it definetly looked fake. Sarge wasn't moving his legs for one nor was he actually holding the flag. His hands were in the position of holding a gun. Compare how a jetpack user normally flies to that and there's some really obvious differences.
games not finished yet, this could be an issue cause they haven't playtested holding objectives in the jetpack. also, blood gulch 3.0 or whatever looks gorgeous
The video was filmed on a dev-kit, the flag in the video was not the flag in the BETA, which suggests to me that rooster teeth had the knowledge to edit source files and as such, Rifte's comment could be true, they could have easily edited the source file of a weapon to display as a flag instead. I don't know why his feet didn't move though, maybe it's an update to the game?
The game's at ZBR already though. Bungie could've just given Rooster Teeth a version with a different flag skin too though. When Sarge is ontop of the canyon you can see he is holding the flag normally. Appearance>Body>Bungie It looks like EOD and the flames only show ingame not in your service record
Everyone's does. Go onto the armor editor, then change your body to Bungie. Ironicly, the flaming helmets are controlled by a body piece! -.- --- Yeah Bungie are working on Reach, not editing for Machinima purposes. The quality of the Bungie Logo on the flag looks quite bad. The flag coding could just be setup to wave an image, such as a jpeg file. Roosterteeth are plenty capable of changing a Jpeg file with a Dev-Kit, I can guarantee that!
It is Bungie Day; Bungie's most prized day of the year. I'm pretty sure they would have gone out of their way just to give the flag a simple different skin just for today so they could have Rooster Teeth make a short machinima for them. I don't think the flag is low quality either.
If you had read that update in the forums (I think a link was posted here), the work was left for 343 and roosterteeth. Trust me, rooster teeth will have been given Dev-Kit's by Microsoft so they can do more Machinimas, it makes sense. TBH, there is no more evidence other than the video I can tell you. We will have to wait until rooster teeth do some more RvB videos. Any signs of dev-kittery in there will show you
Where was this? Rooster Teeth isn't a gaming company. I know that 343 is taking over but when did Rooster Teeth get in? And if they have been in the business for so long now, why haven't we seen any evidence of Dev-Kit modding? If you're talking about the last few machinimas they made in their Revelations series that was CGI
Not being a gaming company doesn't stop modders... I think Microsoft would make an exception for the biggest Machinima company for their console. As I said, other than the video, there is no other evidence. & I know the last videos were CGI.