Looks pretty crap to be honest with that flying around, reminds me of a game from early 90's or something on the super nintendo :/
I made a game like this long ago in halo 3 and it was clucking epic! (it's in my sig) Although the reach one will be way different I think that they have similar gameplay and then the reach one will be AWESOME! Unlike everyone else, I would love to see this in multiplayer.
REALLY? I still have my SNES... no game ever looked this good. i'm amazed people are managing to complain about this when they haven't even played it yet
Man I am so excited for Space battles. Its as if a Battlefront 3 is coming out but halo style. I just hope that we can create maps in forge for fighting in space or on the planet. Like have a battle in the sky with falcons and banshees, and then space will be the saber and the covenant ship. Maybe theres a mode were its like firefight but your doing the campaign mission trying to kill as many enemy waves in your saber as you can.
Space battles looks very epic. Not sure if this will be in multiplayer though. There might be a huge amount of lag if it was put in multiplayer. Having it in a few campaign missions seems fine to me.
Whoa, slow down there. We dont even know if there will be space battles outside of that one campaign mission. Personally, i think it would be pretty sweet though if they could pull if off without a lag. Wait, if you can play co-op on that mission, then that means bungie can at least pull off a 2v2 game... just throwin that out there
It would have to be in more than one mission. Bungie wouldn't go through all that work just for a one time battle
I heard it was a one time thing on an interview, so unless bungie is lying (which wouldn't surprise me too much) it is a one time thing. Just going on the things I hear from the people making the game
It would make a cool new gametype addition to Halo:Reach action sack. lol LIES Tell me where you saw this interview
YouTube - Halo Reach Campaign Preview :: Interview with Lars from Bungie :: E3 2010 9:30 - 10 minutes in. Thanks for playing, but i win.
Wow he did step over it. Maybe bodies will actually be solid. I don't know if I like that though. Maybe it's just after an assassination? I hope so
It does look like it, its just a feature I wouldn't expect. I mean, if you can stand on the bodies, can bodies be piled on top of each other? Can you then stand on that pile of bodies? I'm going to have to look at some more videos to check...
Bodies are probably solid only in campaign. I don't remember stepping over bodies in the Beta. The covenant fighters look alot like banshees so they might be flyable in atmosphere in campaign. The fighter does a roll at one point like a banshee and never seems to move from the horizontal, and slows down after hitting the 'afterburner' (not sure what to call that on a rocket) so realistic physics are definitely out.
The beta wasnt finished, thats why it was a beta. Solid bodies couldve been added after the beta, but i can see that being a campaign only thing
It does make sense because when fending off hordes of enemies, having all the bodies merged together would be weird. I kind of remember bodies being solid in Halo 3 too or maybe I'm just hallucinating
Naw, they weren't solid in Halo 3. Remember the merged bodies that looked like different sets of armor? Like someone with recon would die and merged with a corpse that had different armor and it would look like this whole new cool looking set? Good times...
Check the previous page bro. I was getting called a liar, then I showed them evidence of what I was saying, making me win the arguement