gaaaahhhh LIMERICK THREAD NOW. an appropriate one, which i dont know any of but i enjoy them regardless.
there once was a guy named essias at first he's like that of Messiahs he seems like a friend ****s your head and then he now just appears as a wise-ass
I like how you need to shift the pronunciation of the words involved so that the rhyme fits despite the inherent nature of limericks.
"Hi I'm essias, and this here is my lonely friend devon, give him some attention" "::impressed by forward nature:: Okay, but I better get something out of this"
QUEUE DATE RAPE. *puts ghb into her drink while she pats head* *she goes back to essias* *she passes out later* "DEVON ****, SHE'S ON MY COUCH AND HALF PASSED OUT" "you know what to do essias... you know what to do..."
what does fh have against my computer... first it was the lack of any text or pictures on the page then it was a database error then just nothing at all (on multiple browsers) then the lack of stuff again now chrome on a different computer works....