I hear its safe on the other side.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Jun 11, 2010.


    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I hear its safe on the other side.(UPDATE)

    Please bare with me as i have a lot of things to tell you and inform about my new map "I hear its safe on the other side." I have much to talk about and i might get over whelmed trying to get everything I want in this thread.​

    Many infection maps these days and the days before lack complexity and originality. For this map i have tryed my very best to create these formulas to ensure that i have made a re playable and fun infection game that most infection lovers can enjoy. This map includes switch's, choke points for zombie attacks, realistic environments, and extreme amounts of testing and balancing. So once again i will try my very best to get all that i need to get down so that you can understand how to play this game, especially for the players who play as the zombies.​

    How do you play? Well the whole goal here is the normal zombies vs humans, how ever there is a somewhat new and fun mission to do this. Like the game manifest, the humans must move to point A to point B with out dying, but what is the motivation? Well the traditional "if you make it to the end, you live". The end is set up in an interesting way but i want to get in more detail later on down the post. All i will say for now is that if you make it on time, you will have a wall between you and a bunch of hungry zombies for a short but laugh in the face amount of time.
    As for the zombies, they have to kill the humans before they make it to the end. But you as the zombie have some useful tools. You can take the doors in the hall or take the teleports to quickly get you to the choke point and ambush the humans. And the cool thing is that with these choke points you can effectively surprise the humans to kill them and not be seen when waiting for the perfect moment.​

    OK lets get started on the pictures and what is important about them.​

    Humans spawn in a fence box equipped with SMG's. From here they start their way down the stairs to the 1st floor. You spawn on the 3rd floor. Up there on the 3rd floor with you lays some few goodies. One of them is a shotgun and the other is an assault rifle. Both have 0 clips and both never re spawn. Well let me just get this cleared up since I'm talking about some guns.... All weapons have 0 clips and never re spawn. So you do want to keep moving because ammo is very very low. ​

    This is another angle of the 3rd floor and the 2nd floor view. Humans will pass though here. ​

    The 1st floor and the closed off street that follows out.​

    The out side street and the building that the humans must proceed into.​

    Inside the building.​

    Continuing inside the building.​

    Continuing inside the building some more.​

    The up stairs view of the building and the far high view of the whole map.
    Note: that hall you see from the top picture is where the wall will spawn. I will cover more on that later. ​


    this is where the zombies well spawn for the first 45 seconds of the game. I say 45 seconds because I made an awesome re spawn switch for the zombies using dumpsters and gravity lifts. Ill tell you more in a bit about it. From this spawn you well have 4 choices on where you want too attack. 2 doors and 2 teleporters which all direct you too strategical choke points. Use these well and your foes will stand a very slim chance.​

    This door takes you to the 3rd floor, or where the humans spawn if you will. A good start if you want to attack fast and aggressive.​

    This teleporter takes you to the 2nd floor of the parking garage. ​

    This door leads you down on to the 1st floor. This is an especially important ambush point because the only BR on the map lays here. (Risk vs Reward humans)​

    This 4th option takes you to a small vent so you can drop down on your foes from the celling. A very good choke point when you want some assassinations.
    It is also located in the closed street part of the map.​

    The most interesting thing about this map in my eyes. The first time I have ever made one and its the most great success as I am going to get it. So as I said before the zombies will spawn in the blue room with the fence box for 45 seconds to allow you to attack the 1st stages of the map. There are two stages on this map, so after that 45 seconds, one dumpster spawns on top of those first zombie re spawn, and another Dumpster is pushed off the new re spawn by a gravity lift. Making it easier to use the 2nd stage ambush points as the humans progress though the map. ​

    This teleporter takes you on the outside of the map to allow you to jump on the roof tops and attack from above. ​

    This 2nd teleporter takes you on the 2nd celling ambush point allowing you too attack the tops of there heads.​

    This teleporter is special because unlike the other options, you have two choices on where you wish to make your next attack after going though the teleporter. One of them is attack from the roof to the street below, or you can stalk the humans going up the stairs below and time your preys death at just the right time. Its your choice!​

    This door take you down in the truck room. Right below the hole is a magnum and fire bomb grenade. So this is a good spot to ambush when a human wants these one head shot kill weapons.​

    This final door leads right at the bottom of the stair, Where most of the attacks will be happening on the 2nd stage of the game because after this point the humans only got to run a short marathon to safety.​

    Some key tools!
    This will tell you the most important tools in both human and zombies arsenal that everyone should take advantage of. ​

    This BR is by far the biggest power weapon when you are trying to make your run away safety. It has 0 clips and never re spawns, but trust me 1 clip of ammo is all you need to drop some head shots cold as you walk around the map. And its the only BR on the map. How ever if you chose to grab it, you are gambling you life, because this is a strategically placed zombie ambush point. So look up before you take it.​

    Rockets spawn up top of the dumpster, how ever, like the BR, it is another high above ambush point for the zombies to wait for you to grab it and then attack.​

    The magnum. probably the best life savior a human can be armed with during this game. There are two on the map, but both are low on ammo. Like the BR, one shot to the head will drop the zombies cold. The other magnum is located in the 2nd stage building. Beware of that one though lol.​

    OK. It is time to talk about the end. And i got to say it is some what cool and geniues. Sure it is not uber technical and explosive, but it is better motivation then fighting a boss zombie at the end or just camping there with extra guns and still having the possibility of dying. (Not degrading any maps). But at the end of this map is a some what long hall. Now after 2 minuets and 30 seconds have gone by, half of this hall well be cut off from the rest of the map, and depending on what side your on (if you make it in the time limit) you will have 30 seconds to just watch those very hungry and vicious zombies desperately slash your fence wall. There has been time where right as I got there, I was 2 seconds to late, and the people who had to watch me dye right in front of there eyes from the horde of zombies, and could do absolutely nothing about it lol! Or the times that me and a whole bunch of my Buddy's were grouping up as fast as we could too attack the humans inside before the wall cut us off from eating or not! I don't know but i just had some good moments playing to the end, and i have a video to show it :)

