Everyone was a noob at some point Anyways, the first is better as it looks like a zoomed out version in the back, also move the text slightly to the left so it isn't on the lugia
I will try this and I'll try decreasing the opacity (it's already on 10%) after my maths exam this afternoon. Oh, and when I made that one last night, I didn't realise that the E was overlapping Lugias chest, sigh. EDIT: Ok, I've done it now. Here it is: Tell me what you think.
I liked it with the lugia in the background, it filled the empty space and acted almost like a frame (I don't know how that works but oh well). But then again I've had alot of negative feedback for my sigs so you might not want to listen to me.
In that latest version I found the Lugia in the background was basically invisible, I prefered it in the other one where it was more clear. To the people who are saying that you have to have skill at making sigs to be able to CnC em- I have basically 0 experience with sigs, however I know what looks right and what I don't like. So if I see something I don't like, even though I might not know how to do it myself, I can at least give the idea. On the flip side, Montage seems to not quite understand some of the fundamentals of sig making (like text) and because he understands less about it, what he says might not carry as much weight. Basically what I am saying is it is not necessarily the ability of the person to do it, but how well he understands the way things SHOULD be.
Change the opacity back to how it was. The text on the original's worked best IMO actually. Something you could try doing is making it a bit more pixelated (the lugia in the background), like how it is in the real games.
Seeing as the text is about the same "attention-taker" as Lugia, might as well make the text the main focal point. Instead of making it borderline with the rest of the sig, make it stand out the most. Add some effects, a drop shadow, gradient, and make it a bit bigger and to the...right of Lugia, I guess. haha, your layout of the sig is kinda odd. Since you placed Lugia smack in the middle and there isn't much going on, it's difficult to establish a nice flow. Hmm, I'd either suggest moving Lugia over, and then balance the other half of the sig with the dominant text, or just fiddle around with the text placement either to Lugia's right (kinda covering his bum, and the rest of the text on the negative space) OR where you have it right now, (his belly) or perhaps behind his head, in the top left-ish. Haha, good luck! ~Myztic