Error 403 Forbidden. Do you need to log in to filefactory? I just went ahead and downloaded a zlib1.dll from google. ELI now runs, but I get "can't decompress" errors with both ELI and ELIqwerty12345... And the client has less errors but still has three errors that stop me from playing. It can't read config.ini, can't load colors.txt, and error 339
Alright, I added a new area today with the addition of a quest. The reward? A sign kit. Let me explain with some pictures. Spoiler This area is just south of the arena, which is south of the staff castle. A new pathway has appeared that leads you down to this map. Go here and talk to the Project Overseer. He will tell you he wants 30 grapes and 10 oranges. So go kill some fairies and bears, or take the easy way out and buy some. Spoiler In that picture you see me, mousing over the description of the sign kit. This is the item that will actually make the sign. Go to a nice spot (Don't even think about trying to block something off, there are checks in place, and if you get around them, it is oh-so-easy for me to jail you and remove your sign.) and double click the Sign Kit. The sign will appear on the tile above you if done correctly. Spoiler Now you will notice that my sign in the above picture shows Mongoose's Sign: and underneath that it says /Mongoose: Sign text goes here. In order to set up your sign, type /yournamehere: yourmessagehere You should get a confirmation message saying, "Sign set." Now walk up to your sign and type /updatesign, but don't hit enter yet. Make sure you are not facing your sign by pressing the HOME button on your keyboard, or by walking off of the tile in front of your sign and stepping onto it from the side. This step is so you do not end up reading your sign when trying to update it. When you get the message, "Sign updated," you are good to go. You can repeat these last steps anytime to change what your sign says. You (currently) can't move it once it is placed, so choose wisely! UPDATE: Signs can now be removed and moved with /removesign.
Tutorial copy+pasted Step 1: Open your eclipse folder. Step 2: Go to the "Client" folder. Step 3: Go to the "Data" folder. You should see all the pretty .dll and .ocx files. Step 4: Go to your computer's "Start" menu. Step 5: Click "Run" Step 6: Type regsvr32. DO NOT PRESS ENTER YET Step 7: Look at the location for the data folder and eclipse folder. Highlight this, and press Ctrl + C or and select Copy. Mine was "C:\Program Files\Novus Regnum\Client\Data\" Step 8: Paste this IN QUOTATION MARKS after the word regsvr32 in the run menu. DO NOT PRESS ENTER. Step 9: Look at the first file in the data folder, cmcs21.ocx. Step 10: Type this after the slash after \Data\ in the location of your folder. eg. "C:\Program Files\Novus Regnum\Client\Data\cmcs21.ocx" Step 11: It should look exactly like this. regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Novus Regnum\Client\Data\cmcs21.ocx" Step 12: Press Enter. You should get a message confirming that it works. Step 13: Repeat with the other files in the folder.
Oh---Oh god...RPG MAKER XP....How I loved you....Too bad my old comp crashed and I lost you forever... </3 -Goes to download.- EDIT: I would soo help you if I had RMXP ='( -Eventer and Map maker.- Oh the good ol' days... EDIT 2: So...You have to do the run thing with everything in the Data folder....? Thats a lot of ****...
No, that's only a solution if the ELI's don't do that for you. And this is an MMO. RMXP is for single player games.
Wait...I'm getting some kind of error with the Eli's and the Run way... One second "The Program can't start because the zlib1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem" EDIT: So yeah, I did the Library thing with the 32 bit. then i got that message, Then i tried the 64 bit and I'm still getting the same thing. And also, I'm running windows 7 if that matters.
Server is now up, I was making some changes before I head out for the day. iTz CHEEZ3, you may have to follow the steps in my post for stouf, as he is having the same errors as you.
I don't have an Eclipse folder. I extracted all that to a folder i named "FHRPG and in that there is: client, Eli, Eli#'s, and Libraryfiles. I feel like a retard trying to figure this out. EDIT: This is the extration URL thing. "C:\Users\Cheeze\Desktop\FHRPG" and in that folder is the client, ECT. So do i put that in the RUN part?
No, in Winrar run the libray, ELI, ELI#### @Mongoose, the party function is broken. I'll detail it when you're on. EDIT: got a picture of the glitch, was getting 100 xp/s will send to you on skype if you want.
I think you're running the wrong ELI.. There's "ELI" and "ELI[random numbers]". Run the one with random numbers after it.
For anybody with windows 7 or vista trying to use Run, just click on the start menu, right click somewhere (like white space) and click properties. Then click customize, and check the run command box. Voila.