So, yeah. A long time ago I saw a switch. It was pretty cool and all, but I thought that it had the potential to do so much more than it actually did. So I wanted to incorporate it into a map. Well, after a long time I finally made that map, and now I shall show you some pictures to please your mind. So there you go. Wait what about the switch you say. Well, I'll explain it. There are two tunnel. In each tunnel there are dumpsters that can come out of the ground and block that tunnel for a time period. What teh switch does is it always blocks one of the tunnels and switches off after a certain amount of time. For the first minutes one tunnel is blocked, and then it rotates every 30 seconds from then on out. You see, in the first picture, one tunnel is blocked. In the other, another tunnel is blocked. Right now the switch works 90 percent of the time, where both dumpsters go up togethor to block it off. Sometimes though, when they go down one will disappear and leave a hole. It always corrects itself after the 30 seconds but its a nussiance, and I might not be able to fix it. Before I go, what would a thread be without action shots? Goodbye.
Hmm..... incorperating switches into competetive maps usually doesnt work out so well.... I hope this one is unique like that. I guess ill just sit back and watch the grenades and bullets and fireworks all fly by, like hope and reason.
I've been trying to figure out how to do this for so long. I've been trying to figure out how to make the timing for four gravity lifts and fusion coils just right so that this would work
I don't really enjoy playing on maps like this, but the switch is really making want to see how that would effect gameplay.
I don't what sort of room you have left, but I have an idea for your switch. Instead of it coming out of the ground have them fall from the ceiling. You could have the wholes up top with grav lifts over top that pull them up. You still may get them disappearing sometimes, but at least you won't have giant holes in the floor. You could just put shield doors over the holes so people can't shoot out the grav lifts.
Boxes dont go through shield doors, and neither do grav lifts. So.... fail. Bartoge, could you hurry this up? I wanna know how good a game can play with a switch, because thats bothering me a lot naow. cwutididthur?
Yes, but what you are saying is impossible... only people and gravity go through those. Edit: nvm, if the grav lift was BELOW and there was a shield door instantly above it with a fence, then the crate on top of that it would work, but thats not quite exactly what you said <.< >.> ^.^ V.V 0.o
Cool map I love the idea of having switching routes throughout the game. It looks to make the gameplay really interesting. The forging looks really smooth aswell. Well done