Hello forgehub, once again. This is my second map posted on this site, and I got quite disappointed in the map. I based it off of the the Gears of War 2 map: River, thus the name. But as I was creating the map, I soon found out that I would not have enough objects to create it, or enough budget to build it. However, I made it work and it is definately not the best as some places I ran out of budget. Also the since the weapons in GoW2 are different from those in Halo 3, I did the best I could to find their counterparts. Halo 3 -------------------- GoW2 Assault Rifle ------------ Lancer Shotgun ------------------ Gnasher Shotgun Magnum ------------------ All Pistols Sniper Rifle -------------- Longshot Spike Grenades --------- Frag Grenades Rocket Launcher -------- Boomshot Machinegun Turret ------ Mulcher Thats all the Weapons in this map. Now for screenshots. This is where the "Gears" starting spawn in "Horde" (a variant of infection for those who haven't played GoW). It is also a starting spawn for "Warzone" and "Submission". This is the First Sniper Tower, the map is symmetrical, so there are two. This is also where the "Longshot" spawns. In the "Submission" gametype the "Meatshield" (aka bomb) will need to be planted there. It is made so that the team either needs to go under the bridge and up the steps close to the other teams spawn, or they need to backup go up thier steps and get into the other teams sniper tower, where the bomb will be planted. This is the Bridge, and it came out like nothing I imagined, it was one of the last things I put in the map so it came out badly.In this image you see the "Boomshot" spawn. This is where the "Meatshield" spawns. This is the top of the Bridge. It is where the "Mulcher" spawns, and you have to break it of the tripod to use it effectively. This little building is where the "Frag Grenades" Spawn This is where the "Locusts" starting spawn in "Horde", also the starting spawn for teams in "Warzone" and "Submission". This last picture is one of the Pistol spawn. Hope you enjoyed. I will have player statistics and gametype information in detail as soon as I get on my Xbox. This map Supports: Warzone, Horde, and Submission Other Maps that will be in the Gears of War 2 Map Pack: River V2, Blood Drive, Security, (maybe) Avalanche, Mansion, (maybe) Pavilion, (maybe) Jacinto. Other Gametypes I hope to create: King of the Hill, Guardian, Horde "Kantus", Horde "Flame Boomer", Horde "Butcher" Download River: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download Warzone: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download Submission: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download Horde "Boomer": Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details For Your Information: The Next Map (River V2) will be done on Sandbox, will replace this map in my file share (I need to get more MS points), and it will look better. Like I said earlier this map frustrated me when I merged it, and to me it feels lopsided. Along with having the Window Panels blocking the outside of the map. And It will be put in Casual gametype in forgehub.com
I'm not sure if its just me but I don't see any Pictures or Download links. How to take Add Screen Shots : http://www.forgehub.com/forum/screenshot-guides/91324-halo-3-screenshot-guide.html
Same... you need to get a web url (for example, whatever is in the address bar (Google)) and insert them in image tags. [ IMG ] [ /IMG ]
Since you didn't put any info on the gametypes used for this map, I'm going to guess they have less gravity? If not, the map could be easily breakable just from looking at the first picture. I hope this isn't the case, seeing as this would be a major flaw in the map.
I'm definitely giving this a download because this is one of my favorite maps on GoW2. It looks pretty cool, but I think some more random stuff could be added to the middle of the map, even though you ran out of money and stuff to use. I'll let you know if there is a way to fix it after I give it a try. It does look fun though.
I will help you remake this if you want. Looks awesome with Foundry standards. I understand why you could make the other areas. Sandbox with this could work.
I have never played GOW (I probably never will cuz I suck at it) But it looks pretty good. My only complaints are ones others have told you, objects, breakability, GTs, needs moar interlokz (jk) other than that it all good.