Heads up on The Pool Tired of Matchmaking? Can't get a big party started? Only have 2 or 3 minutes? Try this. The Gametype Heads up is a 1v1 slayer gametype. Nine rounds, First to one kill wins the round. Random weapon spawns. Forced color black. The Map The Pool is a basic arena map with a few twists. Instead of using shield doors in the start, players are "drop spawned" behind a wall. The players also start so they cannot just shoot immediatly with a sniper to get a kill. There is also another map made for this gametype called 'The Stage'. Its not currently on my fileshare, but if you want to download it, let me know and I'll put it up. Action Shots. Homerun! Who will win? Tie. Download Heads up on The Pool
Is the arena all you use? Like, i can see areas behind the arena. And do you have random starting weapons? But it looks cleanly forged and is well presented within this post. A simple idea, but one that is sure to settle many debates of who can pwn better.
yes he said you start with random weapons and those double boxes are there just to stop people getting onto the map and escape
Good idea for placing a warmup or just a game while you are waiting for somebody on Longshore. it is one of the first ive seen. This looks wonerfully forged and would be kind of fun to make a tournament out of. The only problem I have is the random weapon idea. It spices up gameplay. But for example Player A spawns with a pistol but Player B spawns with a sword or shotgun. Who will win? Most likely Player B will win because of the weapons the player spawned with are better. It is not your fault nor could be fixed to choose which weapons you spawn with but a suggestion i have is having weapons fall down onto the floor and make players pick them up. To me this map looks great. 7/10
Sounds like a Fiesta match, which are my favorite. This looks interesting, but I have an issue with the spawn area. If someone got a rocket launcher as their weapon and shot it as soon as they dropped, wouldn't they get a kill right off the bat, therefore nullifying the round? This is my only issue, though. I really like the idea, and I can't wait to try it out. Good work.
Enjoyment: This map was very enjoyable to test on. We played it about 5 games straight. Sometimes we both felt that the round was a little too short, but it seems like you intended the shortness of it from your description. But in my opinion you should add more cover to it to increase round playtime. But we definitely had fun testing. -7/10 Balance: Balance wasn't too big of an issue, but it really isn't easy making a fair gametype with a random weapon as primary. Even if someone got a Magnum and the opposing player got a sword, it was just for one round and the next round could be completely opposite. Another problem that we ran into was that, if a player didn't receive his weapon of choice, they could simply commit suicide by jumping off, receiving possibly a much more better weapon than he had. My only suggestion to fix this is to seal it all off. -5/10 Durability: Their is no possible way to get out of this map, unless you convinced the opposing player to let you jump on his head (Unlikely lol). -10/10 Aesthetics: The aesthetics on this map weren't really up to par with the enjoyment I must say. The boxes to prevent you from going out weren't to pleasing on the eye. So I'll go back to my suggestion of sealing it off. That way it looks much more cleaner, as it also fixes the problems with balance. The the thin water layer was a very nice touch to it though. -4/10 Originality: While the 1v1 arena style map isn't anything new, I'll give you some props for creating it in water. Maybe you should try and go for the not-so-typical fashion of 1v1 arenas (Which you somewhat did by creating it in water). Make it different. Change it up. Make people want to play on it more than any other arena map. -6/10 Overall Score: 6.4 Good job dawg.
The Pool Enjoyment: Many maps have been made based exactly off the principals that this map holds. So many different arena maps designed to host gameplay exactly like this. In fact, I personally can remember forging at least two of these arenas on Foundry. But there is a reason why so many have been made and still today we see them being made. They're fun. They always have been fun and until the day Reach launches and Halo 3 dies they will be fun. And the canvas and location you used to forge this makes it even cooler. However, there are some problems that need attention. It is always easy to throw one of these together on Foundry, or even Sandbox, but the gametype is always what gets the hard-pressed criticism because the author doesn't pay as close attention to it as they should. For example, the player spawns with a random weapon at start. This can cause a major disadvantage for one player, and an equal playing field is exactly what keeps Halo 3 players happy and entertained. There's nothing more frustrating then when your opponent spawns with a Rocket Launcher and you with a magnum. There is also quite an easy fix for this, which brings me to the point of paying attention to the gametype. Providing you don't get killed right at the start, allowing players to spawn with a fixed weapon as their secondary would allow them to revert to something if they find they're out matched, and could stir little to know abuse. Balance: Every single little thing is balanced about this map, but there is one thing that throws off the balance ten-fold: The random weapon spawn. Yes, it is a cool feature to have, and by no means am I criticizing your judgment to implement that, but there must be some level playing field for players to revert to if they spawn in the scenario I outlined earlier. Durability: The fact that the map is breakable, but breaking it would instantly mean a watery grave is actually quite interesting and does good for the aesthetics of the map. And from the testing that I did on the map, there is no definitive way to get out of the arena and on to the main map. Aesthetics: The twist of where it was forged does the aesthetics of this map justice. Though there is no real aesthetic forging in the map, taking the time to forge the arena in the waters of Longshore is aesthetically pleasing in itself. The point of aesthetics is to draw the eye of the viewer and to make the map look good. Well, people looking at this thread will definitely be drawn by the location it is forged in, and it does in deed make the map enjoyable to play on. Originality: Unfortunately this map can not be scored too high in this area, because the concept of the map is not original at all. However, there has never been an arena in the waters of Longshore, and that must be taken into consideration. Never the less, the point of Mini-game maps is to bring something exciting and new to the table, and this, though exciting, is not really new at all. The map has been seen in different forms under different names hundreds of times, and though it is still fun, is not original. Overall: 31/50
Not going to post a long review like Redneck above...but I would suggest moving the spawn boxes to either side so that they need to move around a bit before seeing their opponent. The gametype seems fun as I enjoy Fiesta, but for an idea what if you change the winning score number to say 3 or 5. Implememted with a spawning system that eradicates spawn camping (I could help you with this) it could make the game twice as better. That way both sides have an equal chance of winning if say the game starts with a pistol for one guy and a shotgun for the other. The map looks really nicely merged. No need to say more, it just suits the gametype perfectly.
It is a very simple idea, but I think it would be alot of fun with some friends. I give it a 7/10. Good job