I just recently got back into forging, and I've been using the ghost-merge canvas on sandbox fairly extensively. I was hoping to be able to make my own said canvas on other maps such as foundry, but how do you set an object to not spawn at start and never respawn? I assume it's another sort of glitch but I've been searching the forums and such and haven't been able to find anything. Thanks in advance for any help.
Can't of searched hard.. You need two people on xbox live quite close geographically, you choose the options no on one xbox then never on the other, press at same time. It's fairly hard I have heard. I'm sure modding is possible to do it as well if geographically you can't comply -.-
Sorry it doesn't answer your question, but what is the point of doing such a thing? wouldn't that just delete the item eternally?
No, it does not eternally delete the item. What happens is after you start a new round, all the no/never objects are imeaditly despawned. All you can see is their teardrops. This is particulary helpfull when gostmerging, as you skip a whole step in the process. Instead of pushing the first object off it's spawn and waiting like 30s for it to despawn, all you have to do on a ghostmerge canvas is to spawn a non-moveable object, dummy it, push it off it's spawn, and pick it back up and insta-spawn it. It's a lot easier and i'm pretty sure there is a canvas floating around the hub somewhere..... If not I know there is one pretty near the top of the competive section (of all places) over at Xforgery.