The Weekend Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Agamer, May 21, 2010.

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  1. V

    V Ancient
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    FUUUuUUUUUUUUCK! I completely forgot about the Jamboree. That's a freakin beastly line up save for like, Villain vs Villain and Papa Roach is a little overrated but still, I'd see Story of the Year any day. Oh well.

    Anyways, my weekend in a nutshell (I'ma copy Camo and start on Thursday too since it was my better day lol):

    Thursday: Chilled at home. Parents and sister were out of town all day. Had a few friends over. Made a pizza and cooked up two full packs of bacon (16 strips in each pack), smoked a couple blunts in the garage, drank some of the rum we got from the Virgin Islands over spring break, played Red Dead and some Mario Kart, went over to ND to play basketball with some more friends, one of whom brought a hookah. Played bball, smoked the hookah, then went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner.

    Friday: Chilled at home. Got some new music. Practiced a little piano. Studied briefly for SATs. Had friend spend the night. We bitched out my crazy ex-girlfriend whom we both despise after she called us on some drunken rant. Went to bed at like 3am.

    Saturday: Woke up for SATs at the public highschool right down the street from where I live. Said friend played tennis with a couple girls in the neighborhood at said highschool while I beasted the SATs with some other friends who took 'em with me. Went out to lunch at Chipotle. Going to grad parties now.

    Sunday: Go to church. Chill. Hang with friends probably. Oh the joys of being on summer vacation....
  2. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    So you smoke, play Pokemon and Mario Kart, drink, go to church, and run around with hookahs?

    Odd combination.
  3. V

    V Ancient
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    Yeah...I'm kinda odd like that. And it's Mario Kart, one of the best games to play with a group of friends, what's not to love?

    Plus, that was my first time ever touching a hookah and I don't really drink all that often (actually I rarely drink), I hadn't done anything of the sort since 'round October-ish because of basketball getting in season. And we really didn't even drink that much, truthfully. We just had enough to feel giddy and stupid and then we just play video games and **** til we calm down.
    #43 V, Jun 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2010
  4. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    why lock this thread if the week never "ends"
  5. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Friday: just had people at my house. Drank a little smoked a lot. Studied for the SATs a little nothing special.

    But Saturday night I let the evil juice get the best of me.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Thursday - Sunbathed through the day and then partied in a few clubs with lots of friends. We all had way too much tequila, and among other things, i was thrown out of a club, set my friends hair on fire accidentally and walked into a taxi going about 30.
    Friday - In consequence to my overspending a day prior, i sunbathed the entire day, sweating out excess alcohol. Finally went to the shop and bought a rump steak that weighed in at 0.7kg. The thing was so huge i only cooked half of it. I couldn't sleep so watched Munich until about 5am.
    Saturday - Woke up and went to a barbeque for most of the day, and then was picked up and went to Newcastle to their independant cinema with a few friends to watch 'The Killer Inside Me'. An overpowering myraid of sadomasochism and 1st degree murder occupied the following 1 hour and 49 minutes, and then we had to find our way across 1 mile of dense city center on a late saturday night. Was taken to a party where i was given a bottle of Whiskey to myself, and had a chilled out night until i walked home at about 4. Then decided to watch Reservoir Dogs because i couldn't sleep.
    Sunday: Havn't decided yet.
  7. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    Friday: went to some grad parties, then got totally shitfaced for the first time with some friends, felt pretty good.

    saturday: woke up shitfaced and played in a statewide piano competition. came home, took a nap, did some job applications for this summer and finaly got redtiger camo for my LSW
  8. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Finishing off Saturday- I ended up smoking a couple bowl packs, then we went to a hotel party at the Holiday Inn where there was drinking. Passed out in the back of the car on the way back, then fell asleep.
  9. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Friday - worked, then went to my freinds house. Slept over.
    Saturday - woke up early to go to the beach. Beach was pro. **** load of food. Tan.
    Went to Dennys afterward for some coffee.
    Today - Gonna stay here. Chill. Order some pizza. Be awesome.
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    friday: CoD
    saturday: CoD, SC; C
    sunday:CoD, Halo?, noticed shanon still has my picture as his avatar :D
  11. V

    V Ancient
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    To finish off my weekend:
    Today: woke up at 2 pm. Ran a couple miles and went for a bike ride around town. Came home and drank about a liter of sweet tea in the sun on my porch. Gonna just chill at home now and be lazy.
  12. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Well, now that I'm not doing anything... I'll make another toast in this bread...

