If only I was still guardian. I could reopen it. Then when Sarge would get on I would change the name so it would slip under the radar.
My sister is currently holding a wooden samurai sword taller than she is. She first tried hitting the ceiling fan with it, too short, so now she's spinning it around in her hands like she's seen me do. /tearofjoy
I don't know. I'm pretty sneaky. I mean; you don't even know about your mother and I's, um, association.
Oh you mean how she told you how horrible your grammar was and you ran off denying the matter? I was there.
and to i think i took the the time to pretend like i had good grammar hmph --- **** i even capitalized that **** and this is the ppc
yeah, it's almost like you learned proper grammar just so you could spit in its face accidentally. waitaminute