Sandbox Scrapyard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ShortKidPena, Jun 25, 2010.

  1. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    By, Shortkidpena

    DESCRIPTION: Scrapyard is my latest map created for the forgehub contest: (I forget the name but it has to do with making maps from other games) Anyway, its been a while since I've posted anything, so I hope that this is well received and that I have created a map that is as close as possible to resembling the MW2 map-Scrapyard. This map is designed for 2-6 players and supports Slayer, Assault, CTF, Oddball, and Infection. Each team fights diagonally through the map with one team starting by the crane and the other by the oil tanks. The Rocket Launcher is centrally located in the center wrecked plane. Near each team's spawn lies a shotgun in each plane. The building by the crane holds the needler and the giant warehouse holds two smgs. The smaller building across from it contains two needlers. I could not put AR's/BR's throughout the map due to budget constraints, so I recommend BR/AR starts for games. Yes this map is breakable, but the thing is, the people who break the map do not do so to their advantage, I removed the sniper that I used to have due to it being overpowered because people would get on top of buildings and rape. Also, the map only covers about 3/4-2/3 of the sandbox canvas because I hit the OLN, sad story. If you are having problems with people breaking the map-raise the gravity and you should be fine. I didn't create a custom gametype for this map because remember-this is halo and we are not playing modern warfare. Plus the two games play completely different no matter how hard you try and change settings.


    • SMG x2 (0 clip/30 sec)
    • Spiker x2 (1 clip/45 sec)
    • Shotgun x2 (0 clips/60 sec)
    • Rocket Launcher x1 (0 clips/60 sec)
    • Needler x1 (30 sec)
    • Plasma Grenades x8
    • Frag Grenades x2
    • Spike Grenades x2

    DISCLAIMER: I realize that this map could not be completely recreated due to the fact that there is an OLN and yes i hit that. I did my best to work with what I had and was forced to make some changes to the original to make it work. Please be happy with what I created, but please feel free to add constructive criticism. I hope that you enjoy


    View of two planes, crane, and needler building

    Just needler building

    Inside needler building

    Center Plane with Rockets on the right and long shotty hallway to the left

    Inside Rockets plane

    Inside needler side shotgun plane

    Warehouse building entrance

    Inside view of the Warehouse building via side entrance by crane

    Another view of the Warehouse from the other end

    Outside the Warehouse- delivery truck

    Small building across from warehouse with spikers

    Center area of map between the Rockets plane and shotty plane


  2. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Mini scrapyard:D
    Clean interlocking:D
    No camping warehouseD:
    Nah.. what you just need was the wall that covers from the rest of the map..
    The elevated second warehouse is fairly nice and I hope not bumpy..
    With weapons placed on the map.. im pretty sure gameplay would definetly be different which I hope is better then MW2s crap gameplay..
    If you had enough money left.. you could have forged the harrier that always comes in to almost every game I join..
    What worries me alot is that people can now go around buildings so that means new routes which isint always a good thing.. especially for CTF and assault..
    Good remake and Im sure this would be top 10 for the contest
  3. NiftyPEN

    NiftyPEN Forerunner

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    This map is the best so far in the Foreign Treasures contest. There is good, clean
    interlocking and everything there is on the old map. I like the way you put together the
    planes, they are actually round instead of squarish or an octagon shape. 10/10
    You have a definite DL from me.
  4. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    D; You took my idea!! Nah Jk I was thinkin about it, too lazy though, you made a better version than I ever could have though. merging looks nice, weapon placement seems balanced (too bad MGFS never had weapons on maps -_-) and screw that fence that blocked off going further in the map, we never needed it and it was always a nuisanse when some noob was charging at you with a SPAS. Great remake dude immediate 12/10!
  5. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    It's quite unfortunate you weren't able to finish you were doing so well. It's never a good idea to completely delete the items on default sandbox, you should always start with at least spawns and weapons and if you are budget glitching, you should try to use as many of the default items as possible.
  6. ULikeThatDontYa

