I'm quoting this from a popular modding website (so hence I will not link it unless a mod/admin posts & gives permish). It's quite likely this was copied from bungie.net anyway.. I never got to play ivory tower but from what everyone who has played it has said, if it is in Reach, it will be TEH B34ST!
I dont know about all this noise... Seems pretty weak on backing info to support the theory. However, I will happily take the remake if it is on the game, i loved the **** out of that map.
It does make me think of a hotel... Ivory Tower reminded me of a hotel... We'll see... Glass windows with a view of Reach? Either Ivory Tower or a weird looking Damnation.
I think that a "cube map" refers to the polygon count or something, but I'd welcome an Ivory Tower remake nonetheless.
The phrase "All of the maps are from campain" doesnt meantion which campain... what if we end up getting scenes from other campains, like the final boss room in Halo 2, or the massive bridge in the early parts of CE?
I sure hope so. That was a supah fun map. I just wish we could get some sort of super hard long puzzle to figure out which maps remade will be in Reach. Not so much for the maps, I just want a super long puzzle.
It was a suite for some rich guy (kind of like a hotel I supposed) turned into a park. Anyway, I sure hope it is a remake, but it would be very different with the jetpack.
I think it'd be different in a better sense of the word, no more lift camping, not more being screwed over if you ran for rockets, assuming rockets stay in the same spot. I think it would a smart move for bungie to bring back a classic.
I never thought in a million years i'd see this particular map again, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense from the text.