Invasion Slayer on Fort Beta 2219 Created by Zow Jr. Invasion Slayer Remake on a simple, yet well built and played map Map Used: Sandbox Supported Gametypes: Custom Gametype(s) Story: Another Boring day on the job. Spartan 804 Hero Got out of his Warthog as a Pelican latched it onto it's tail and ascended away with it. Hero had been a Spartan III for nearly fourteen years. He made it through all his battles unfazed and near unscathed, giving him his famous moniker, Hero. He saw a more slender spartan, Kathy, gesture for him and he walked off the landing pad. Kathy had been a Spartan for nearly thirteen years and was famous as a sniper for her team. Hero had been working mediocre perimeter jobs since the last battle of Harvest. This was no different. Apparently he and his team were to check the perimeter of a "top priority" Nuclear reactor base. "Tch. Some nuclear base. Just a couple ol beat up shacks and an even bigger nuclear power cell is all this pathetic excuse for a Top Priority UNSC asset is." Retorted Ryan, A big spartan II retired from a secret military operation who was skilled in close quarters and heavy weapons. "Well we were sent here to investigate suspicious activity here, possibly dangerous." Kathy replied. "Besides, wasn't there a bigger force here earlier? Why don't they get them to scout the damn perimeter?" Ryan Grumbled. "That's enough just scout the damn perimeter and I will be right back." Hero Interrupted in a irritated voice Hero went inside to see a shorter spartan checking the nuclear levels. Higher levels were usually good. Hero was thinking about the suspicious activity that was going on while Gregory blabbed on his mindless scientificy yab. He heard Greg near exclaim and asked what was up. "Not good." Gregory said in return. "Nuclear levels are way too low. One of the power chords is cut." Hero felt himself sweat a bit when he heard cut instead of tear. He ran up to the comm antenna while Greg went to check it out. What's up?" Kathy inquired. Hero gave no response. as he turned on the radio. TF165: This is task force 165 Our nuclear reactor is under attack. Possible covenant threat and.. oh my God a WRAAA-*Radio static* DS343:This is Delta Squad 343! Help us! Covenant have attacked our reactor and I need backup now! *Crash* *ROOOOOOOOAAAR* N-NO P-PLEASE DON'T *Energy crackles* AAAAAAAGH! *ROOOOOOAAAAAAAR* *Radio Static* CT180: This is command tower 180. We have backup at the ready. All available reactor units please respond. Repeat we have backup at the ready. Hero: This is Beta Squad 2219. I read you CT. I have a code Yellow in suspicion of Covenant activity, need backup ASAP. Repeat, this is Spartan 804 Hero I need backup for possible covenant activity. CT180: Roger that. Backup is around seven clicks away. Give em Hell Spartan. Hero ran as fast as he could to Greg's location, the broken power chord. But alas, it was too late. He saw his friend's dead body on the ground. it had been stabbed. He soon figured out the murder weapon too. An energy sword lay on the ground beside his fallen friend. He saw a strange silhouette. An Elite Suddenly de-cloaked it's active camo. The Elite just stared. Long and hard. Hero grew mad with rage and picked up the sword. The Elite grunted a challenging grunt and they clashed swords. Hero attempted a right hook, the Elite blocked it and swung at Hero's neck. Hero ducked and kicked the Elite back and swung. Unfortunately the Elite had a great handle on his sword and he knocked Hero's sword out of his hand and tackled him. Hero lost consciousness for a moment. When he came to, the Elite was standing over him, sword in hand. "Your race shall suffer the same fate as your companion. For it is the will of the gods and we-" "Blah blah blah." Hero Retorted. "Ya gonna kill me or what." "Aren't we eager?" The Elite snorted. He jumped high into the air. just what Hero needed. With his arms free he took his piston in hand and... The Elite fell at his feet. Still seeking justice for his friend Hero took the Elite's own sword and cut off his head with it. He heard a whoosh and saw a Spirit dropship un-cloaking. "Oh crap!" He exclaimed. He ran back to the perimeter to see his team armed and ready to go. With backup around three klicks away, this was going to be a looooong day. Description: I sure hope this story intrigued you. Hello. I am Zow Jr. And as my first post on forgehub I am proud to present to you. Fort Beta 2219!!!!!!!!! This map supports a gametype that is sure to help some people remember the experience of the most bad to the bone Reach Beta game, Invasion. Invasion Slayer is a VIP game with set rules for each team. (I recommend you do red vs blue or red vs green for best results) Quick honor rule (sorry) If you are on the red team, you must change to Elites, if you are on blue or green team, you must be Spartans There are