    Jamboree was ****ing awesome and it was totally different. I was there from 1pm to 11 pm, I seen all of the bands on the main stage except for Story of the Year, and wasn't able to see any of the bands on the smaller stage since both stages play at the same time.
    Other than that it was pretty cool man. I do agree Papa Roach kinda sucked. and personally pretty much all of the vocals and acoustics of all the bands except for Three Days sucked ass since each band had only like a total of 20-30 minutes to tear it down and set it up... but yeah it was one hell of a concert.

    As for today I slept in till 12, ate some French Toast my mom made, went outside and washed my truck, then chilled and discussed my next week vacation with my dad, and then it ****ing rained so my car wash was pointless, I just chilled n ate, and now I'm probably going to play some ball with my bros.

    Later tonight I'll probably play some UFC till like 7, then Hawks game from like 7-10:30, then just chill the rest of the night haha.
  13. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Today was awful. What a shitty way to end my weekend.

    Took some stuff called suboxone this morning, and yeah it was great for like an hour, I've been throwing up all day.
  14. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    Thread Opened!

    Sorry for the absence of this thread and the Monday thread, I've been on vacation for the last week and a half.

    As for today, I went to a big ass water park by my house, got back around 10 after I went out to eat, then came home, and realized I'm dark like no other.
  15. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Got up at 11.

    Got on fh for 2 minutes.

    Holy ****, its midnight.
  16. V

    V Ancient
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    Got up at 5:30 to go to cross country practice at 6:30. Came home, slept, went out to lunch with family, took senior pics, got dinner at a local bar-b-q joint, and just finished playing some epic rounds of 2-v-2 Gears 1 with some friends where I pretty much ran around revving the chainsaw and scaring the other two kids to death while my buddy just laughed his ass off. Fun stuff.
  17. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Went to a tool concert, accidentally drank spiked lemonade, and got high again off all the stoners there. Meanwhile, IT WAS THE BEST CONCERT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
  18. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Well since this was closed, I never got to post my epic story. Every part of the story is to show you the main idea. (Idc if you don't like what I do/did btw):

    tl;dr: 2 weeks ago a great summer turned upside-down

    Let's start this **** on Friday June 11:

    I wake up late as usual. My pot head buddy E (will now refer to people as the first letter of their name) that slept over is already gone, but I don't give a ****. As I look back at this, I realize that was my mentality about pretty much everything. What did I care about? Pretty much nothing but the ****ing moment.

    So I start off my day like usual, I chill, bro. My buddy J calls me and wants to come over. I'm like alright cool man. I take a shower a little later and burn a Wiz Khalifa CD. I decide to go real quick to a gas station. Right as I'm leaving, my friend J rolls up in his danger ranger ('91 Ford Ranger). I turn around and we stop at my house for a few seconds. He gets in my truck and we head to the store. I buy a red bull and it takes for ever with the slow ass people. Make it back at my house and we chill.

    Later, we decide to go get something to eat. We drive to Taco Bell of course and I enjoy my volcano tacos. We end up going to my friend C's house because it's nearby and we're bored. The three of us and another friend chill there a while. We were waiting for C's sister to get back so she could watch his brother. We go meet some other friends at pizza hut for a bit then we go back to C's house. Then I'm like let's ****ing race. So C is ahead of me on the 4 lanes in town and we are a car or two back at a red light. I'm like **** it. I drive through a gas station parking lot to get onto a perpendicular rode and then turn back on to the road I was on thus averting the light. I'm way ahead then my friends suggesting a short cut (actually longer but every goes down the road at like 90). Boom red light and we're stuck in a lane so we can't go straight when it's green. My friend pulls up next to me in another lane. When the light changes, I have to wait a while because I need to turn left. (Ultimately my friend J's bad idea.) Back on the main highway, we're losing. Then we turn on a gravel road. I can't see **** because it's dark and there's so much dust from my friend. Next road, I catch up. Turn down my road and I drive threw my yard to win at the last second.

