HALO X: Version 2 This is my first post on ForgeHub. This is also one of my first maps, so don't expect the best. The humans must race to the end of the map to kill the infected and win. The alpha zombie will be shooting you, be warned. He will have an assortment of guns, including a sniper rifle and a rocket launcher. This map slightly resembles "The Halo" by Joe is Outside Beginning of Track Middle of Track End of Track Overview ---Download Map: Halo X v2 ---Download Gametype: Halo X Please leave comments, they are very important to me!
I'll help you out. To get the download link, just go to Bungie.net and go to the map on your File Share. Copy the link and paste in your post. Voila, download link. To get pics, you have to take the screenshots you want in Forge. Then, on Bungie.net, go to your recent screenshots. Save all the screenshots you want into a folder on My Pictures. Then, make an account on Photobucket.com, click the Upload Pics button, and select all he screenshots you want. After they're all uploaded, go to the Share button above each pic and copy the IMG adress down. Paste the IMG codes here, and they'll show up as pics. Oh, and welcome to Forgehub!
I already said, you can't copy and paste them directly from Bungie.net. You must upload them first on Photobucket and copy/paste the IMG code.
Or you can just visit the official, text and picture-friendly thread on the main forum. By the way, Photobucket sucks ass. ImageShack all the way! Linkety
Looks like a clean map, but the concept of a zombie shooting you on a racetrack has been heavily exhausted (There have been many remakes of the original "Halo" map). Still, I do think that you did a great job executing the idea, better than most people.
Thank you. This track does have a completely different design tan any other infection/racing maps I've seen. But I do see your point. I wasn't the best as far as ideas went back when I made this.
The turns look very sharp especially if your on a mongoose. Try making them curve? or adding a shield wall or just a wall so people aren't flying off the map. Oh and that first ramp down looks REALLY BIG, that was the first thing in my head when i saw this. Just saying lol (that's waht she sed hahaha)
Actually the skybubble ends at that point so the invisible wall prevents people from falling. Thanx for the comment anyway
Again... another Halo-type map that is named Halo and isn't shaped like a Halo. 90º turns are horrible for these types of maps. If I were sniping, I'd camp those spots because everyone needs to stop and slow down there. The course should be made so driving can be non-stop. Otherwise it's no challenge for snipers.
I see your point. But since the driver would be turning off the ramp it flows nicer than it looks. And like I said, there is an invisible barrier there.
There's 4 spots that have 90º turns for each path in the first picture alone. That's annoying for people like me who like to drive.
It's Fun i tested it out and well it has a Certain Twist to Halo just can't Say it cause it is a Secret