two species you can become in this game. Spartan You are a Spartan and frankly, you don't appreciate the Elites messing up your nuclear reactor. So what are you gonna do bout it? You are going to grab a weapon and show these aliens what happens when they mess with the UNSC. VIP Team (Spartan III) Traits Shields and Health: Damage Resistance; Normal Shields: Normal Shield Recharge rate: 0% Weapons and Damage: Primary Weapon: Magnum No Secondary No Grenades Damage Modifier: Normal Movement: Speed: 110% Gravity: 150% Vehicle use: Normal Appearance: Forced Color: Green VIP (Medical Spartan) Traits All same as normal Spartan traits except no waypoint for enemies VIP Proximity traits give your shields a recharge when you are in need of health Spartans can become a variety of classes including... Scout Weapons:Assault Rifle, Magnum Abilities(Equipment) Sprint (none) Marksmen Weapons:Magnum(AR later on), DMR (BR) Abilities: Sprint Guard Weapons: AR, Magnum Abilities: Armor Lock (Bubble shield) Grenadier Weapons: AR, Brute Shot(Grenade Launcher) Abilities: EMP(Power drain) Operator Weapons:Shotgun, Magnum Abilities: Enhanced armor Lock (Overshield) Airborne Weapons: AR, Magnum Abilities: Jetpack (Custom Powerup, 50% gravity), Jetpack boost( Grav lift) Elites You are an Elite, and you want nothing better than to see those humans squirm. What's one way? Other than glassing the planet, taking valuable info and resources by destroying important human power cells is a real nice way of doing it. Although the Spartans were more prepared weapon wise, you have strength, skill, and one badass sword over them. Elite (Base Player) Traits Shields and Health: Damage Resistance: 125% Shields: Normal Shield recharge rate: 100% Weapons and Damage: Primary Weapon: Plasma Pistol No secondary Damage Modifier: 110% No grenades Movement: Speed: 125% Gravity: 100% Normal Vehicle use Appearence: Forced Color: Purple Elites also can become different classes. Warrior Weapons; Plasma Rifle(Repeater), Plasma Pistol Abilities: Evade(None) Assassin Weapons: Needler, Plasma Pistol(Plasma Repeater later on) Abilities: Active Camo, Radar Jammer Zealot Weapons: Plasma Pistol(Plasma Repeater later) Covenant Carbine(Needle Rifle) Abilities: Evade Gladiator Weapons: Plasma Repeater, Energy Sword Abilities: Badass (JK) Evade Ranger Weaponslasma Repeater, Plasma Pistol Abilities: Jetpack. Jetpack Boost Onto the map. Basically what this map is is a small nuclear outlet with a UNSC Vs. Covenant twist. A Pelican and a spirit (yes a Spirit not a phantom) Are on either side. that's where you spawn. There are weapons that arrive in certain time frames to make gameplay more hectic and vehicles are added for more vehicular based gameplay. This was of course, made for 6v6. It will be mostly uninteresting should the number dwindle. The Fort side or UNSC side includes a couple of barricades, a large one way bunker, and a landing pad for vehicles. On the Power Field or Covenant side there are Power chords for cover, a large shield door. and a landing pad. In the middle are two shacks you can use for cover or sniping and a nuclear reactor. The top of the nuclear reactor is accessible but should you fall in the opening, you will be burned up by nuclear radiation. I know this sounds quite open but this was implemented for vehicles to have more playing room and to make infantry wars more strategy based and tactical. No more rushing in with your BR and ownin everyone, you need to stick with your team to survive. Speaking of which, the one entry spawns sound easy to camp on but nay, tis not so. Let me show you. When you die and respawn, you look a lil something like this. *Edit* Respawn Traits All traits are normal for the side you are on. Duration:15 seconds Shields and health Damage resistance: Invulnerable Forced color: White I chose white because it is a more ghostly color. Basically you have fifteen seconds to choose a loadout, get out on the battlefield and get prepared before invincibility wears out. Oh and enemies the invincible person can hurt you, so try to avoid them until they regain their color.*Edit* 15 seconds seem like a long amount of time. But when you consider the time it takes to choose a loadout, grab weapons from your drophship, and clean up any potential spawn campers and spawn snipers, it's a pretty fair amount Speaking of loadouts, when you spawn, you have loadouts in these boxes. These will reveal bigger and better loadouts as time passes. But choose quickly and wisely. For example. Enemy tank inbound and you need to provide heavy support now. Well just choose grenadier or assassin and you are set. Weapons List(Besides loadout weapons) Weapons in pelican: AR:4 DMR:2 Sniper Rifle:2 Rocket launcher:2 Spartan Laser:1 Weapons in Spirit: Needler:2 Needle Rifle:2 Beam Rifle:3 Weapons on Map AR:2 DMR:2 Shotgun:1 Sniper:1 Rockets:1 