    ULikeThatDontYa Forerunner

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    Basically what I was gonna post -_-. The map looks like a nice remake, but did you use a Sandbox Canvas or Sandbox stacked or whatever? I'll have to download and check it out.
  7. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    I barely play MW2 but Scrapyard is one of the best maps ever. I say WINNER! I've seen Afgan. I didn't really like it because it was really small. With your remake, You've made it small but made it seem big. Covering the entire sandbox main floor. What gametypes work well? Can you make a couple of gametype remade off of MW2 and put them on Halo.
  8. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Re: Gametypes

    Yeah you really should. I would make the GT have Magnum starts, 200% gravity and 110% speed, with loadout boxes in the sky or the crypt, so you can choose classes like First Recon, Riot control etc. and no radar optional. But do not do those bad ones with BR shotty starts with SWAT settings (though use SWAT settings for the GT) cuz no one would use anything but the BRs and people (n00bs) would camp with shottys. The game would be rape because of that and it wouldn't be as fun. Again mad kudos on the map.
  9. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    You can go ahead and create your own gametype if you please, but I am not creating one. I know that DIEabolical created some cod gametypes and I would put a link but i am not allowed to. Its not that I am lazy, its just that people would still try and play the game like halo and not like cod so it would be a waste of time. If you create a gametype-more power to you.
  10. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Please don't spam like this in the future. ShortKidPena would benefit more from you saying something like 'I like such and such about this map, but such and such could do with some work, you could try this:...'

    Anyway, me and some friends play tested this map earlier. I enjoyed playing on it, and the most of the map was recognisable. However, a couple of things really bugged me. The first thing we found in the game we played was that alot of time was spent walking on top of the tunnels, although this does not really harm the map, I'm pointing this out because this is for the remake contest, and in CoD (as you probably know) people cannot get on top of these (or aren't supposed to). Another problem we found was that the shotguns were overused on the map. It appeared that there were always at least three being used, however, it was strange that the shotguns proved so useful because most of the fighting went on in the more open areas of the map. Another thing I disliked was the fact that the map wasn't bordered off. Although I know that you didn't have the objects to border it off, I believe that you could have saved yourself from this problem by making the map in the crypt.

    Other than that, I did enjoy playing on this map, and it is a very good remake of Scrapyard.
    #10 IDave the Rave, Jun 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2010
  11. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    Creating this map in the crypt was an option that I thought of doing, but I didn't due to the fact that Scrapyard is rectagular and was about the perfect size for the top level of sandbox. Allso, the shotguns were being overused? That never seemed to be a problem during my testing because most of the time you are out in the open. Also, people camping wasn't a problem with shotguns so I thought it worked out well. Were you playing BR starts? Also, if you were having a problem with people on the tops of planes, you can adjust the gravity.
  12. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    I have an idea. Why don't you make a Slayer gametype for KToH? I will explain how it would work. You could place a hill around the barriers of the map. Everyone inside the hill would have whatever traits you want them to have. If they go outside, they will be exposed to "radiation." When exposed to "radiation," you could make them as vulnerable as possible, a bit slower, not able to kill anyone, and have a waypoint above their head. Of course, you need to change the scoring. Just make it so that nobody gets points for being in the hill and you get 1 point for killing someone in the hill. When inside the hill, you could also make the gravity higher for more CoD-like gameplay.

    I really like the looks of this map. Skidrow was one of my favorite maps from MW2, so I hope to see this map soon.
  13. UberHumphrey

    UberHumphrey Forerunner

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    Wow. This is extremely impressive. Blows my Shipment out of the water easily. You used some very clever ideas when forging this map. The truck is my personal favorite. And, the planes ACTUALLY look like planes. Nice job. VERY nice job.
  14. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Forerunner
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    When I was looking at the pictures of the map I was so exited to see a map like this made so well!
    But when I noticed the building with the ladder going to the third floor wasnt there, I was kind of
    disapointed :'(. I can live without it though and everything else is just SPECTACULAR :D
  15. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Your remake is almost as perfect as it could be in Halo but the map just doesn't fit in halo.
    The thing that defines Scrapyard in Modern Warfare 2 is FMJ since there is so much light cover. Your version is really great but I guess I'm too attached to the original scrapyard to like any remakes.
  16. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
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    Great job man! That maps looks great so I wil be sure to give it a try. It really does look alot like the Map in Modern Warfare 2.

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