T A C K L E B A L L PLAYER LIST P1MPxSLaSH E inglourious 3 Mocha Sun *need more players. post that you want to play to get on this list A new soon-to-be professional halo sport used with oddball that could be used for matchmaking. I had made this sport before the "Haloball" thread was posted so don't think I'm copying anyone. I just enjoy new halo sports and ones that arent grifball. So what is this TackleBall? And does it include tackling? Well, yes it includes much tackling in the sense of meleeing. It is a FFA sport but I have a team gametypeTackleBall is basically 3 Oddballs, 16 players on their own, and a whole lot of ball-killing. The round starts with your sword and hammer, and you can pick up 1 of 3 balls the ball carrier turns white and is therefore easily identified. You get points by killing other players while holding a ball (instant melee kill). ...Or killing one of the guys with the ball. So you smarter ones are thinking, "hey can't you just wait for someone to pick up the ball and then just assassinate them to get an easy point?" Well think again. If you kill someone with the ball you get 5 whomping points. However, each ballkill point counts for 10 points so if you kill a guy thats carrying the ball, you only get half as many points as you would if you had the ball. Additionally, the ball-carrier can take twice as much damage. So team up against the ball-carriers with your fellow enemies then fight over the ball he drops! So what happens when 2 ball carriers meet? Well sadly, it usually results in symmetrical death but hey, let's get back on track. The thing TackleBall has that Grifball doesnt, it GRENADES! And play-testing revealed that grenades are in fact no way at all cheap or unfair, but incredibly strategic. The explosion is so small, and the ball carrier can take 2x as much damage as normal, so attempting to 'nade the ball-carrier or a group of people is fair and must be done strategically in order to be successful. Another strategic attribute about TackleBall is that the carriers' shields don't recover so in order to recover shields, they must drop the ball in order to regain regeneration; thus leaving the ball open. So if you want to survive, you're going to have to drop that ball, or if you're on a team, give it to your teammate. the last strategic attribute we'll cover is use of the gravity hammer. Since the arena is in the sky, you can fall off and lose the ball. So if you decide to camp on the edge, be prepared to get grav-ham'd off. RULE OVERVIEW 8-16 players get 10pts for ball kills get 5pts for ball carrier kills get 1pt for additional kills get 0pts for holding the ball for each second. ball carrier takes 2 hits of either the sword or hammer a non-ball-carrier dies instantly by any attack (except grenades) ball carrier shield does not recharge automatic ball-pickup activated non-ball-carrier shield recharges 50% slower than normal please download play and comment below FFA TACKLEBALL GAMETYPE TEAM TACKLEBALL GAMETYPE TACKLEBALL MAP
Quote: "So what happens when 2 ball carriers meet?" "Well sadly, it usually results in symmetrical death" LOL! Gameplay dosen't seem to bad. It seems fun but the stadium is griffball up there with no temple thingy were your supposed plant the bomb. Good game but im gonna wait a while when a new stadium comes out. 5/5 for gametype Good luck on your hopes of this becoming a sport!
thanks for the 5/5! I need a full party to play it with so just message me if you want to play it and we'll get a bunch of people together! Hopefully it will get featured if you guys like it enough!
!UPDATE! the TackleBall Arena now features decorative obstacles and 2 pitfalls to throw your opponints into! You can now jump up to get the helpful overshield that spawns in at 60 seconds for that extra boost!
If you merge the corner larges in the new version into the ground, people can walk on them easier. I suggest it. Interesting game! The GT is just the name, so add me if and invite me anytime im on if you would like.
interesting point. and very true. I will update the map as soon as I can. In this thread, I will also be releasing different map and game varients for the game as well as a list of people who want to play! PREVIEW Speed Ball is the newest version of TackleBall and will be posted as soon as I get it on my File Share. The varient features all players having blinding speed but the ball carriers are slower