Forge 400

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Midnite Haze, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
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    RACE 2/12 (series)


    This track is raced after it passes the 3 word test:
    Competitive (Is it raceable?)
    Equal (If youre passing, are both cars able to race without a problem?)
    Safe (No way out of the track, no holes/bumps to mess up racing badly)

    Sorry about the bad names. These were named to be system link races, not online.

    The Forge 400 was designed to be a slow turn-fast straightaway track. Easily the least-asthetic map ive made, it may look simple, but it is one of the most exciting and on-the-edge racing tracks on the circuit. The corners are so flat and so sharp, that you have to be perfect around each one, or you will lose positions fast. On occasion, you will have some people dive bombing the corners to gain a spot or two, but when you see it, just turn on the brakes, let 'em slide into the wall and just drive on by.

    Long straights, flat sharp corners, great racing.

    First lap, and were already having problems..

    Look how spread out they are on the straightaways, Red thinks he has a big lead..

    Now they all bunch up in the corners, no more big lead.

    Ill tell you one thing, the leader is in this pic.. and its not Red.

    Blue wins by a commanding margin.

    1. To get the fastest corners, start near the wall, turn, and end up near the wall.
    2. If your friend goes to divebomb you: get on the brakes, and let him slide into the wall.
    3. The middle of the track is the best place in the corners, because it doesnt make you too slow, or too long.
    4. Try not to hit the inside walls, youre going really slow around the corners, if you hit them, it will slow you down tremendously.
    **5. Secret to turning: Right before you go to turn, take your finger off the thumbstick and put it back on as fast as you can (faster than you can blink). The mongoose will slow just enough to make the turn smooth and faster than your opponents.

    FORGE 400

    10 laps (change # to likeing)
  2. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
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    nice map. kinda looks like it could get boring after awhile. maybe add a few random dropping fusion coils that spawn every 30 seconds. and add some obsticles or something. also try and use the standard RACETRACKS gametype due to this map being a racetrack.
  3. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    Don't add any obstacles, that would be retarded. Or fusion coils. What I would suggest adding, if it doesn't seem to ruin the purity of the track too much, is a teleporter/grav lift gateway at the end of the turn with the checkpoint in that. That way, it wouldn't slow you down in the middle of the straight-a-way and you could make the finish line more uncheatable. If you need references, I suggest you look at other race maps as most have them - but this is great regardless.
  4. NiftyPEN

    NiftyPEN Forerunner

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    I'm not quite sure about dropping fusion coils from the sky but you clean up the walls a
    bit. Also, nice layout of the outer walls, it adds some aesthetics to the map. The inside
    corners could be a bit more round because the one side looks a little bumpy. 6/10
    #4 NiftyPEN, Jun 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2010
  5. MPN Evolution

    MPN Evolution Forerunner

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    I absolutely love race maps! This one by far is a favorite of mine now!!

    This map may be plain, but I don't see any changes to be absolutely necessary. If anyone cheats on race maps they should be booted from the game anyways. This map is not long and boring by any means either. It's a perfect length and I love the corners. The only problem I see is if you don't have enough players for each mongoose and you spawn in the back you have to weave through the empty mongooses. With a full party of players though this map would be absolutely tons of fun.

    I rate it a 9.5/10

    Great job and keep up the good work!
  6. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    So your saying just boot them out of the party? So basically you have to stop racing yourself and scroll down the names to boot that person. By the time you do that you will be out of the race yourself. So you solution is not really that practical.

    The problem I have with this oval track is the same problem I have had with 9 out of 10 of these types or ovals. Is the track at least ten seconds? If it's not, then the goal point is insignificant. The lowest you can set the goal movement is ten seconds.

    Further more, the degree of bank is not steep enough. Basically there is no bank. I won't be DLing because there are a lot of these types of ovals. It's a nice effort and you did a nice job. I just would like to see you take the track to a higher level next time.
  7. MPN Evolution

    MPN Evolution Forerunner

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    The goals work just fine, if you would have tried before posting about it you would have known.
  8. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Well, since you were so confident and arrogant about it, I actually DLed the map to see if I would have stand corrected. My experience has come through however. I went ahead and DLed your oval. The map does not work properly for the minimum ten second goal movement as you claim. It is about 9 1/2 seconds. It doesn't always cheat you out of points, but a lot of the time it does. This is especially so if you arrive at the goal point very close to the time the destination moves. I can just tell by looking at the pics that the lap is not ten seconds. Next time add one or two more walls to your track to avoid this problem. Also you should be more confident before you accuse someone of being wrong, especially someone who knows a lot about race maps and game variants.
    #8 x DREAM 76 x, Jun 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2010
  9. MPN Evolution

    MPN Evolution Forerunner

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    Lol Okay. Please quit spamming the Forge Map area of the forums.
    #9 MPN Evolution, Jun 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2010
  10. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    He's giving you constructive criticism to further improve Haze's map, you're completely straight out ignoring what he is doing. The only way one can improve a map is with people like Dream who are going to tell one what's wrong with your map, so one can fix it, and make your map better. Your map isn't getting any better by the kids coming in here and saying "good map 5/5 or 10/10". Your map will get better when you learn to accept constructive criticism and use it like I said earlier.

    Constructive criticism isn't spam, saying good map 5/5 is.
    #10 Agamer, Jun 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2010

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