This map was made when I noticed the possibilities of the water on Longshore. This map took me quite a while to make considering all the revisions I had to make in order to keep with the original design. I hope you enjoy this map. This map plays with 1v1's and 2v2 Slayer, KoTH and Oddball Download: Weapon List: BR: 4 AR: 2 Shotgun: 1 (Shallow Clip) Carbine: 3 Sniper: 2 (1 Spare Clip, spawns every 90 secs) Powerups: Invisibility (every 120 secs, no start) Custom Powerup (every 120 secs, no start) Again thx for looking Download: *Warning* Sliced Cheese Cuts
This map is a great 1vs1 and 2vs2 MLG Slayers. Due to the maps small size, teamwork is a definite must and domination of the power-ups is required. Maps great, everything is well-placed and merged.
- WTF? iration keeps spawning behind me - And there goes iration back smacking me - How does iration keep killing me Add spawns.. Everyone just spawns in the main building or on the water floor.. Also.. easy to break out.. and theres that one hiding spot in the water.. unless you wanted to keep that..
i did want to keep it and theres not much i can do about the spawns theres over 50 on the map the problem is tht it is a realy small map as for being able to get out think u might have downloaded the older version I had re-edited the post and put a new link to the updated map.
Cuz i like the layout of the map so much, and how awesome the water looks with it, i give it a 9 out of 10. I found the map enjoyable, its good for 1v1s and for 2v2s. The spawn system is predictable but what map isn't? Im a huge spawn killer and sadly (in my opinion) I cant spawn kill on this map. Sure I know where they spawn 85% of the time, but thats different then you spawning with a sniper bullet in your face. The spawns are placed far enough apart so that its impossible to spawn kill like you can on narrows, guardian, etc... And honestly, what map has never had complaints about spawns? Think about it. Other then that I had no problems with it. Im not a fan of the shotgun though.. Or the placement of two crates which I talked to you about in-game. xD (i still say give me my hiding spot back!) I do think you should make an mlg version of this btw... Maby replace shotgun with a plazma pistol, etc...
Criteria Enjoyment: While there are many technical flaws which can contribute to a decline in gameplay, Criteria is all around well forged and very enjoyable. It fits perfectly for 1v1 and any other amount of players would just make the game less exciting. Criteria's biggest contributor to its enjoyment is where it is forged. Under the docks of Longshore is something almost entirely new to the concept of Longshore. And you're right; the waters of Longshore have potential to make great maps. The flaws in the design, however, are where the map can become a bother to play. Since it is under the docks and literally inches above the water, it is very easy to miss-step and fall off the map. Even in areas where a tactical jump from one part of the map to another is promoted, it is still easy to fall off. For example, in the area with the dingy boat there is a nifty little tactical jump to get from one platform to another, but with the low ceiling under the docks, it is to simple to miscalculate the jump, hit the roof, and fall right in the water; missing the dingy completely. There are other instances as well. Such as the column that sits in the pathway from one of the catwalks to the watery underside of the map. Navigating around that, though it may seem simple, is not always easy when engaged in a fight. Balance: I have said this many times, it is never easy to balance a map. There are tones and tones of factors that need to be perfect, and a lot of it is simple trial and error - which can be very strenuous at times. The use of a shotgun on such a small map is something that is very difficult to do without upsetting the players because of camping or misusing it - especially with the presence of the Active Camo. The Active Camo along with the shotgun on any small map would normally be the most abused thing on a map. However, with the very clever placement of the Active Camo (on the other side of an obstacle and no where near the shotgun) it has balanced that aspect of the map perfectly and completely. However, there is one major flaw that ruins the start of the game every time you play it. The starting points. I can not fathom why you would ever put them so close to each other, but they are, and at the start of the game one of the starting points look directly at the other, while the other starting point looks completely the other way. This gives a very unfair advantage to one opponent, and must reflect the score in this area. Durability: For the most part the map is pretty much inescapable. A buddy and I tried all of the obvious spots and then some with no luck, but we were able to break out at one point. With a simple grenade jump before your opponent spawns you can break out of the map. This would normally not be to big of a problem, however if you do a successful grenade jump you can easily get to a very good vantage point and kill your opponent over and over again until you win. Other then that there was no prominent way to abuse the spawn system or exploit the map. However, every now and then you could gain an advantage by camping behind a spawn point that your opponent will spawn to. Aesthetics: There is no major aspects that contribute to visual please aside from the advantage of being able to use some of the fencing and support beams under the docks for aesthetic pleasure. There also was not much to use for aesthetics in this already visually satisfying map, but there are always ways to improve, and there may have been a few special things that could have been done. For the most part the map looks great, there is no sloppy forging that takes away from the look, and the support beams and fencing under the docks help drastically to improve its look. But there was no "extra mile" gone to make the map look even better and necessary or not it would still better the quality of the map. Originality: This is an original idea. Though the concept is not new (as in it has been done on other maps such as Avalanche or Orbital), the way it was implemented into Longshore is, and it has surpassed other 1v1 style maps of its kind in this aspect. Going under Longshore's docks, where there is nothing but a watery grave and making it playable is not easy to do, and doing it is very remarkable. Overall: 38/50
thank u for your honest feedback and ur right tht floor under the docks was hard to do it wasnt a simple ghost merdge it was a ghost merdge save and quit process since if i just ghost merdged it, it would disaappear. as for the starting points ill go in and change um up a bit just for u lol and a few more things again thx
dude! you used the water in such amazing ways! My mouth dropped at the possibility's from this well thought out map. I'm going to download and play it when ever me and a few other friends are waiting for a larger party to come. the dingy is in a cool location, and i see awesome vertical combat. Great job!
hey, just wondering but i added all of that up and it was a 33, idk if i missed something but i think you added a 5 somewhere redneck
:O. And it already got posted on the site update. I am a fail. But I do think Criteria is still deserving of a 7.6. I'll fix it some how.
lol and once it do the updates for you it will be a 10 yeah im actuall making a remake of it right now where i keep the water floor but instead of going up like i did im going the opposite direction
thts dude im gonna be making a remake soon of this map with all the feedback iv gotten im going to go in a totally different direction