Take the Bridge Overview Take the bridge is a map I made specialy for territories more specificaly for my clan, The Military Republic. We play a variant of territories called Storm the Field.It involves 2 teams of usually 6 fighting to take control of the map by captureing territories much like in conquest, but there is a time limit of 60 minutes. Your team has to either cap all the territories to win instantly or have the most under control by the time the 60 minutes are up. The map itself consits of 3 main platfoerms. 1 on each side and one in the middle these are conected by 2 "bridges" and the center platform or 2 tunnels and the center platform. The tunnels branch out from the starting spawn areas of bolth teams and meet at the 2 sides of the center platform. The "bridges" are crossed via prowlers from the base platforms, mongose from the center platform, or by walking across the extremly narrow gaurd rails on the bridges. There are also locked down gauss hogs on each base platform mainly as AA guns for when the hornets spawn. There is more you should be able to gather about the map from these pictures ass well. Base Platform Starting Spawn Area Tunnel Center Platform Weapon list 2xBR (starting weapon in STF) 2xshotgun 2xfuelrod 2xrocket 4xsmg 4xspiker 2xneedler 2xmachine gun turret 2xplasma pistol 2xmisslepod 4xplasma grenade 4xfire bomb 2xbubble shield 4xdeployable cover 2xregenerater 1xtripmine Vehicle List 2xprowler 2xhornet 4xmongoose 2xgauss turret Take the bridge Is my first map to be posted on forge hub so please give some postive feed back.
60 Minutes? That must be a mistake. I wouldn't play it if it lasted that long. And you probably need to change "ass" to "as." Its at the end of the first paragraph. I like the idea of the shield door bridges, so that only vehicles can go on them. But on the downside is that its too closed in, and not interlocked, But if you were going for Conquest, then you just need to interlock it!
Actually Cheez3 it is insane, but insane in a good way. It may seem long but when your playing it with a bunch of friends it goes by really. Fast shouting out location, trash talking, and fragging the heck of of people really makes time fly.
Hooray! Rejoice! Finally, someone who posts legitimate comments and doesn't spam! ...seriously though, that ^^^ is spam, and it's not allowed here. __________________________________________________________________________ On to the map! It isn't merged in quite a few areas, but this never caused gameplay to slow down or suffer, so I'm willing to ignore it. The vehicles all seem fairly balanced, so no complaints there. I'm not going to go to in-def on the gameplay because I just couldn't bring myself to play through a 60-minute-long game. I played for about fifteen though, so it still felt fairly long. Here's something I learned from my fifteen-minute playthrough: This map would actually probably work with a 60-minute limit. We actually managed to cap out after 12 minutes one time, and the game somehow felt shorter than usual, even for full games (no capping out). Somehow, I feel that this might just be able to somehow work for 60-minute matches, but I doubt that's for me (ADD : P)
I love the vehicle only shield door bridges. I tried to incorporate that idea into a map a long time ago, but I never put railings on- big mistake. It looks like you set it up well. Gameplay will suffer highly however because you neglected to put railings around the perimeter. The long tubes and little cover will let long-range BR fights or grenade spamming decide the game. The guass turret needs to be taken out IMO, as anyone who is accurate could control the whole map except the lower bases and the tubes. The rockets should either be moved further away from each other, or only one should be set on the middle. And 60 minutes is waaaayyy too long. Try 10 minutes max! As for forging- try merging, and using pieces in an unconventional way, and you will find it is easy to come up with something creative and original, like shield door bridges, and unlike long tubes or blocky bases.
Thanks for the feed back Haris and inglourious the gauss turrets are verry open and susepteble to fire from the missle pods hornets and fuel rod guns.Also, There is a good number of deployable covers bubble shields and regenerators that should balance out the rather opennes but any other sugestions would be good help.
This looks like a really interesting map. It seems as if you need to plan out your strategie and not jsut run and gun. But 60 minutes of play? I love halo just as much as the next guy, but 60 mins seems like an awful lot of time...well w/e Im gunna DL and give it a go because theres something about this map that really attracts my attention...ill be back with more comments soon...
This map has some forge issues. If you would just interlock it, I'd see it as a decent map. I'd just keep trying.
please name these "issues that would be solved with interlocking you can still have smooth fun game play with out every thing being perfectly conected,but if it does hamper the game play too much I will try to fix it
I can see how the map is meant to play, but the open space on the base platforms and the tunnel walkway is a touch worrying, especially with some of the vehicles and weapons you have on map. I can't see anyone wanting to go up there, as I can just see them getting slaughtered really fast. On the other hand you have tiny, enclosed spaces where I can also see people getting slaughtered by shotguns. Having said that I like what you've done with the shield walls to form a vehicle only bridge. Lovely idea. Just I hope it's not too much of a bumpy ride. And do the vehicles tend to stay around a long time, or kinda hang around for a short time before exploding? Or somewhere in the middle? The major design issue with overall map structure present would have to be the lack of paths across. You have what I'll term vehicle bridge, tunnel underground, and the walkway on top. The second and third are practically the same, they lead to the same place with a difference in speed and cover: Risk vs. Reward there. However, opposing players will always no that an enemy will come from either the tunnel-a shotgun can handle that- or across vehicle bridge where a well structured defence can totally waste any outgoing vehicle with missile fire. To fix this up, you need more or better routes from the base. I recommend either a new, large route to one side with plenty of cover from the middle area (but feel free to leave some weaknesses from other locations) or change the tunnel walkway into this route, leaving the tunnel beneath, but alter the tunnel exit. And, it you want do both, but leave one route more open to the middle area. And if anyone tells you that interlocking is absolutely necessary, thats not true. Only in the cases you described above, of course. It just makes it look better.
hmm well it Isn't actually as open when people use the deployable covers bubles ad regens also it would be difficult to make any thing else because there is no more space to add any thing as the item limit and budget are used up.