Sandbox Campgrounds

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Bloo Jay, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    13,000 years after the creation of this ancient Campgrounds, only fragments remain.

    Designed by: Vincent Torre

    Forged by: Vincent Torre and HomerSPC

    A MickRaider Map.

    Campgrounds is the brainchild of MickRaider. Originally designed as a map in Quake 2 by id Software, Campgrounds was brought up through many games, like Quake 3 and now even Halo. Mick designed the map closely around the original design of Campgrounds, but the final plan for the map was to design it as best he could for Halo game types. Mick's forging class, dubbed "The Remakers" first attempted the map back in late 2009, but quickly abandoned it due to to a game with sissy soldiers using Heart beat senors.

    Thus, campgrounds sat unloved for a few months until Mick heard of the Foreign Treasures contest. He found the file containing his unloved map, recruited myself, and we were off to the races. We originally forged another version of this map, which was much to small for our tastes, and thus scrapped it. With about a week gone in our pursuit of the beanbag chair, we started the map from scratch. Three weeks later (And a lot of Dr. Pepper), Campgrounds is a here, and what we would like to call a success.

    Now before you run off, I would like to tell you all about Mick's baby (I feel like such a creepy guy saying this). Campgrounds can play every competitive game type* (I don't see what reason you could possibly have playing Infection on this beaut), and it excels at King of the Hill and Slayer. Grab the Sniper or Overshield if at Red, and Grab the Needler and Active Camo at Blue, trust me. In either of these game types, most people testing have found their way not to the rockets, but to the Curved hallway or centre pit. Use those fancy new weapons, bro!

    Now after that first rush, someone will have found those pesky rockets. Don't worry, they're not as powerful as one might expect. Simply grab a longer range gun, and the Rockets won't have a chance. But wait, whats this? You don't want to see the boring old Battle Rifle/Carbine layout? Great, we've added one of those (also very underloved) Sentinel Beams! Take that rocket ***** (Input your best friend's name for "Rocket *****") out... To dinner of course!

    After you've solved the problem with that pesky rocket and asked them to dinner, why not take a stroll with them down the curved hall? It'll be worth your while because a KOTH hill spawns here, as well as that godly sniper I told you to get earlier. Take people out from your vantage point or skill jump your way across the gap back up onto Bridge, which evidently leads to rockets.

    But, what if you don't feel like doing this, and getting up in your friend's grill instead? First of all, make sure you know the proper definition of grill, and then walk your way over to the hallway of grass walls. In the corner, just sitting there alone, is your new best friend - The shotty rifle... I mean shotgun. Treat her nicely, and you'll get back secks! (Yet again, proper definition is given in the earlier link or if you click here)

    By the time the game is over, you'll have made 3 new friends, gotten the shotgun's number, and had a good laugh with your friends. But hey, why not play again!? The fun doesn't just stop with the one gametype!

    For those who didn't get a laugh at any of this, I'm sorry I've wasted your time, so here is what you wanted to know in a heartbeat:

    4-12 supported. Recommended 8-12

    Supports All Gametypes

    BR Starts, KoTH, Team Slayer, One Bomb


    Battle Rifles
    Sentinel Beams

    Active Camo
    Bubble Shield
    Power Drainer

    Now, after reading all this (Actually, no. You skipped to here, right?), here are the pictures!



    Mick and I would like to thank The ForgeHub Community, id Software, the ForgeHub Tester's Guild and any testers that helped us test, B3NW and of course YOU for viewing this thread. <3

    But before I forget, and before you all get too impatient, Here are the download link(s) and what version number.


    #1 Bloo Jay, Jul 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2010
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    So, I'm your little stalker? I don't see that as a bad thing, because if I hadn't been stalking you I wouldn't have been able to download this beautiful map until tomorrow. I mean, I've already got a previous version of it, but this version might be a helluva lot better. Any map fueled by Dr. Pepper is a map for me. From the lovely halls made entirely out of tin cups to the ramps as smooth as a baby's bottom, I feel like the whole map's just gonna slip out from under me as I fall into a whirlpool of stolen beanie bag chairs, and red titles known here as "Premium." Anyways, enough with the hallucinatory drug talk, let's get back to the map at hand. I've never played Quake 1 or Quake 2, but this version of Campgrounds kinda makes me want to get on Ebay right now an order that **** up! I don't know much about gameplay right now, as I've only done a forge-through, but I really like the layout, and forging done here. Bloo Jay... When you said you were making a map for the Foreign Treasures contest, I would have never guessed your forging partner was Mick Raider! Whoa... I haven't color-coded text in awhile, I've gotta take a break here, this wall of text is turning all sorts of funny colors. Typing in the dark sucks. I'll type up a review later if I feel like it. As of now, let's hope B to the T doesn't give me an I to the N. (Infraction...)
    #2 Conkerkid11, Jul 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  3. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    ...Anyway, the handful of times I've played this with Nondual it has been insanely fun. Not to mension the first time I went into the game I had no idea what exactly it was being that I didn't have my headset on. Pretty much instantly I knew that I had seen this map before.

    I believe the few things I had pointed out in the initial (initial for me, I don't know if that was the first play test about a week ago.) and the one suggestion I had for a hill helped.

    All in all, this is an amazing remake of the original. id Software would be proud to see their creation live on into the Halo universe.
    #3 Noxiw, Jul 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Oh my god this post was worth my time <3
    This map plays like ungodly, especially in KoTH an one flag, and it's very accurate while sti retaining everything that made the original so much effing fun! AND it plays well in halo :)
    So much good, so little bad, an it's made by Mick & Bloo, what could be better?
    #4 Jex Yoyo, Jul 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2010
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    By the definition in this thread (which was linked twice), getting fap while waiting for secks to happen.

