[mouseoverimage=http://i50.tinypic.com/ftilq9.jpg]http://i50.tinypic.com/2jbjw2t.jpg[/mouseoverimage] Welcome to my little preview Thread for our Map Cleavage. Our Map? Yes. On my first image you can see Cleavage. Cleavage is a community Map, that means, you can suggest things that I forge into the Map, everything is allowed, as long as it doesn't break any rules and is forgeable. The Final Map will contain of (List will be edited): When you scroll over the image, you can see Cleavage as it is on my HDD right now, no, that's not a joke, I deleted almost everything. Why? I didn't like it. Why? Because I rushed it. Cleavage looked like a more or less regular Map, not like the Anti-Map it was suppoed to be. Help us make Cleavage special, suggest ****! Map Name by TZ 'Cleavage' is banned on Bungie, I will need to name the Map differently, maybe 'Kleavage' The Female Reproductive System by Chuck I think, I don't know Hentai Porn by me A Troll under a bridge by draco A dead Zebra by draco A heart by Beefi Other Things from the LOLBox Beaver Tail by Spawn of Stalin Sarge's Banhammer by Beefi A water slide by me The smallest double-story building ever by Darkling A Ninja by Death YoooooYoooooooooooo Interloxz by Beefi ...
I think the first picture is what he first designed it as.. then he scrapped that idea and thats what the second picture is. So he hasn't actually built your heart or dreads troll bridge yet
Deleted, will be there in the end though That's right, read the Thread like this and you will understand it: Paragraph: 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6
Ok so hers a list of stuff I think you should include I'll update it when I think of anything new: Sarge's Banhammer A Roflcopter
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! roflmao. You named a map cleavage..... lol thats the best thing ive seen all day. Well..... okay i guess i suggest a roflcopter, or a giant sword. Like a ninja sword. Anyways, this might be the first map based on female reproductive organs that looks playable, and its undoubtably the first time Insane54 will ever be inside a girl other than his jacket 0.o
The problem with making community maps is that the flow from one piece to another is very poor. But because there is only one forger you could pull this off and end up with a very good map. Lets just hope people are serious with there suggestions.
You obviously dont realize that there is nothing serious about it being the inside of a woman. You know, all that stuff that comes after the ******? Im sure youve heard of all that fun stuff before...... lol this map is OBVIOUSLY not serious at all! geez...
When this is completed me or someone else from the Regeneration Gametypes thread should set it up for Regen KoTH, Regen Slayer, Regen Ball, Regen etc...
I full-heartedly support this. Lol i cant wait to stick somebody inside her ovaries :O Mwahahaha! This is neccesary.
Lol Jex did you see yesterday when we got insane to change BT's name to purple theorem for a while? On topic: I think on top of the hentai you should fit in some rich porn
hahaha no i didnt! Im sad that i missed that... :,( I can only imagine the beauty........ And a ninja damnit! LD, we need a ninja!!!!!!!!!!
Aww next time we have a skype call I'll invite you in so you can join in on the lolz. Ohh also needz moar Interloxz!
Well what map wouldn't be complete without a large female platypus doing a barrel role eating a jar of peanut butter????? But on a serious note it could have a base similar to heretic's but without the lift. Then have the top of the center piece very isolated with only one way up, but have it fairly protected. And have the same way up to the center piece but with more of a curved platform and a man cannon in each corner as another way up. Just spit-balling, not sure if they will work but why not.
Spam, your post needs to include at leats some detail that benefits some previous poster in some way. And three words do not help 0.o Anyways, just go fix all of your past FOUR posts because they are all spam, and we are good.