Map Title: COD4 Shipment. Call Of Duty 4's Level: Shipment on Halo 3. ( first map ever advertised on the lolbox's "Map Advertising" Section.) Download map:COD4 Shipment Download Game type:COD4 Description: Call of Duty's Shipment With Custom game type = As close as you can get to playing COD without actually playing COD Best played on games with only 2 Teams , and the custom game type. If your looking for some not so serious fun try any 2 Team KOTH it is actually pretty fun on this level You Spawn Pick which Load out you want Pick up any weapons equipment you want then go though tele and spawn in battle field. So some facts about the this game: -Custom Power up adds damage. -3 round of first to 250 to = 750 like in COD. -10points a kill 2 for assist 10for a killing spree. -Hornet Appears in 180seconds to simulate someone earning a killing spree helicopter. -Spawn without radar for 90secs if you can survive 90secs you get a radar to simulate radar kill-streak in COD. -Rocket and brute shot don't re spawn like other weapons. to eliminate spawning with heaps of rockets and noob tubes. because you don't in COD. -High Gravity,Killed Quick like in COD,Faster Speed for Simulating Sprint. -Grass, and random pieces of pallet on ground to give it more of an Original feel. -Every ones green with no way points. (there name is still there and your cross hair still goes red) like how it is in COD. -Explosion in the perfect distance for good sound. that happens every so often to mimic the sound of random background explosions in cod. -You spawn with Pistol and 2 grenades. Real Overhead. Halo 3 Overhead. Real Screen shot Halo 3 Screen shot Class/Loadout and how it works!: You Spawn in a small room can look in each path and the main weapon is on a weapon holder (except for the tele one). Choose which weapons/equipment you want go past the man cannon at this point you cant go back!. Pick up what ever you want (remeber you dont have to pick up every weapon if you want to keep your pistol ) Go in tele Spawn on map and have fun!. Class's: Spawn: Pistol(2 hit kill) 2 frags(1 hit kill) Assault: Battle Rifle (1 headshot kill) Brute shot(1 hit kill,30sec re-spawn to avoid stockpile of ammo) Custom power up (extra damage) Spec-ops Assault rifle(dont underestimate the power of a lot of spam-able bullets about 4 hit kill) Trip Mine (Huge 1 hit kill explosion) Secret Class Demolitions Shotgun (fairly long range since extra damage and less resistance) Rocket launcher(can only be 2 on the map at any time, 1 each team) Sniper Sniper Rifle(1 hit kill ) Flare Custom Power-up(Pistol kills in 1 headshot) Spawn! Overhead of the loadouts. Sniper Loadout. aka Sniper Assault Rifle Loadout. aka Spec Ops BR Loadout aka Assault Shot Gun Loadout aka Demolitions Secret Class . aka Incentive to download(if you know COD4 easy to figure out ) I'm new to posting maps but this is an entry to the Foreign Treasures competition. any advice on how to make my post or the actual map or game type better is greatly appreciated
I know theres not enough "grass".. but why is it in all random spots? And why is most of it in that one corner.. The spawn class is a good idea.. but you should keep the weapons as close as possible to COD.. Also.. Im sure you set the gametype to low gravity.
Low Gravity would mean you jump higher, Its High Gravity so you have small jumps like in COD. And Each weapon is almost Exactly the same as COD (well as close as you can ever get) Grass is mostly in one corner to make it the Grass Corner to make it easier to distinguish which way your facing and where you are because the corners look fairly similar. (also its the grassiest corner on shipment in COD)
Hmm this seems to me like the typical "Easy" option. You could have at least built the outside of the map as well for aesthetics. I understand this is your first map so I'll give you some healthy advice. Look in the forge 201 section of this site and read about ghost merging, trust me it will greatly enhance you're maps.
Well considering I've pretty much used up the object limit and almost the money limit it would be pretty hard to build things for aesthetics. And I know how to ghost merge just prefer Geo-merging because its more accurate and i prefer not to merge if i don't have to because i'm lazy
Try getting rid of the Shield Doors and Killballs. Also, geo-merging is less accurate and takes longer than ghost merging.
Geo-merging is starting new round with a delayed respawn? , its more acurate because you don't control it by hand you can use scaffolding the make it perfect but ghost merging there's always the risk of human error. And shield doors are to prevent any tactical advantage from leaving the map, and kill balls are when people spawn outside there on the default spawn points .
Agreed. Ghost merging would make it look a little better and as much as I hate to say it, I think the item pallet would be more fitting on Foundry. (I hate Foundry.) I however, think you would be able to recreate that which you wish to recreate more accurately simply because you have similar aesthetics available to you. It looks good, but it needs MOAR! lol. Use up your budget or fill your item limit with well placed aesthetics and I think it'll give it a better shot at doing well in the contest.
