The Truth and Reconcilation History : After the destruction of the first halo and the journey of John and his team to regain the Earth, the SRN (Intelligence Service of the Navy) debrified John upon his return on his missions and the discovery of halo and the floods. They insisted on the details of the mission to rescue Captain Keyes. Shortly after construction was started, the reproduction of the hangar Covenant, they wanted to understand and use their technology against them. The result was not as successful as expected but it was a decade in more advanced human technology. Sreenshots : Outside view of front : Outside view of the rear : Doors (that's me who has invented ^^): Hangar overview: View of a tunnel: Download : : Halo 3 File Details
All things considered, this looks like a pretty accurate redux of the hangar bay area; down to the doors, everything seems like it's in place, and aesthetically correct. If only we had Covie textures to go along with it... . Nice job. -=Moxus=-
I actually really.. realllyyy like the doors. If only you could include some physics in with them and incorporate a switch to open a door, that would make a pretty good Asset map!!!!
wow this brings back memories really well made but a little bit bumpy in some areas like in the tubes but overall really good hopefully you make more like this.
This map is amazing! I love all the details and I'm sure it took a lot of time. The only thing was the second level is missing some doors on each side, but they weren't important. Great map 5/5