    But thank you all above for the great feedback already. I made this post to give you all a comedic break from some of the more 53ri0u5 posts in this forum. <3

    'Tis our map, he told me to, and I don't think you would've gotten quite the same writeup as I made. :p
    #5 Bloo Jay, Jul 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Campgrounds was very fun to test. The circular design made KoTH crazy and hectic awesomeness, which truly is the best gametype for this map. Spawns do need a little work, as I was killed a few times upon spawning. The sentinel beam was a weird choice, but it really wasn't that big of a deal gameplay wise. A few of the lifts were difficult to go up. But this truly is a competitor in the Foreign Treasures contest. Goo luck dawg
    #6 cluckinho, Jul 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    YAY I got the honors of testing this masterpiece.

    After playing this map for about an hour or so, I can tell that the hard work was definitely worth it because this map plays incredibly. The one quote that I heard that I would like to emphasize about this map is:
    "I don't know if I will win the Foreign Treasures contest aesthetically, but this map was designed to play well and that is what matters." (or something along those lines)

    Although the map isn't dolled up with all of the aesthetics that many people have been craving for in the contest, it dominates in the field of gameplay. Don't get me wrong, the map still has beautiful designs (like the "futuristic space turf wall") and the actual layout, but you didn't try to cripple the actual map so you could add all of the useless designs and structures into the map. You made it so that the player will enjoy playing the map instead of enjoying the view of the map and this is why it has my vote for the contest.
  8. Spawn of Saltine

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    That could have been me?? well I'm sure plenty of people said it. I said that Most of the other maps have good aesthetics and not good game play, but Campgrounds has That good game play.

    I played 2 slayer games and an oddball game on the map and they were great. The only problem was the oddball game where we won 100-2 some how.. but I'm sure that has been fixed since then.

    The slayer gametype worked wonderful and I enjoyed every second of it. My favorite part of the map was the jumping columns over to the Invis. There was plenty of vertical combat and the game ended great when someone went through a lift at the bottom and got assassinated on their way up =D

    The transitions from the Bottom of the map to the Lower and reverse are great. using the man cannons as a lift worked good instead of the standard "large ramp up to the next level." Obviously aesthetics weren't the 'cream of the crop' w/ this map but that doesn't really bother me that much when I'm actually playing the map..

    The only thing that needed to be focused on here was the Remake and how well you did it. You guys remade the map very well and the gameplay is better than other maps in the contest and thats why I think you guys have a solid chance at grabbing a spot on the winners stand at the end of the day.
  9. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Holy Crap! I remember testing this one out!

    The only gametype I can conclusively remember is BR One Flag, and that worked out great. I'd almost recommend that you add that gametype somewhere in your post, simply because of how well it fit in with your map. It was like the gametype was made for your map. Well, my post is coming to an end. If anyone has any questions on how well the map plays, they will be answered as soon as you load it up and play it with a party. This map is amazing, regardless of any sparkly graphics or shiny aesthetic pieces. This is, gameplay-wise, the most amazing submission so far.

    (P.S. Exactly what map from quake was this based off of? It's on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember it.)
  10. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    I will first say this map looks really clean in merging so I give you props for that. The map look slike the gameplay flow style will flow alot like construct in a way.

    I will be sure to get back to you about this map.
  11. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I'm glad you liked it Conker. I hope it's not another small ass quake live map ;)

    Thanks Nick, I do owe the hill location ideas to you, and they work very well :)

    I did a bit of work on spawns and added spawn areas in slayer which I think help the spawning greatly. Though I only have 1 object left so I can't do spawn areas for any other gametype, but I think I fixed most if not all of the spawn issues.

    The sentinel beam is fun and supposed to resemble the lightning gun, which I think it does.

    As for the lifts, you probably tested beta 3, beta 4 has much more consistent lifts, I think you'll like them.

    Thanks for this awesome post man :)

    Thanks as well. Always nice to hear that people enjoy my maps as much as I do :)

    I'm glad you liked CTF. I wasn't sure how well people enjoyed it so I didn't recommend it as one of it's best gametypes.

    Ps: it's called campgrounds in quake 2 and campgrounds redux in quake 3/live
    #11 Vincent Torre, Jul 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  12. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Campgrounds isn't a small map, what are you talking about Mick? Lol... Anyways, I don't know what I was talking about then, but this is now, so yeah. Great forging guys, I need to get some real custom games played on this and some other Foreign Treasures maps...
  13. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    #13 Vincent Torre, Jul 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2010
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Did you fix all of the grenade holes? I am a grenade hole *****, ask steve! :D

    But srsly, i hate them. My grenades are pro and if i ever lose them on your map again i will have to tear it apart peice my peice until its random objects everywhere then shove every one of them up your crypt-hole into the skybubble. They were one of the few major problems i had with the map. Which is positive i guess, cus that means that Campgrounds is a pretty good map.
  15. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I fixed as many as I could. I hate them too so I try to avoid them if at all possible in my maps. I stretched the scenery so much that a few are inevitable. There's already so many items on the map I don't think the engine could handle that many more with 12 people.
  16. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
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    The map is great and if you need anymore testers, please invite me. I always look at layout first thing and its pretty good. Aesthetics are amazing. Actually, I'm confused with the structures, it looks like a maze from what I can see but still a good map. 10/10.
    #16 The Muppet King, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010

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