I think the idea is really a cool idea, however the contrast of light and dark is a little too much. Also, the flames are a little too bland and need more work. The 6 at the end is blended in a lot and most people dont like it but i love it. Also, the text is very strange... Im not sure what it is but it feels fake.
I was working on the contrast when my PC crashed. I already had this pic saved and it didn't look that bad! The flames were better but they got messed up when I uploaded it. I might fix this up soonish but at the moment I have other things to do.
Like yoyo sad, the contrast kills me, there really isn't a sense of depth, it's just, an awkward font and some fire. What program are you using?
I was going to offer advice when I learned what you use, however, I've used blender once...so...yeah. =P
V2. It's also way to big to be considered a Sig. Sigs are generally 500X200 pixels, any larger it becomes a Large Piece or Large Art.
I have a smaller version for my sig. That ones just larger so you can see all the detail better. What do I need to improve on?
The fire seems too consistent and doesnt look realistic. The lighting on the top of the letters appears to come from the pentagram, however the colour of the light is white rather than the purple of the pentagram. Also, the fire should alter the colour of the black part of the text as well. Just something that bugged me a bit. Also, both fire and text are in a straight line, yet the T is in front of the fire and the 56 is behind it. Next, the fire seems to be going up at the sides for no reason, it would seem like its going over something but nothing is there. Also, the fire is still really bland and pretty boring.
The black background really helps with your depth, your kind of good in that category. The fire effect is pretty cool, in a weird way, but the text blends in pretty well. Work on getting text to blend in more of a natural way. It looks like it doesn't belong.