Sandbox Get Those Dudes on The Ghost

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by jorgecb565, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    Get Those Dudes on The Ghosts
    Created by: xXI Crush LXx

    Recommended players: 5 – 16
    Required Gametype: Get Those Dudes

    Ok guys! So I am back with yet another creation. This time I went on and decided to go for a creation entirely made by me. I started fooling around with ideas, trying to make pieces fit together, but it wasn’t until I played the well-known “Lava Pit”, that I really began making this game. See, it was near the end of the round, only Energy and some other dude were left. There was only 1 ghost left, and to Energy’s misfortune, it was under the other dude’s control. Energy jumped and dodged, but, after a while, let’s just say he got OWNED. So, after making the idea a reality, I present to you guys “Get Those Dudes on The Ghosts!”

    Ok enough babbling; now let’s get on with the game itself. The game is 6 rounds long, each being of 3 minutes. There are 2 alpha zombies, and the humans only have 1 life. The map consists of three platforms. The humans spawn in the center platform, while the zombies spawn in the outer two (One in each).

    The main goal for the zombies is to enter the middle platforms, try to take down a human, and then exit to the next platform. You may be asking yourself, “But, why not just stay in the middle platform?”. Well, for the first part, the middle platform is pretty small, so it’s pretty hard to stay in and actually kill. For the second part, the humans have shotguns.

    The main goal for the humans is to survive; and if possible, kill the zombies.
    Ok, here are the traits.

    Human traits:
    No Shields
    Gravity: 200%
    Speed: 75%
    Waypoint: yes
    Starting Grenades: No
    Forced Color: Blue
    Damage: 50%

    Zombie traits:
    Damage resistance: 300%
    Gravity: 200%
    Speed: 50%

    Now onto the pictures!



    Inside 2:

    Shield Door in Middle Platform to Help Zombie:

    While being a Zombie, use the Jump button and the boost trigger, at the same time to take down any jumping Humans. Also try to each take a different platform; work as a team take unsuspecting humans from behind.

    While being a Human, callout to your teammate. When possible try to jump the zombies, but be aware, if you see the zombie using the jump button (Hard to tell), just crouch. The zombie will pass over you. It takes practice to become a good human, but with time, you will get it.

    Ok so that was pretty much it! DOWNLOAD AND COMMENT!


    #1 jorgecb565, Jun 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2010
  2. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    What do you mean when you tell the zombies to use the jump button if their already in a ghost? Is it just for a timing kind of thing?
  3. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    If u use the JUMP button while in the ghost, the ghost will sort of "lift", and jump higher than usual
  4. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    So is this like Splatter Fest or something?
  5. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    the game is pretty simple:
    Zombies splatter humans - Humans dodge zombies
  6. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    So it's like Smear The ***** in reverse? Interesting, I'll give it a try. I will probably leave feedback later, after I give it a try.
  7. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    No, this is basically a cheap rip off of "The Bat Cave." where the humans are in the middle and the ghost, or bat, has to ramp across and splatter people.

    But other than that, The forging is pretty clean and looks like it took a little bit of time. I would have made a roof, because it makes it feel more closed in.
    #7 Cheeze, Jun 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2010
  8. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    AWWW... i thought i was original... never thought this might have been done.

    Im sorry i really didn't know; anyone mind giving me a link to the map "The Bat Cave"?
    #8 jorgecb565, Jun 29, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  9. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
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    I wouldn't call it "a cheap rip off" because in a few ways it better,
    and on top of that it looks nice n' simple, and has good details at
    the same time. I would think it took some time to make and
    doesn't deserve to be called cheap. I give it a well deserving 9/10.
  10. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I give you my full approval. Interesting you noticed the 'jump' button, not many know of that, though it really isn't a jump, more of a suttle lift. Anyway, very cool game, really like how the platform jumping works. Nice aesthetics as well.
    #10 Seaboro Kibbles, Jun 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2010
  11. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    Thanks for the good review

    You too Seaboro Kibbles, is good to know that some people are actually liking the game
  12. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    The Cave

    Although the gameplay does look like it'll be similar with the whole humans stand on central platform while ghosts "jump" at them, I've seen a few differences just from reading the thread. Firstly, there are only 2 entrances as opposed to 8; the zombies appear to take much more damage before dying; humans get shotguns instead of plasma pistols + picking up spike grenades; central platform is much bigger; humans are visible; you can tell where the ghost is coming from much sooner. Nice asthetics though mate, wish I'd known about ghost merging when making The Cave, looks very smooth. Can't comment on gameplay till I play on it, so I'll DL it some time and give it a go.
  13. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    Wow thanks; I am actually relieved that ur not mad with me for unconsciously "stealing" your idea. Thank's for the comment, and apparently, everybody is appealing to the aesthetics; and for the record, i didnt use ghost merge for the map.
  14. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Haha no worries man. Great minds think alike ;) In that case, the aesthetics are very impressive. I'll try to get a game on this sometime this weekend and edit this post with a decent review.
  15. Jo351

    Jo351 Ancient
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    I'm not complaining but your map reminds me alot of my map, except I used warthogs instead of ghosts. (link in sig) Anyways, the map is well built and looks smooth. The lack of zombies would make me think they would be losing more often the more players you have. Is there a balance issue? One life makes it a pain for the people that die soon, if you had timed events to make it easier for one side to win or even a respawn room to play in or something like that would help with waiting the the round to end.

    The Map: 9/10 it looks smooth and looks fine.
    Originality: 5/10 it has been done before, but it is well made.
    Gameplay: N/A I needed more to download and try with friends.
    #15 Jo351, Aug 4, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2010
  16. Tucci

    Tucci Ancient
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    Great idea, and very well executed. Downloaded a week or two ago and got to play customs with it but never left feedback. The spam bump from shovel actually brought this to my attention. My friends absolutely LOVED it. The only problem was that it proved rather easy to kill the zombies and the rounds went quicly. Other than that, great game mode and great aesthetics. Nice job.

    @Shovel: Try to keep your posts to a minimum of 2 sentences. I understand if you're trying to leave feedback, but 6 word posts dont get you anything other than an infrac. Reported.
  17. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
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    Thanks, and by the way, you can always change the gametype to your likeing. I believed that those were the correct traits, but if you feel humans should make less damage, or whatever... feel free to edit it.

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