I've been on my desk studying for exams next to my computer for the past couple of days.. this is what I do sometimes when I get tired of studying Also... NEW 20 minute reach video! firefight at 13 mins
YouTube - Halo: Reach Firefight Info Conference E3 2010 Dunno if this is old. Also, is gamespot broken for anyone else?
at 5:01 the reticule appears similar to a DMR but the weapon does not The covenant carbine also appears quite frequently despite there also being the needle rifle that nearly replaces it.
Its from IGN, but i don't know if its for sure. "First off, you'll get the full matchmaking experience here, unlike in ODST. You'll be able to customize your matches to your heart's content – weapons, maps, game durations and enemy behavior will all be tweakable". "From what we're being told, Firefight in Reach will be far more customizable than ever before. For example, you'll be able to create your own skulls that can totally change the pace and feel of your Firefight matches. You can make up to three, altering the traits of your Spartans, armor abilities and waves. Want to bump your health up to 200% and boost weapon damage? Feel free (wimp). This is basically Firefight any way you want it." E3 2010: Firefight in Halo: Reach – Bigger & Better - Xbox 360 Preview at IGN
It's a DMR. You can't really see it on that trailer, but that's also a clip from the firefight trailer and the person is firing a DMR.
I'm heavily surprised to see no one talking about the full map editor so powerful bungie used it to create some of the maps in the game. Might have quoted that slightly wrong but its from the popularmechanics article mickraider linked in the shoutbox yesterday. Seems promising. I'll link when I'm on my computer.
I saw it yesterday, the reason I'm not talking about it is because it's only one source for such an incredible announcement. Could be a misunderstanding from the source for all we know, it's happened before. I'll believe it when a couple other sources say the same or Bungie does. Source
The quote was pretty damn close. It does seem promising doesn't it? I remember hearing that at Auschwitz, the ****'s would tell the Jews that there was hot coffee waiting for them after their shower. If you don't see a lesson in there, I don't know where else you could find one. "....and a fully-featured level-editor that's so powerful, Bungie developers used it to create a few of the maps that will come with the game." Woah. Neato. Super-duper. But wait. Halo 3 "featured a level-editor that was so powerful, Bungie developers used it to create a few maps". The maps were called Foundry and Sandbox, they were average, and the level editor was called Forge. Is Bungie going to release a better Forge? Absolutely. Are we going to be downloading beautiful, intricate 50mb maps, all created within the game's map editor? No.
Yeah I know, you can read it that way but I don't think anyone would consider Sandbox or Foundry "powerful" or "fully featured", and it's those words that have me optimistic. Along with the insane overhaul of other aspects of the game, I'm looking forward to it. However the word "editor" as opposed to "creator" or "designer" does put a damper on it.
Concussion Rifle - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more You know, theres a reason why search engines are popular. ****
*Facepalm* He said in action. lol In answer to your question, cart0graph, I haven't seen any videos of it. I've been looking too, and all I can find are pictures.