Plasma Repeater:2 Needle Rifle:2 Beam Rifle:1 *Edit* Weapons are now not insta respawn. There are also two easter eggs on my map that allow the UNSC and Covenant to access two special heavy weapons. All you need is a good explosion from a tank and you are all set. So get a Party of 6v6 together, grab a loadout and have some fun killing each other. I am giving credit to Rifte Gifle for the inspiration to make this map. I had this idea since the Beta ended, but Rifte Gifle definately gave me that little spark. My creation is similar to, but not the same as INvasion repel. The medic thing was indeed copied off of invasion Repel. you are spartans, not marines. And you get to select loadouts instead of trying to find em. (Plus there is more cover and balance while still making fun gameplay) *EDIT* Well I bet ur wonderin what the easter egg weapons are huh? well this is a spoiler so idk how to do the spoiler hide thing but it is a machine gun turret and 3 Plasma Cannons. Use an Asplosion from nade or tank to knock em off the nose of the pelican or the tail of the Spirit and viola, hidden power weapons. (the elites have 3 to make up for lack of power weapons in there side) Here is what all you forgehubbers want to see. ACTION PICS! Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] : Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] : Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch
First of all dude, holy crap. This is one of the most epic things ive ever seen. I think its sick that u have to choose a class, it reminds me of the good ol' days of playin star wars battlefront on PS2 where u had to pick a class and stick with it upon entering battle. That feature of your map made it epic...i honestly never thought of that after all the maps ive made. u get a 5/5 from me, I cant wait to set up a game and play. Its gunna be sick....~BlackhawkO3~
Oh now you are makin me blush man. I really thought I would kinda get some points off for the visual appeal of the map, but I have gotten a few good reviews on this before. Just to let you all know, four of the class boxes close up after a bit but then open up again. And for some reason for VIP games the Fuel Rod Gun doesn't spawn. Other than that I think it would play quite well. Thanks for the good review
The Fuel Rod Gun has suffered from this glitch for a long time now and noone really knows how to solve this, the best way to fix this is to delete it, and then place it again.
I'll try that. But usually the fuel rod gun not appearing was not really a detriment to the gameplay as usually the Elites aircraft advantage proved a big help. I am going to try to bring the furl rod back. but in the meantime, see if ya'll can find the two weapon easter eggs on my map. (Hint hint, it has something to do with where you spawn from... but I think I just gave it away)
The whole "VIP Medic" thing seems oddly familiar...oh! This is pretty much the same thing as Invasion Repel on Reach but with classes. No one is really mad at you. You've made a really nice map and everything. It's just that when someones idea inspires you this heavily, It's nice to give them some creditzorz for it. Maybe just add "Inspired by so-and-so." somewhere in the post. ... Oh well. The map itself is very nice. You've put a lot of detail into the ships and other structures, as well as the story. This map boasts some pretty nice gameplay, and all the classes are pretty balanced (The overshield is strong, but is vulnerable to Plasma Pistol Overcharges; The bubbleshield can be walked through by a Sword-carrying Elite; The almighty Sword is useless against the Shotgun; etc.) Cheers, HarisSales.
OOOPS! I am so sorry I forgot to say that in my post. I will put it in but yes Rifte Gifle inspired me to make this, because I had this idea for a while. But thanks for your review.
I think he didnt know that there were 3 different gametypes that are very simular to this. If you gonna think it like that, Then pretty much every infection gamemode ever invented was exsactly the same as Bungie's Infection (Default). Infact whats the whole point of posting maps if you just gonna get these types of comments when you build a gametype (which you think no one has done.) Anywho, This map is really interesting and weird at the same time. The map looks like it wasn't forged well but it has some cool ideas. Like for example the Pelican and the Dropship. The classes following along with Halo:Reach is amazing. How there are advantages and disadvantages to each class makes some cool gameplay. Infact I like this one better than Gifles. No Joke, Gifles got boring because of how much open space there was and Battle Rifles and Rockets ruled the map. He spent so much time working on a ship that costed him his entire budget. This fixes most of his problems. Very Nice, This deserves a feature (gameplay wise).
