I can't really see what's going on. I know there's a Spartan...doing something. Other than that, I can't tell what the picture is about, or what it represents. Remember, effects are a good thing. They help you make new and exciting things that defy normal picture-taking. Though like all good things, there is a limit where you must either stop, or risk making a mistake. The effects themselves should never outweigh the subject of the picture, or else it becomes more a "showcase of effects" than it does an actual picture. You seem to have what it takes, but you should focus more on telling a story, thought, or emotion with your pictures. Cheers, HarisSales.
...He threw a flair to close next time, throw the flair further and turn your screen brightness to highest while taking screenshots, because that is how they will turn out on a computer screen.
Yeah, not my best screenshot It's actually my worst Check out my others - they're in my sig Thanks for the comments and what not, anyway