
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by P1MPxSLaSH, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    The Barricade: The Virus Series 1
    (this map is part of a 3-map series all used with the same gametype)
    So my last map didnt go over so well, but Iv been working on this one for a while and its completely of my own creation. So dont critisize before downloading please. feel free to say all the things you want just please download and give it a try first.

    The Barricade
    the basic map consists of a small wall to peek over and a small little base to fall back to if things look ugly. You can shoot over the wall at the zombies (they all spawn from the wall so they should all come from there) and pick them off for a while but weapons dont respawn for a looong time so be prepared to get some team work moving. After 60 seconds if the zombies notice a ramp over the fence, keeping them from only hitting the wall, they can then start to hop over other places and get in through the sides of your main base behind the survivors. It is quite unnoticeable so only the observant infected will hop over and surprise attack the humans. at least one survivor should get into the base and onto the balcony to help out their comrads.

    The Virus
    So you might think that once a zombie spawns, it is easy to spawn kill it seeing as though it spawns right across an open area... this is false. respawn traits allow them to become invincible to they get a few seconds to decide what to do or to just charge it. Along with that, the map is extremely dark making it har to see the infected even with their glowing swords. the infected are also extremly fast and drop dead like most do in SWAT depending on the one who shoots the zombie of course. The survivors are of normal speed and have heavy gravity. They can pick up weapons but have no sheilds so hold on to the weapons; its all you got. The weapons are all low on ammo but should juuust hold you off until the next weapon drop. if you run out of ammo, get behind someone else and get ready to melee. No one spawns with grenades either so thats where weapon classes come in.

    Weapon Classes
    What? this isnt Call of Duty?? Well it doesnt have to be. You get 5 survivors to help fight the horde and each survivor spawns right infront of a "weapon class" usually consisting of 1 primary weapon, 1 back-up weapon, and sometimes 1 grenade. Again, all are low on ammo so that back-up could save your life. There are 5 classes; 1 to a survivor obviously. There are also some extras to help you get by which includes a flamethrower, deployable cover, trip mine, needler, and whatever else you can find against the barricade. The main weapon classes are as follows:

    consists of a Carbine, Magnum, and Firebomb. The Carbine has no spare clips but the Magnum has 1.

    A Battle Rifle and a Mauler may not seem too powerful, but the BR can bring down zombies in seconds and the Mauler serves awesome for close-range encounters. The plasma grenade can also be helpful in sticking undead before they breach your wall.

    Sniper Rifle and Magnum. That's it. No grenades of any kind but each weapon is decent on ammo and the Magnum can actually be good for long-range kills. This class is also right next to the flamethrower... oh yes

    An Assault Rifle and SMG; 2 automatic weapons! the Assault has a back-up clip and the SMG doesnt so only use the SMG for close-range encounters

    Yay! You found the Shotgun and SMG. This class also has a handy Spike Grenade. The Shotty has decent ammo to say the least and the SMG has a spare clip so you might be all set for a while. Only thing is, how can you help your team shoot across a mile-long strip with only close-quarters weapons? You cant really. Just help the teammates that get overrun with a few baddies hopping the barricade.

    the entire map with no effects on.

    The room in the base left of the room with the stairs leading up. Just a room.

    The Foyer as some call it. IT leads right out to your wall outside and also has the staircase.

    Upstairs. Go zig-zag around the corner and you're out on the balcony.

    The entire barricade you'll be defending, soldier. Goodluck out there.

