Spoiler I posted the thread a while ago on XF there with the complete list in text, everyone was all like rawr rawr rawr it's all fake and then after E3 where dozens of things have been confirmed true, only one people actually replied admitting they were wrong about their assumption. There's a moral to this story. There's already several leaked pieces of content that have made their way to FH in their own threads and nothing's really been done about them, I'm not sure if action will actually be taken on this thread too. Regardless, nice find OP. I've known about the majority of these announcements already and I'm a fairly open minded person, I believe this is legit.
I dont think it matters Rifte, leaked info is leaked info regardless. Technically, this is not allowed to be posted here. However i doubt anybody will do anything about it no matter what goes on...
I don't even know what to think. I do hope the Wheelman Spree is real though, I'm an excellent wheelman...
Immoveable object? Do you thinks this means that we can toggle an object to moveable/immoveable? That'd be pretty sick. This could possibly be fake though, as I'm sure their is halo 3-esque voice generators
Huh? That's what I just said.. I'm not gonna bother looking for that in the video, but I'm pretty sure the immovable object you heard was just a juggernaut killing frenzy.
:O Wait... somehow i meant to say something different but said the same thing... And i have no idea what i intended.... lol /fail. Anyway This looks pretty sexy even though i doubt its validity. There is a possiblity that it could be leaked footage, and there is a possibility that it could NOT be. I hope like hell it is, cus I WANT MAH ROCKET RACEZ BAK NAOW!!!
Yay they made rocket race an default gametype I can't wait to play reach even more now and finally theres a laser spree man I've been wanting the laser to have its own sprees. Also Sparky09 its the real guy awhile back on a bungie weekly update they gave us some sounds of him saying stuff if you listen to it its him. http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=24866
Rally isn't a new gametype, it's just brought back from halo: CE. If it is legit, I'm looking forward to grifball in a regular rotation.
YouTube - Halo Reach Beta: Juggernaut Ownage 150-0 Skip to about 1:40 and watch the kill feed. Immovable object is indeed a Juggernaut Killing Frenzy. I'm not sure to call this fake or not, but it's definitely leaked info if it's real.
Dont all these things he said like second gunman or whatever come from the beta, like extracted from it, then it isnt fake. Somebody extracted a lot of info from the beta and a lot of the info was true before Bungie released the info.
DITTO. i always thought more credit should go to drivers also, i hope there is a medal for warthog gunner spree, rampage, etc..... a medal for driving the flag carrier would be awesome, might be hard to track though
Immovable Object is a Juggernaut spree like said above ^ And a Few of them could of been from other halo games. like "Firefight" could of been stolen from ODST and put in there.(I know firefight is in reach just example) So I know for a fact: -least 1 of them is real. -A few of them are real ones from other games that have a high chance of been in Reach. -Few of them have a good possibility of been in Reach "Wing-Man" Assist Spree. -Doesn't mean all of them will be in and some of them could be fake.