I can never finish a game of Risk. It usually ends with the board on the ground, and all the little pieces under the couch.
In 8th grade, our teacher was like **** english, let's play RISK! DDDDD Now me and all my friends are hardcore at it. Conker explain that quote lolul
Someone needs to make an online version thats really simple to play..online. Also, ending of Red Dead Redemption..hated it, although it made a good point.
When I play, nay, DOMINATE Risk, people cry. It begins with the normal lot, people separated into their small camps with even more diminutive armies. I devise a strategy in my head based on my knowledge of the generals to bring them to their knees by the game's conclusion. They will suffer, sweetly, with the force of a sadist hellbent to destroy their self-perceptions. But they do not know this, no, not yet, they think this is only a game, entertainment to them. Idiots, I've already formulated their downfall based on their miscalculation. Oh you have China do you? You took a few of my men eh? HA! A fool's folly to build a false sense of confidence. Your brazen attacks will match my constructed luck on the battlefield, slowly your numbers will dwindle, you'll call for aid from your "friend" on the other side of the world, but you'll receive none, my small comments against you have already rooted in their mind. They'll think you a treasonous sloth, arrogant and slow, trying to supplant your stupidity by taking advantage of theirs. So it ends for you. You ask for mercy. I turn a blind eye. I continue my assault. You BEG, you PLEAD. You go so low as to offer your sister for other worldly conquests, not knowing she lay deflowered a fortnight ago. You see your own doom approaching, nothing can stop it, what was once a game is now one of survival, an exquisite analogue to your own pitiful crawl towards looming death. Yes, you may have been young and strong, but your confidence is gone, you are weak, nothing. Your family will abandon you when your trivial schooling is over, and nobody will offer you kindness, why, why allow happiness for a miscreant who can't even control a single platoon?! The game ends, I am victorious. You hobble back to the little cave in your mind. Your ego has been torn, tarnished, BURNED. That's what you deserve for making me play risk you poor excuse for a child.