It wasnt in the beta. I posted that it was on bungies website coding shortly after the beta ended. Its in the reach official thread.
It just seemed weird to me that they'd put in "NONE", not at the beginning or end of the list but in the middle, especially seeing as how most of the other lists are alphabetic.
It wasn't in the beta, but its in one of the brute renders on bnet: Also, the flak cannon is the new name for the fuel rod gun.
How do you know that for sure? Haven't you seen the new gauss turret type anti-vehicle thing in the campaign gameplay? If anything, that'd be the flak cannon. Not some green ball tossing rod. Also you guys, I'm pretty sure the different colored skulls change the colors of your bullets. I watched a video of Firefight 2.0 gameplay awhile ago, and the guy in the video was shooting red bullets from a DMR. Edit: Yo dude, you are just making stuff up. Accoording to this picture the fuel rod is still named the fuel rod...
Nah, he's not. Flak Cannon is the "placeholder" name for the Fuel Rod Gun in the coding for all the games. No idea why they changed it. Also, the redacted weapon is likely the Designator (Air Strike)--its render calls it the Target Locator, and that list is alphabetical; Target Locator would be the last thing in the list.
There's always the chance it's an un-changeable effect "built in" to the skulls when they're active. Like, Red Skull = red bullets, etc. Considering there isn't that much of a difference between custom Skulls other than "BLUE SKULL ON", not to mention the chance more than one could activate at once, it could be just for the purpose of identifying which skull is which, for future rounds where they're active and whatnot. It does make you wonder if they work like powerup colors in Halo 3, where Red + Blue = Purple Bullets, Red + Blue + Yellow = White, etc.
He's Right, I was lurking the MLG forums and they had a link to a Bungie Mod saying the Flak cannon was just how they codded the fuel rod gun. (kind of like how the Tank in L4D was codded as Hulk) EDIT: Found it
All I remember is that Rifte mentioned bullet color once, and then I saw in that Firefight 2.0 video that the bullets were red. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...
I assume it means the "heretics" of the covenant. The ones that reject covenant religion (Like the elite allies that have a green ship thing in Halo 3)
Never mind, I'm wrong. Something must have been wrong with my computer at the time that I saw colored bullets. But honestly, that'd be so awesome.
Heretics are "Elites experimenting with human weapons". As far as I know, it only affects their weapons, not their appearance. Snipers use snipers, Heavies "Won't turn down a good explosion", etc.
I personally think coloured bullets would just be annoying. Well, no, IF you could turn them off, I would be okay with it, but what if something amazingly epic happened while you were in the yellow skull stage and you wanted to get a great screenshot, only to have it ruined by a randomly coloured bullet. If it is available, I will always turn it off.
Yeah, I was modding a map the other day (OMG MAWDZ), and I was as I was replacing some stuff, I saw "flak cannon." I was like "WTH is a flak cannon?" I replaced it into the map, and it turned to simply be a fuel rod gun. So thats what gave me the idea that the new "Flak Cannon" would be just be the fuel rod gun. On a side note, I found lots of interesting things when viewing some of the tags in the map file...
What about the designator? That could be the redacted you know, the gun used to call in an airstrike. Just my thoughts... Anyways::: CUSTOM IN REACH=SEXY