.BloodBath (v.99) DOWNLOAD V.99 is out. Check the screens for the changes. Note that this is the competitive edition and a team slayer edition with more weapon/equipment variety is on the way. Gametypes for 4-8 players: TS, FFA, CTF, Bomb, Oddball, KOTH Weapons: BRs, Carbines, 1x Mauler V.99 Screens:
Looks really neat from the pictures, and I've got it queued up.... BUT, we seem to have something in common. Check it out: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8912 One of us must budge, but with 100 downloads already, it wont be me lol.
Yeah, it does look really neat. Looks like a fun infection map to me. But next time please list the number of each weapon.
Cptncaucasian, This map was designed for competative gameplay, like all of the maps created by this person. Sendernode, this is looking very nice indeed. It seems you excel in the 'mlg' themed competative maps. You manage to make maps with multiple tactics, and make sure they are very clean so that Hardcore gamers can play trouble free. My only concern is that MLG tends to get boring after a while, and it might end up degrading your map. The shape of this could support some crazy weapons, anything could be possible, i could even see a ghost going in there if you were crazy enough. This is only my opinion however. I think you should add maybe another 1 or 2 screenshots if you can. There are some areas that i want to see. Ofcourse i will download this and rate it gameplay wise, but i cant get on tonight.
Erm, that kind of depends who you are. I personally don't find random weapons/vehicles interesting but thats my opinion. God job sender, I'll try it out later.
his map is completely different then yours he didn't steal your name he just wanted to call the map blood bath
from the pictures i can see much, but i do like the box tower type thing, at first i thought u changed a open double box then i looked close i suggest more pictures
Looks interesting, but you'll always get my DL. I'll let you know how it plays. That came across as very arrogant. You don't have a lock on the name, and I'm quite sure I could find another map called the same thing that was published before yours. I doubt any budging will take place.
This looks really good, i like all the interlocked walls, so ill give it a try, also you shouldnt change your name, and neither of you should budge, there is no problem with to maps having the same name. The only real problem would be if they were the same map, so keep up the good forging.
Looks great Sender, but what happened to Last Shot? I still get some games goin on it from time to time, played the test version yesterday actually. Is this sort of an extension/transformation of it?
I like the look of this Sender. Clean and tidy, much like all of your maps. I like MLG in moderation so I am gonna put this on my queue for the times I want a nice custom game. Good work as usual.
Yay, interlocking always pleases me! I really like what you have done, especially that walkway lined with window panels.... SWEET!
Sorry guys... I thought the "lol" at the end of my post made it obvious I wasn't serious. I didn't expect him to "budge" at all really. I guess that was a weak attempt at being funny haha.
The screens in the OP have been updated with the v2 changes. There have been some significant changes so check it out if you liked the first beta! v2 updates: - reworked one side of the map - closed off using geo-glitch - fixed CTF spawn issue
Hmm. Some aspects of this map are quite interesting. I especially am drawn to that center stairs structure, very cool.
This looks really cool Though may I suggest that insted of space betweeen each structure, connect them somehow