    MAP DOWNLOAD : Halo 3 File Details

    #1 P1MPxSLaSH, Jun 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  2. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Looks good, but one thing.... what if people mix classes? Like one person just goes straight for the class they want and/or mix weapons, like say the person spawns in front of the carbine, but picks up a shotgun, sniper, and takes all the grenades?
  3. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    Nice map and I also agree with LRMAN but if you wanna have fun fallow the rules. I love the idea and wish to see your other ones. Keep up the good work!
  4. xXx Shadow xXx

    xXx Shadow xXx Forerunner

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    Hey P1MP Wanna complete the 2nd Map together anyways contact me in Live / I Love how its Like CoD But i agree with the People above me what will Happen if they Steal others Guns ? and what are The Peoples / Zombies Traits ?
  5. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Looks light a pretty straightforward map. Besides the issues mentioned above, the only other concern I have is about the zombies spawn and what looks like a lack of cover. I might be wrong and if I am i'll fix my post after playing a couple rounds.

    I thought of an idea you could use to fix the class stealing problem. Have people spawn in individual start areas with the said class and also in that room is a teleporter that would take you to your barricade. If they don't leave you could have a killball spawn and that way they'll spawn in the main area, but without there special class.

    That's just an idea but to keep the weapon diversity fair for everyone I think that would help.

    One last thing. Do the zombies spawn in the crypt right away? If so does that give the humans enough time to get locked and loaded?
    Ok, Houston we've got a problem. Actually, make that two or three.

    Where o' where to begin....


    The spawns need to be changed ASAP!! The zombies are already charging the humans from the first second of the game, and they just end up getting picked off. That's not the only problem with the spawns either. You have a major fun-killer on this map. It's name.... SPAWN KILLING. This happens the entire game because the zombies keep spawning in the straightaway facing the base.


    I hate to say it, but there aren't any aesthetics on this map. Honestly, it looks like you rushed the whole thing or just flat out never tested it. The floors are bumpy, the walls aren't even and the roof is crooked. I feel like you definately rush this because your **** Zombies map was awesome and very-well forged and this is just.... not.


    Doesn't exist. It is impossible for the zombies to get any enjoyment out of the game because of two reasons:

    1. Spawn killed everytime from the second the game starts.
    2. Humans have very powerful weapons and can kill zombies, even on their own, quite quickly.


    Has potential, but for now has fallen prey to hasty forging. I would take the ideas I gave you in my earlier post and impliment them, to balance the game because honestly as of right now, this game has none.

    1/4. Please improve and i'll be happy to give it another go.
  6. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    well this is likely to happen if you dont have 5 survivors so then there'd be an unused class which of course is up for grabs. But first, if you spawn in front of your class, just walk forward hit RB,Y,RB to get the 2 weapons immediately before anyone can even think about stealing anything in your class. and of course cooperation is key to survival in this infection mode.

    Well I did test the map and the zombies had fun because they never got spawn killed too much for the reason that it is impossible. respawn traits allow the zombies to be INVINCIBLE... for ya 3 seconds, that gives them enough time to run a few feet out without dying immediately. if zombies are tactical enough, they can swerve n dodge bullets from the shakey survivor gunshots. TIP FOR ZOMBIES: zombies can, once they reach the wall, crouch right in front of it but still behind it. Just wait, the survivors will forget you're there. Then you can go PEEK-A-BOO and slash em good. This was the most popular tactic in testing.

    as for the base: yes it is not perfect but its meant to look a little shanty and unsupportive

    and sorry about the delay in the gametype download i was having problems but the gametype is now up so you can now feel free to test it completely!
    #6 P1MPxSLaSH, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010
  7. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks Good

    Does actually look really good, Im dling now, and as mentioned before, people may mix classes. At least my friends should be nice about it.
  8. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The maps deasign look good, pretty neat and nce. but the weapons seem too stacked for the Humans. You are given the Humans too powerful of weapons, allin one area, like an Armory.
  9. BigBadNumber9

    BigBadNumber9 Forerunner

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    Looks like a great defense map. One question though... Wouldnt people just take any weapons they want rather than follow a "class" system
  10. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    each starting player will spawn right in front of their weapon class so if everyone grabbed what they needed right away, there would be no stealing unless you only have 4/5 survivors in which case there would be a class with no one using it. That one would be stolen. play testing revealed that cooperation is key

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