    After our epic race, we decide to swim in my "fixed" pool. Pretty cool and chill. I call my mom and instruct her to purchase four (4) Hot-n-Spicy combos from McDonalds. If you don't know what that is, it's basically amazingly good spicy chicken on a bun. It's an orgasm in your mouth. Finally, she gets back and we eat that. We decide to chill for the rest of the night because there was nothing else to do. I remember my mom has a webcam so we decide to troll chatroullete, quickly skipping the dicks everywhere lol. We talk to some hot chicks. We learn they are from Minnesota. My friend proceeds to tell them how we owned Brett Farve (New Orleans Saints). Later we sleep.


    I start the day late again. I gotta get **** done. My friends leave then I go to a damn orthodontist appointment. Then I get my oil changed. More Mcdonalds lol. Chill some more. Bored.

    Yes this seems like a boring day but the rest sets in motion a serious of events that caused my weekend experiences. First: Around 8, I get call from C. He and his sister (year younger than us) are at a girl's house I know. Doing what? Playing volleyball. I'm like whatever I'm bored I'm coming. 20 minute drive and then I have to figure out how to get to her house. Play volleyball and chill with teh wemmenz. Then what do we do? Go to ****ing McDonalds. That's what we do. Not sure why tho. I wasn't even hungry. However it lead to something.

    I don't remember what I order, but I remember not eating even half of it. So I'm sitting there with just C. I knew I had to leave soon bc my mom said I needed to be back at 11 (also Louisiana state law for drivers my age important info for later.) I hear "What are you guys doing?" I look over to my left and see my homie Slim D lol. We talk to him for a little while bout stuff and bullshit. Then the **** got real. D: "So when am I having a party again?" This guy is the epitome of not giving a ****. He's 17, been to boot camp, tats, drop out, flipped his truck a week before then still drives it. He has parties all the time. Sometimes they suck. But sometime they are the **** yo. So of course we're like IDK man soon. He said I'm thinking about tomorrow. **** yea! Summer had been boring as hell for last week or two.

    So I leave to get home at about 11:04 haha.


    This is the main part of my story as the rest was details and build-up.

    Again late start. I can't really remember what I did that day so skip to around 6. I tell my mom I'm sleeping at C's. Why? SOOOO easy to sneak out there while it's impossible at my house. So I go to C's at about 7. What do we eat? ****ing McD- wait no not this time. Fried shrimp.

    So what do we have for partying? Hmmm he has about 1/3 of fifth of Disorona. That's some good ****. I buy it from him because that ****'s expensive and hard to get. Which leads us to the next part. Disclaimer: If you are 18/21 or older, you won't understand the next part. Cigarettes are a commodity (you'll learn more later). We're about to go party so I decide to get 2 packs real fast from so ***** I know. omg scope cigs are bad. We all know how it is to be this age and that's how it is, bitches. Also important to later parts of my story. We grab a few beers for beer pong later and we head out. It's about 10 and we need ice and coke. So we bought it real fast.

    Finally get to the party at 11. I can tell that there are not many people. I guess about 20. First, I hear some dude screaming at his *****. Something like "I'm ****ing mad because I' trying to get away from you." I lol'd and opened the door. Everybody is looking towards the table. Some girl is dancing on it. Not sure why. But it was cool. So we chill at the party doing party things. Later the girl only has her bra on for some reason and her friend manages to keep that on haha. And then another girl joined in the dancing on table. It was lol. They finally got off the table so we could play beer pong. I got in the second game and C decided to be on my team. We start ok but then they are way ahead. We come back and I make the last cup to finish it all. Party more. Chill more.

    Chill more. A little later I notice almost everyone was outside. I open the door. The drunk dancer chick is in a hair pulling fight with some ginger chick. Some guys manage to pull them off each other and the drama starts. A few other guys and me manage to keep the dancer girl inside so another fight didn't start. However, the two fighter were suddenly friends. You really had to lol at drunk bitches. Party more. Chill more. This one girl notices I have an important commodity, cigs, and asks for one. I didn't mind giving them away even though I spent money on them and I really didn't want or need them that much. It wouldn't have been the first I gave one away or even the first one I gave away that night. Hell, it wouldn't have been the first I gave to her that night. But I was bored so I was like what do I get. I end up getting a lap dance from that dancer girl which was cool haha. Party more. It started to die at about 2. So we finally leave.

