Aside from the two names here, I have no idea what meet the queens is. Reason I asked what it meant was because I had no idea what it meant.
lol, I didn't realize how shitty this looks! I'll update the OP and maybe it'll make more sense... Its for my chess thread.
Mine was a pardoy of the parody, like a list of the queens I got the TF2 parody, but still I have no idea how the gametype works. Make the background transparent
I cant wait to smash both of you kids at your own game! Ive been waiting for you two to release this map for toooo ****in long, whats the god damn holdup? In all seriousness though, I kind of hoped you would use gold columns for kings, regular columns for queens, obelisks for bishops, fins for knights, stone platforms for rooks and red and blue columns for pawns. I mean i hate to judge before i even see the map, but i think it will be a huge cluster**** of weapons and vehicles otherwise. Dont take it the wrong way, I just figured if there was ever room for suggestion, now would be the time. If you need any help play testing (or getting your ass handed to you in chess) id be more than happy to help