Does anyone have a Map on Sandbox or on any Mythic Map that turns into Night and you just have to survive till the times runs out, anything that creeps people out.
You can easily recreate this using timed effects. I'm not sure exactly what ones you use but i think it is gloomy and something else.
I like makign crypt maps where, after a certain time, juicy & colorblind spawn. This creates a dark effect without making it too dark to see anything. I have also coupled it with spawning a hornet & fusion coils in a kill ball, so that it sounds like thunder coming from above (the main tier). That's always a nice effect, although it wrecks your budget.
Personally I like to add Gloomy too, with Juicy, explosions, lights and killballs look pretty ugly, with Gloomy, the Map get's a little darker but the light effects look a lot better
One of my friends has a really amazing AvP map on sandbox that does this well, it might be on forgehub but i doubt it and it was created when sandbox came out, so there is a few bumps. His name is Faultlesswall and im pretty sure that its still in his fileshare if you want to check it out. If you want to play this type of game, why not make your own?