I have used almost all items i can , and foundry would be more complicated to make the Loadout system in, and might not have enough objects to make. The big boxes in middle are spouse to have gaps because they do in COD
when i was bored and messing around on foundry i put shipment together (whilst thinking of another map to remake.... just something to do) and theres enough space to have one Shipment container to be 1 double box and everything stay in proportion. Also, the corridors can be ghost merged in half, to make the spawn corridors easier on you. and it looks ALOT better than on sandbox. -on the point about remaking on foundry. The map itself looks ok, but aesthetically you were never going to get it on sandbox. Also, with those tunnel spawn things, you can put more than one weapon on a weapon holder (so you dont need the second shotgun lying on the ground, just put it onto the holder as well)
Mine's beter I went with the "old school" approach to the spawn/weapon syster idea. other than that, I'm keeping it a secret; don't want anybody to copy me
looks like a pretty good shot at a remake, but it seems a bit too big (too much space in the corners and hallways) Should have gave it the Cod spawn system (where the enemy spawns behind you) lol
Assuming this is your submission to the Foreign Treasures contest, I don't see this Shipment remake as anything special. Sorry to be harsh, but Shipment is the easiest possible map you can remake from any game. It's small, it doesn't have any major structures, and it's practically just a field of grass covered with boxes. I like your take on the "Pick your own classes" portion of Modern Warfare, but if it's going to take away from the game play of the actual map, then I don't see the point. Everybody's going to want shotguns with a small map like this, and everybody expects to start a match and actually play. When the player's are forced to sit in a room and slide through a random tunnel just to receive random weapons, I don't think they are going to feel like they actually chose their class rather than being forced to use what you gave them. Another complaint I'm going to have to make is that even with the smallest, and least complex map from Modern Warfare, you still skipped out on basic things like no-clip merging and aesthetics. The original Shipment had aesthetics in and out of the map, this doesn't have any aesthetics. I'm not saying that aesthetics are necessary, but they just make maps more pleasing to the eye, and honestly, you can't have possibly run into the object limit with the smallest remake possible. If you have hit the object limit or budget limit, then all I can say is you're using the wrong canvas for your maps. In conclusion, I like that you remade Shipment, but go back and make it so you cannot escape, and that doesn't mean piling up kill balls and teleporters on the sides. If I were you, I would remake a map like Shipment on Foundry. The original Shipment had barrels, fences, and open boxes. It did not have random circles of grass and block cars. By the way, why did you replace the car from Shipment with a block? Don't take this as a hate message, take it as criticism. This is a new age of forging where maps without aesthetics and geo-merging just won't cut it. By the way, scaffoldings are the worst maps to use as braces... Haven't you noticed they're completely uneven? I recommend you use T-Walls...
There is 2 weapons in each holder just in case someone takes the one in it so people can still see what there choosing easily. Since you "Spawn" on the map with teleporters if you unlucky sometimes people can spawn behind you . Any criticism is welcome! , The choose Class section you get to CHOOSE which class you want. And are you sure every one is gonna want shotgun's? with a 1 headshot BR/1 hit bruteshot(noobtube) class? or a 1 hit anywhere Sniper class? all class's are overpowering because its COD with quick kill times. Whats clip merging? I pretty much did because of the Class system. which could possibly use more object then the actual map. so no room for aesthetics. Its almost impossible to make it non-escape-able because of the hornet with Fly's! which means you would have to build a roof i don't even have enough objects to build a higher wall. I don't use the actual object "Scaffolding" i use that as a term like how Scaffolding is used in real life.
Thanks for the nice reply to my post, I love it when map creators can accept negative criticism. Clip merging is the same thing as Ghost Merging, and if you still don't know what that is, check this out! Ghost merging is just a new technique discovered not too long ago that allows us to geo-merge objects easily. Also, I read through the entire post now, and I understand why you made the walls like they are, but I still think this may be flawed when it comes to default gametypes with normal gravity involved, because as an entry to the Foreign Treasures contest, this will be required to play well with default gametypes, and when it comes down to judging, maps that are escapable will lose a lot of points... Thanks for the comment!
I've know about Ghost merging since halo 3 first came out (except i didn't realize it) i was useing it to make the vehicle "Ghost" drivable without gravity(like what happens to the object your not holding while ghost merging) only since Ive read that article i learned how to use it to actually ghost merge things. It is esacpeable but the shield doors prevent pretty much any advantage of going out there i put in the most restricting spots so going on hills to snipe you cant really get any good angles(i try-ed to put them in the best spots stoping the most angles). But that's why for Suggested game type i choose 2 Teamed KOTH Because your spouse to get in the hill not leave the map to win. and KOTH is actualy pretty fun on this map. Maybe i shouldn't of replied to nicely?
I wasn't referring to any map in general, in this case it being your map. I was just referring to the large amounts of people I have seen saying "I'm gonna remake Shipment cuz it's so complex and hard!" and then coming up with a map that has like $1000 budget left. I like the class system, and I hope it's judged well by the judges. I don't want to take this anywhere else, because I don't want anybody to be offended. Those were the types of people who I would get pissed at who would post **** on my maps before playing them, so until I actually play this I can't judge it. Once again, it was nice talking to you William. Take care now...
Oh ok my bad when i read "another Shipment remake" I assumed you where referring to mine because i hasn't seen any other shipment remakes(in or out of the competition) "another" implies you have already seen one and the general topic of the comment was about the foreign Treasure competition. But i hope it gets a fair trial because with the class system it's the only way to truly have COD game play. Big factor is because you can only pick up other weapons from other dead people (like in COD)