I truly hope so, I don't want to see this in matchmaking or customs... Too close to MW2 for my likings.
I'm betting that you'll be able to. Maybe Bungie will only put it on big team maps with vehicles and stuff, which I wouldn't mind
Well we saw in Halo 3 some weapons can't be placed on some maps, like Plasma Rifles on Avalanche, and seeing calling in an air strike would wreck the ceilings of indoor maps, I'm guessing the Target Locator will probably be limited to outdoor maps if its in multiplayer maps at all. Fun mini game if it is, sort of like Hobo Heights. The attacker spawns in a large box, everyone else spawns on top of the box. The attacker can call in air strikes on his own location but they'll just hit the top of the box, killing the other players!
Haha that would actually be pretty damn cool! lol im liking that one, and now i really hope that we will be able to place this in some custom games. The possibilites of what we could do will increase greatly.
i want to see everything available on maps for obejcts. i haaaaaated it when bungie didnt lte us spawn certain weapons or vehicles on a map.....
Guys, just because there is only one Redacted weapon doesn't mean there is only one weapon we don't know about. In Halo 3 there were lots of weapons that could be spawned in a map, but not set as starting weapons. These are just the weapons that are guaranteed to appear on all maps. There's probably plenty more weapons in Reach. Also, as for the Heretics, it could be possible that they could be included in the Campaign storyline, or that they could simply be Firefight only.
Alright, fine, it would be pretty cool for some minigames. I don't know what, but I'm sure it would be. However, if it is available in customs, I gaurantee that a majority of custom competitive gametypes will have it, and that will just frustrate me. Actually, I shouldn't even say that, I'll stay unbiased until I have a reason to hate it. You have a good point about weapons, although with their improved network code, I'm thinking that all weapons will be available to select from lobby or spawn in forge. (I hope.) As for the heretics, that'd be pretty cool, they'd fit the timeline. I really hope they do appear in the campaign.