My iPod Touch SpringBoard!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by cluckinho, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Anyone have issues with lag with jailbroken iphones?
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Experiencing said issue right now, chrs. Not that long ago, when I was on 3.1.2, I noticed more slowdown than usual with standard tasks (generally running iPod and Safari at once, nothing else). I checked memory useage with SBSettings when it happened and noticed that I was sitting at like 6-8mb of spare memory at these times, lower than it had been before.

    When I updated to 3.1.3 and rejailbroke it (or rather when Rock screwed up and forced me to update...) the problem seemed to go away and I was sitting at around 20-30mb free memory during the same circumstances. Recently it seems to be happening again. The only thing I can think of is that it might be winterboard, there are no other background apps I've installed since I started noticing slowdown, but I could well be wrong.
  3. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    One thing that you can try to speed our iPhone up is to use sbsettings, then go to more, mobile substrate and check off any unneeded addons that you might have accidentally installed. Works wonders
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    So here's everything right now:

    Lock screen:
    Main screen:
    Main screen sideways(SBRotator):
  5. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    Oh **** i cant swim. ha thats my desktop wallpaper
  6. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Yessir, I used to use it and thought it would work nicely with the Glasklart Theme.


    Since I've been jailbroken since day one, I've not really noticed any lag to be honest.
    Compared to friend's iPhones mine still runs at a good speed, and in some cases does things faster - what I find even more interesting about that, is that my current iPhone is a 3G and my friend's is a 3GS.

    I'm still not sure whether I want to jailbreak my iPhone 4 when it's delivered (And a jailbreak is available, of course), I guess I'll have to wait and see what can be done with it.
    Then again, I've never paid for an App since I use Installous so much, so that's a big reason I would want to stay jailbroken.
  7. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    K well I finally got my pics, here they are:

    I like a nice colorful SB and its not a phone so I'm fine






    I have about 60 bosspaper pics so it gives a pretty nice variety.

    O yeah and I forgot the battery and sbsettings, both of which are from iNitzua Z Twilight:


    #47 Cryptokid, Jun 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
  8. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    Yeah, I did, which is partially why I restored mine. Another thing was that I chose to hide Cydia and Winterboard using Categories, and whenever I tried to search for them, it would freeze and crash on me. It happened 4 times within the initial 20 minutes of jailbreaking it, so I was just like, "**** it, I'm restoring this."
  9. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    I jailbroke my original iPhone about a year ago, and it stopped charging so I had to restore it so I could use it. I really like a lot of the temes you guys are showing, I may jailbreak it again when for fun after I get the iPhone 4, hopefully next week.
  10. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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  11. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    @cryptokid see I really dont like your theme, just so much going on with your backgrounds and icons that everything seems to clash around. Its cool that you got the rotating walls though.
  12. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    Mine's jailbroken but don't even use any themes. (Maybe set it to User Wallpaper every now and then) I think I got sick of having to explaining it to all the dumb bitches at school. I used to have a custom Liverpool FC one but I updated and re-jailbroke and haven't used any themes. But I do like how that Glasklart one looks so I might give that a try.
  13. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    What rotating walls? Also, I don't like a lot of themes I've seen in this thread, to boring for me. Its really not as busy as you may think, especially when compared with other themes.
  14. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Having different wallpapers at different times, or 'rotating' wallpapers. That's what bosspaper does

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