--Weapons Theory-- (A Forging Tutorial)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jex Yoyo, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    No, im good. I have a vision for this one.

    Btw, anybody have any idea how i can remove the line breaks permanantly? Because it doubled them and i went and deleted every single one and now they are all back. It took fifteen minutes the first time, and now its really pissing me off, because i am almost done with another thing i need to add. But first i have to fix the damn post. Is there some setting that got jacked up or something?
    Also, my jumpto/aname anchor commend doesnt work when i want to send everything back to the top, it only works down the page. Is there a way to get around that?

    Edit: Its only doubling random ones now........ why??????
    #41 Jex Yoyo, Jun 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2010
  2. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'd suggest asking someone familiar with it, like a journalist, though it appears to be fine for me.
  3. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    I don't know where I got this from (I think Bungie said it?), but when you are talking about weapon usage and give the sniper example, and then say you need to place it in a place where its useful, I think you should say something like this...

    When placing a weapon in an area where it can be used as you intend, you have to decide which area that is, and many times there are more than one. While it may seem like a good idea to place a sniper in the highest place where the person can see the most, that might not work out, because if someone pwns with the sniper, then you have basically given him a death ray. Instead of the best place, try placing it in the second best place, or in a pretty good place that isn't too far from the best place.

    Example: On default Guardian, the sniper is located at the end of the Hammer Tunnel, right under the overshield. This is not the best place for the sniper, as the best place would probably be the top of the sniper tower, where the plasma battery explosive object is. The sniper is useful in its current location, because that hall is long and you can't move side to side and you can jump up to look at the top circular portion of the map. So while its a good spot, its not the best, and its not to far from the best place.
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    I personally would say that the entire tower is considered one area, because it takes about five seconds to go from top to bottom, or bottom to top. Because the distance is so small it just depends on where you think the best location is in terms of what you want the sniper to be used for. Also, i would reccomend that there is absolutly no place where any weapon should be able to control the map, because that is bad for gameplay. In my experience, if this problem occours at all it isnt a weapon problem, but a map design problem that should be fixed before you even start placing weapons. Third, there are so many more effective ways of balancing a weapon out that dont include moving it.
  5. Cortez14

    Cortez14 Ancient
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    This helped me with my map by a lot with the weapons and also should help others as well.
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, im glad that some people are finding this useful. Did anybody find any other things that ive effed up, or left out? Im looking to get this as accurate as possible and thats very hard to do on my own.
  7. AARC Forgers

    AARC Forgers Forerunner

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    dude i would sugest listing the RvR ratings you got they would be very helpful
  8. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    I appreciate that you've obviously taken lots of time to make this, but you've written it as if what you are saying is fact and not opinion. Some of the things you've written seem to make absolutely no sense. The needler is not a power weapon in my view, it's one of the worst weapons on the game.
  9. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Needler beats almost any weapon, it kills about one second after the first needles make contact with the other player, raeps in campain, and both me and my cousin managed to get almost three times the number of kills per death either of us did with a sword. And, if you think that the Energy Sword isnt a power weapon then we are going by a much different definition o.0
    Also, you are correct that very little of it is solid fact. It is a theory, based on lots of evidence and thousands of different bits of data (if you count every kill as one point of data :p,) and i dont want to get into an evolution style debate about this. Technically, i can never prove any of it. But the majority of it has absolutly no evidence to prove that i was wrong, and i have changed everything where i was wrong. IF you can prove me wrong anywhere, then its getting changed in the OP immediatly. Or if its just common sense.... But i challenge you to go out and repeat my testing with the Weapon RvR, and you will see that first of all it takes waaaaay too much time and that i have no life, and second that there is no weapon that is "iffy" or could fit multiple definitions; its all very obviously black and white, with a hint of gray.
    Meanwhile, i fail at image editing now that the program i normally use died and i have to learn a new one :( and so i still dont have a badass banner for the top. Also, since Wooden leaf seems to have disapeared im going to start on all of the detailed weapon charactoristics, and i am about halfway done with the examples. Forging while writing about how to forge slows everything down a ton... Finally, once again i read through and changed a few things, and i am certain that its still not even close to perfect as JFox correctly said. Help with the errors pl0x!

    EDIT: IF ANYBODY WHO IS RANKED IN THE HIGH 20s OR LOW 30s WOULD BE WILLING TO REPEAT MY TEST THAT WOULD BE GREAT. Because i dont have any data for that skill group as JFox pointed, out so my data actually may be incorrect. Until such time as i find another test subject, im going to add a disclaimer meantioning that because that makes it look like i am pro. If you take me up on this, just send me a PM with the data when i am done, and youll get credit for helping with the test.
    Woo!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to silence for his totally badass thread that he let me borrow for mine, now officailly 10000 words! Thanks to everyone for the support, and superthanks to everyone who helped me get this better. I know its still not perfect, but its getting closer!
  10. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    i am so incredibly sad that this will become obsolete come halo: reach. the most massive wall of text in FH history. if anyone would like to prove me wrong, go for it, but i doubt you will.
  11. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Yeah this is up there as one of the largest. I doubt it is hands down the largest, but its possible. And of course there will be a new one for Reach! Meanwhile, i do think its about done actually cept for an examples section.
  12. FORTR3SS

    FORTR3SS Forerunner

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    Why?...This is what I would have wrote if i replied the same day I read it >>> "You maed my are google paperclips brain is seen becuase avian tomorrow sroe." I had to wait a whole month just to re-gain my brain funcion at full capacity and try to reply. And where are the colored pictures? It is proven that people learn better with color. TY for the longest post in the world and ill be sure to not sweat the technique. *que the beat.... dont sweat the technique

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