Regardless, it doesn't make any sense to send a spartan out to space. Not only is space the one place spartans detest the most, but when a simple pilot would suffice for the job it just doesn't make sense. Not only would a pilot be cheaper and more expendable, they would also be just as effective if not more because they are well trained in that area. Leave the ground forces on the ground.
I dunno Rifte, I think this will make for some pretty epic custom games if it's ship versus ship combat like in Battlefront 2.
In the books, the spartans have been out in space. And how can space battles being like starfox be bad? starfox was and still is a great game.
If it has space battles multiplayer, in the same way star wars Battlefronts did, it'll be ****ing unbelievable, especially with huge ship bases, with objectives to destroy or capture. Edit, didn't see CK's post haha
I hope Space Battles are in multiplayer! Maybe just one or two levels, or you'd have too many people complaining about it being "gimmicky" without really realising that they're just bigger Banshee battles with more maneuvering space. A level with 2 stations opposite each other in space a la boarding action would be kinda cool I think, using fighters to cross the gap (which could be quite large?)! Though there'd have to be other methods, like jetpacks or super man cannons or something. I think this would be a neat idea! I love space battles myself, being an avid Freespace (anything Descent related, really) enthusiast. Huzzah for Bungie. Haters gonna hate.
You know I'm talking about spartans flying space ships and destroying other hostile ships, not thruster packs and EVA suits right? I didn't say space battles looking like starfox was bad either, I'm implying they both look very alike. EDIT: Some new footage here, with brutes!!
The only reason I think space battles might be better than just flying a banshee around is that you can actually roll without pressing [A]. Making a banked turn in a banshee would look so much cooler than just turning but I guess bungie likes easy controls. Hopefully space battles will not have a defined up.
Spartans are better pilots do to vision and reflexes especially if "OPERATON SABRE" (dun dun dun) is designed for them. Plus they have operated in space, though with thruster packs. Also, space battles will likely be a multiplayer thing as the custom gametype Dogfight was found in the code.
Where'd did you read that it was in the code? And BTW Spartans are meant to be able to do everything and dominate them covies along the way. Forging on Space maps...? Hell yezs dawg
They're to support the fleet by assisting in space warfare, and the high reflexes of Spartans are best, oh and there's also the fact that everyone else in the facility is dead >_>
Ok, thats different, You just said spartans in space. They do, however, have quicker reflexes and were meant to be best at everything, a super soldier. It also doesn't help that everyone else is dead so there's not really another option.
What? I'm talking about flying ships, not thruster packs. The codes ripped from the Reach beta had campaign stuff and so far everything about it has been right despite peoples doubts. Just do a google search of it. I just don't see how some really quick reflexes of a spartan trumps the years of training and experience of a pilot. I'm not saying that I don't like the idea of space combat, infact I'm all for it. I just don't like how inconsistent it is with Halo.
Live streamed Reach IGN interview will be here in 3 and a quarter hours. (5:40 PM PST convert it if need be.)
But you don't know that the spartans haven't had experience as pilots. Remember in the novel the fall of reach how they went to a school to learn all kinds of things? What do you mean by inconsistant with halo? That can mean a variety of things.
A source. It'll probably be on in a few hours on E3. I mean more specifically the sabre. There's just so much that's wrong with it and should not work. Even if you ignore everything I said about the spartan flying the ship, there is no way that ship should be able to even do barrel rolls like that. The amount of force required for the sabre to preform the maneuverer and then generate a counter thrust to stop the spin, should destroy the entire ship. Large UNSC vessels have this kind of thing but it does tremendous damage to the hull.
If we're going to get physical and technical, ships shouldn't be allowed to turn in space at all at will, and there is no real mass to it, the ship is unable to act against it. Newton's law, an object in motion stays in motion, unless acted upon. It can't be acted on, as there is nothing to act against. I suppose I'm being a ****, I'm just saying ignore realistic parameters, and just enjoy the damn thing, or don't, but don't complain.