Hi there this my first post here in ForgeHub, and I've gotten some cool maps and game from here so I made account here and I made a cool photo my H3 Spartan I got the 2 glitches for the security helmet and the katana and I got achievements for them today and now I'm showing my guy! I think this looks great! What do you think?
For future reference, here is a tutorial on how to embed your screenshots. Embedded pix=people happy.
Nice job catching on quickly with embedded pics, usually new people are tougher to learn. Well, I understand you wanted to show off your armor in these shots, but it doesn't do too much of a job there. The first one is sorta ok, but the main focal, the subject that the eyes naturally attract to, is the Spartan's shotgun, which is contradictory to you wanting to show off Security. The second, I must say, is a great improvement compared to the first, but it's still not exactly focused on just the armor. Thanks to the sun's position and the obvious shadowy effect on the armor, the secondary focal is the sun, detracting the attention of the viewer to it from the armor. Also, with the knees being brought up to his waist, and the arms across his chest, the armor is more of the second thought in the picture. So yeah. Welcome to Forgehub, come in, take your shoes off, relax. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions, but be sure to see if the question hasn't already been asked, by using the Search function in the navbar at the top (under the banner) of every page.