    Back at C's we are ready to sleep. Then I'm like bro I'm so hungry let's go to Taco Bell. Who woulda thought it closes at 3 on Sundays? Back to C's. It's about 4 and I'm like **** it I'm hungry I'm going to Wal-Mart to get something to eat. It was the only place open and we had no food. I drive there and buy some chips because the deli part wasn't open. (they has chicken)

    I leave. I do a real fast U turn and blow off a stop that is actually within the parking lot. I approach a 3-way stop and something in my rear view mirror. I look back. What is it? THE MOTHERFUCKING POLICE. That's right flashing blue lights and he tells me to pull over. I am ****ed. Here's how it went.

    Step out of the vehicle. Now I wanna know what your problem is!
    I'm not sure what you're stopping me for.
    I saw you speed through the parking lot get down get back in cut a huge turn and then run that stop sign*SHITTTTT* How old are you?
    What are you doing out this late?
    I was trying to get something to eat.
    License, Registration, and Proof of Insurance.

    I go get it and I hand it to him.

    I'm taking your license and your truck is being impounded. Call your parents. I want you to wake them up.


    My phone is not in my pocket. It's not in my truck. I have no idea where my $400 phone is. ****.

    I actually don't have a phone with me.
    What's the number?

    I accidentally give my number.

    Oh I mean...
    If this isn't the real number I'm taking your little ass to jail.
    It's right.
    Go over by your vehicle.

    I sit there doing nothing for nearly 30 minutes. In that time, another cop shows up and so does the tow truck. I try to see what's going on by walking back to the cop car. The cop yells at me to go back to my vehicle. Finally he calls me back and he tells me ****. I put my hands in my pockets.

    What's in your pockets.
    Nothing. Well I have money in this pocket... and I pull out a few ones.

    He instantly shoves his hand in my other pocket. What do I have in it? ****ing cigarettes. He questions me and proceeds to give me a full frisk. He then tells me to lean against the hood of the cop car.

    So there I was. Leaning against a cop car and my parents show up. You can only imagine what I had to hear. I finally get home at 5. I am exhausted. They don't let me sleep. At around 7, we go over to my friends house to tell his dad about it. They then forced me to do chores until about 3. I almost passed out.

    As you can see, it turned from good to bad in a matter of seconds.

    Currently, I am forbidden to go back to C's house. I've been punished for 2 weeks and more is to come. I have no license. That cop was such a ****ing asshole.

    Looking back, I feel it was a crazy night and I'm glad I'm hear to share it with you! haha
  19. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Scope, i would freak the **** out if that **** happened to me. Someone would be dead lol.
  20. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Thursday- My weekends always start off on Thursday, I don't know why.. People are at my friend's house, we eat pizza. Me and about five others get some weed, beer, and a Smirnoff for the girl. We walk through a playground, through some woods, and chill at this tunnel. We drink and smoke. Go back to my other friend's house and we play with some 3D chalk. Then this drunk kid starts trying to fight with my friend which is huge as **** so there wouldn't of been a problem, but still I stand up behind him. They work things out with words because my friend knew he was drunk. The offys go home and it's left with me, S, Q, and this girl, J. We go up in S's room, I demolish everyone at Rock Band. Then we started watching Pineapple Express. We're all laying down on this bed, the girl is rubbing me and Q's chests and arms. We all fall asleep. I wake up to this girl's head on my chest and Q wrestling around with her. Next thing I know her tube top accidentally slides down and Q screams "booooobbiiess!", S runs over and looks. She was on my chest so I had a perfect view. S shoves a 2g pincher in my 8g. It hurt. S drops all of us off at home.

    Friday- I wake up at 6 at night. Get ready. Go to a party. Some girl is hitting on me and laughing at me because I was dancing to some Dubstep and House Music. My friend who's hosting the party texts me and tells me to back off the girl because he called dibs. I move to the other side of the couch. I down five beers and we leave to go to a bigger party at a ****in' castle. We smoke and drink there. I was talking to my friend, Gabby, the whole night, along with Q. We raided her fridge. We couldn't drive, so our friend S drives us to his house. We crash there.

    Today- I wake up to this big ass black kid in a bean bag chair starring at me. I go home. Shower. Eat. Forgehub. And now I'm waiting for my girlfriend to get home from her art class, so I can call her.

    Sunday- My friend's graduation party.
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