Today Apple released their new iDevice software, iOS 4. This update is awesome. My two favorite new features are multitasking and Folders, which makes me not want to jailbreak anymore. Click here for a description on all the new features iOS 4 has Here is what my HomeScreen looks like so far. Pretty nice.
It really is unfortunate that competition for money is what keeps the new iPhone away from Verizon. I have Verizon, and my family has been a costumer of Verizon for a very long time and we do not plan to leave it. So I can not get the iPhone, or any 3G Apple products that will ever come out. I am a big fan of Apple and I wish that my phone company could be supportive of that. but on a more on topic note, the iOS 4 looks like everything it has owned up to be, and I can't wait to sit in the Apple store for 5 minutes and play with it.
Hopefully Apple will be significantly mad at AT&T after their recent drop of unlimited data and not renew whatever contract they have. Then I can drop this shitty carrier and go back to Sprint. Phone exclusivity destroys carrier competition. Instead of competing with the best networks, they compete with phone exclusive or at least that's AT&T's model. Also I've had iOS4 for months since I've had the beta. Of course it was hell for the first to or 3 betas. --- I love the pop-up menu at the bottom.
It's alright for me because I have an iPod Touch 2nd generation, but I don't have some features. The home screen wallpaper and the recent apps don't work for me However I do like the folders Yeah some of the icons look a little brighter or more shiny.
iOs4 is for the iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad. Currently, I'm pissed off at iOS 4. I downloaded it, and was like cool. Then before I went to bed I opened options to change the background on the home screen cause I realized you could, and the settings menu stayed in the background all night.. Draining my full battery >.>
Bloo, sadly it's not up for the iPad just yet, but it should be in the fall. No exact date either. Android has it, now Apple just needs to catch up: TASK KILLER APP. Please. Supposedly, apps running in the background don't affect the battery life too much, but... it never hurts to be careful, right?
Is it me or are the cogs in the Settings icon sharper (not resolution or image wise, literally sharper) than the more rounded ones in iOS 3? Looks like it'd make me want to press the button less, 'lil too pointy looking fer my tastes . I only have an iPhone 3G, so I'm not sure I can be bothered updating tbh. No multi-tasking is one of the most appealing features gone (aside from the complaints in here on that front, which sound annoying tbh), and folders look OK but nothing I'm too fussed about. Does anyone know if any worthwhile features are still available on 3G?
They are. I made a quick comparison and the iOS 4 ones are full spikes while the iOS 3 ones were small actual cogs
So, iOS 4 as a whole wastes power. My phone had nothing running in the background last night, and it still went down from 95% to 20% >.>
There is no point for me to get iOS4. I have the 3G so I don't get multitasking or home screen wallpaper.
Anybody else having trouble accessing the internet? After I updated my phone I cant use Safari, Youtube, or Mafia Wars. I can still make calls and send text's fine. I also love the portrait lock too (Go left from multitask), great when listening and running with the music playing (So I can change songs and not randomly push on albums).
Okay, now that is a good feature. But it still wastes the ENTIRE battery sitting idle for 6 hours >.>
I personally am srsly hatin' on Apple that my fairly new touch can't support the multitasking...which, I guess is understandable...or a we don't even get the new orientation lock feature? Ffs, how hard can THAT be?... jailbroken iPods and iPhones have done all of this 4.0 crap since 1st gens and they survived. Something I've noticed though, my iPod is like, dead, all the time. I don't have multitasking or anything but my iPod is DEAD. Is Apple trying to kill the battery's lifetime faster so they'll force us to buy newer products just like they're forcing decent and old iPod/iPhone customers to do to get the new features? Dang.