Lontano(click to DL) Lontano is a map made using almost all of foundry, excluding the inside areas. The map itself is asymmetrical, as most of my maps are. It is interlocked in many places, and also is merged in several areas. Recommended Players: 2-14 (the map can be very big or very small-whichever the players choose) Recommended Gametypes: CTF, bomb, slayer, KotH Supported gametypes: CTF, Slayer, bomb, KotH, territories, oddball Weapons/grenades/equip.: (clips, respawn) x2 sniper rifles (1, 150) x1 Rocket launcher (1, 180) x5 BR (5, 30) x4 Carbines (4, 30) x4 SMGs (2, 30) x2 spikers (2, 30) x2 regen (150) x1 camo (spawn at start no, 150) x1 bubble shield (90) x8 plasmas (30) x2 frags (30) x2 spike (30) Screenshots *All descriptions above screens This is one teams base, with the sniper spawning just pass the bridge on the left. The stacked crates allow the player to jump from one tower to another A view just to the right of the last screen shot, on top of the double boxes is where teams spawn, and just behind it is the flag/bomb spawn A side view from the first base, the window panel platform provides an overview of the base, great for defense. The backside of the base, where the flag and bomb spawns are. This is the center of the map, just in between both bases, the rockets spawn in the wall corner alley below. A view of the other teams base, the sniper spawns just behind the roadblock, on top of the dumpster A second look at a different angle Back side of base, flag and bomb spawn behind right side box I was just about to jump down and release my ninja powers, unfortunately a ninja's ultimate weakness is...the rockets. Lontano(click to DL)
looks pretty cool its like its just thrown together but its got great interlocking and techniques i'm not so keen on using the whole foundry but you did a good job at it
Yeah, I thought it might seem that way from the pictures, but I actually planned it out on my computer long before I actually started making it.
personally it looks a little too messy with all those walls and double boxes everywhere... Nice map though!
oh wellz, I guess its because I wanted lots and lots of cover, as most maps seem to have too little. I am kind of confused, because 90% of the maps on here use just as much if not more walls and boxes as I did.
agreed, this is true, so i guess subtract the previous statement, and just have "looks like a good map"
Thanks desert rat! I am in no way worried about or care at all, but is this map really only two stars? I thought it is at least more worthy then that. Oh well.
This map is good, if your a forge beginner, 3/5 because it is messy, and its randomly put together d/ling to play
Looks like a good map, its just that when you use all of foundry and not make an enclosed or map in the air it feels thrown around. On the good side the interlocking looks good, and just looks nice. Good job
Well I'm no beginner in no way, but I guess it does seem throw around, as I tried to place enough cover in several places for people on the regular level.
Overall this map is ok. You should really, (as others suggested), clean things up a little. The pics have shown a number of crooked things such as offest walls and your bridges would look better if turned upside down.
You haven't gotten any posts on this map for awhile, so I felt like telling you this looks pretty good and I Dled.