I will admit that the forging isn't as well done as other great casual maps. But this was merely because of the same problem Rifte Gifle experienced. Budget. Even though I budget glitched this map to it's very core, I only had enough objects to make this map. Believe me I knew the forging wasn't anything to gawk at, If I could I would have built A MASSIVE Nuclear plant with tons of buildings and other stuff. Unfortunately there is the daggum object limit. I sure hope Bungie fixes this in Reach. Because this map got so many good reviews I am going to make... THE INVASION SLAYER MAP PACK I will be taking Ideas from the forgehub community and making Invasion SLayer maps based on those ideas (Idea makers will also get major cred) I will also be hosting forging sessions (for those that are serious about this) for all the new maps I forge. So keep your eyes peeled for the official tag that goes on every thread for this. Invasion Slayer on... Zow Jr.
0.0 This is awesome! I was making a map where it is random on what loadout you get, but this is way better. I love the nuclear-reactor-thingy in the middle just because it looks great. I'm gonna give this a DL, and see if I can get a couple customs on this map....... oh, and an idea for the next one in the map pack- -a center fortress. That would be where the Spartans spawn, and then the Elites spawn in a Spirit, that is conveniently floating above a few pillars, which they would have to fight through to get inside the fortress, which would help them kill the Spartans. At first, the Spartans would have a slight advantage 'cause they would have turrets and stuff to kill the Elites, but when the Elites are inside they have the slight advantage because they could have 1 or 2 Elites outside distracting the Spartans while the remaining 4 or 5 Elites sneak up and get some free assassinations. I don't know if that would be balanced, but hey- it's your call.
That actually, ironically, was the first Idea for this game. I was going to be an Invasion remake with the fortress and everything else, but I wanted to go with something more unorthodox. I mean I liked Invasion, but Invasion Slayer just was nagging at me. And the idea behind the nuclear reactor was to make it as close as possible to actual halo reach. I got the idea for this when I was building a hydrogen reactor for a Halo Warsish kinda base.I will definitely consider this Idea for Invasion Slayer. Although I might make the fortress spawn on a certain side of the map, and make it somewhat inaccessible for the Elites. Of course the inaccessible part will be the spawns. Great idea and thanks for your review. --- BTW A message to all people who are confused about my load-out selection. All the load-outs are are a few tube corners with a tele porter in each. There are block tall and huges to help them access the load-outs. I blocked the part that is under the blocks to prevent weapons flying out in case of accidental grav lift spawning.
Yeah, that would be better, a fortress on one side would be better. And yeah, that would stop spawn killing if you make the spawns inaccessible to the Elites. Ah, I see. I might turn my map into an Invasion Slayer map, and incorporate that. The map I was working on was basically a VIP variant that would be one sided with no goal points, the Elites being stronger than normal Marines but the Spartan (VIP) is alot stronger than them, and the proximity traits would 'give the Marines more hope' and make them slightly stronger.
Nice Idea. Yeah me I usually abide by all rules of Reach in my invasion slayer games. If you want to. I am making a post on forge discussion explaining the Invasion SLayer map pack --- Oh one more thing about my map, some of the weapons are instant respawn so you can have plenty of ammo for them. I have come up with my next Idea for Invasion Slayer Map Pack. The Covenant are invading a city in Reach, the UNSC must stop them. --- Yeah I tried with the fuel rod gun thing and it did not work out, the Elites will have to play the game without it. They really don't need it. they have plenty of great weapons. and unlike the UNSC power weapon easter egg the covenant get three for the price of one easter egg. So I just deleted the FRG entirely
Nice job man, It looks really nice. I love the idea of classes. Also nice job with the pelican and spirit (I think thats what its called) Ive never seen somone elso make a spirit before. It looks awsome
Yes i did wind up actually deletin it. But if u read my map edits there is a lot in place to compensate for this. This whole INvasion SLayer thing got a lot of attention (view wise) I might consider tryin to get it to be an official gametype. Whaddya think? BTW I am not trying to bump this post. I really had some important changes to make and some traits to put in. I should not get infracted for this because there was a legit reason for commenting and editing.