    The nitty griddy.
    Game type.
    25% starting
    500% damage resistance
    No shields
    25% damage
    Speed 100% and gravity 100%
    Normal radar and 25 meters
    Color green
    alpha is all the same traits.​

    SMG start
    100% damage resistance
    4x over shield
    0% recharge
    damage 100%
    No starting grenades
    speed 50%
    200% gravity
    No vehicle use
    No radar​

    Game settings:
    No scoring
    Random zombie
    3 rounds and 3 minutes
    friendly fire off​

    Weapons on map:
    2 Assault Rifles
    1 battle rifle
    2 shot guns
    1 sniper (1 extra clip)
    2 SMG's
    2 magnums
    1 rocket launcher
    3 frag grenades
    2 fore bombs
    1 trip mine​

    Wow I think I got every thing down so I guess I must say thank you for reading and please please please download and play the game. I never like spending time making games and maps that no one well play. :)

    #1 IxXROADKILLXxI, Jun 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2010
  2. BakedNinja

    BakedNinja Forerunner

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    This is definitely different from other infection games i've played and finally a game where the zombies have an actual fighting chance. Ill be downloading the moment im done with this reply. Feedback in the edit
  3. Rice_Krispie

    Rice_Krispie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this is really cool. I had so much fun testing and helping you balance the map. This is the only map where I would rather be a zombie than a Human.
  4. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
    Senior Member

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    It looks really smooth and fun, But one thing i really don't like is the OS appearance. You can make them normal shields and make the zombies deal less damage. 25% should work, but I'm also just thinking off the top of my head.

    I would download this, But all my maps are full ;~;. I'll go delete some in a bit and come back with the 411

    EDIT: I'd love to play this some time, but no one on my friends list play infection custom.

    EDIT 2: And, Make the Download links bigger.
    #4 Cheeze, Jun 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2010
  5. Cortez14

    Cortez14 Ancient
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    This maps looks good it's a download for me!
  6. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Here's the thing though. Without the "OS" thing going on, Zombies would have no idea how much health a Human has. With the OS system in place, a zombie can selectively choose which human it wants to focus its strength on.

    Let me give you an example:

    Alright, now on to the map. Genius. Absolutely genius.

    I'm glad to have anything half as good as Manifest, and your map is much more. The Zombie teleporter system was difficult to understand at first, but that can't really be helped. Besides, it's also pretty easy to memorize after a while.

    Humans and their weapons were well-balanced, and I never felt too powerful or too weak as a Zombie or Human.

    Aesthetically, your map is practically bursting with unnatural ampounts of win. From the early glimpse at the "Zombie Cage" (which I can only assume was used to study the Zombies until they found a way to escape), to the all-around "clean" feel of the map, everything feels like it belongs in a real-world disaster zone. Even the barricade at the end seems to make sense. (for the record, I almost rolled my eyes when I first heard there would be a wall that spawns to block Zombies out of the Human end zone, but it actually ends up working very well)


    10/10 zombies

    All-in-all, your map is amazing, and is something that I am genuinly happy to play. I sincerely hope to see much more from you in the future.

    #6 Hogframe, Jun 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2010
  7. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Holy effin monkey-pooper! If my mic hadnt just broke five minutes ago i would totally get a game of customs in this right NOW. But then again, i wouldnt be on forgehub if my mic was still good... Anyways, im gonna have to say that this map might be one of the most brilliant infection maps ive seen in a while. Its pretty much awesome, and this is from a guy who absolutly hates infection. The idea is brilliant, though i have to agree with Harris about the overshield thingy. Nice job buddy, and i cant wait for your next map.
  8. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I agree with this fellow here.

    It loosely resembles L4D versus where the humans have a green outline (high health), a yellow outline (medium health), a red outline (low health), and a purple outline (***** been Boomed) allowing the infected to concentrate time and energy on the ones almost dead already.

    Whittling them down one by one.

    I must say I like your incremental spawn system for the zombies as well. I've tried it on my linear infection maps a couple times but I always had problems with campers.

    And on another note it's been a while since I've seen an infection map like this with more than 2 minutes of play time on Foundry.

    ha ha as a personal accomplishment, I rode the Mongoose at the beginning all the way to the end in Forge XD
    #8 Organite, Jun 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
  9. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The only thing that kills this for me is the agonizingly slow snails-pace the humans move at. It ends up frustrating and even infuriating anyone with a shorter attention span.
  10. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn dude! You've been crankin' on the maps lately! This looks awesome! Download from me! :D
  11. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Yeah, I get that and all, But I just don't like the way it looks. The Spartans red glow kinda is an eye sore to me, But the Elite's blue glow is a little better. Also, you can tell how much life they have with out the shields anyway, its just a little harder. The lights on the suits glow brighter the more they are hurt, and when they don't have any shields, they spark.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    I under stand that it is not in your preference, and you don't enjoy it much. I know i cant please everybody, but I at lest want to tell you why there at 50% speed. Much of this game is complex and technical switch's that all work together to make the game what it is. The speed, the dumpster switch and the wall all work together to make the game flow the way i imagined. if i make the humans any faster, then the game will be very short and very hard to get the switch's working right. right around the time the humans reach the 2nd stage of the map, the dumpster switch activates, making the zombies spawn in much more useful areas to use the ambush systems easier. and right around the time the wall spawn is when the human had made it there a few seconds before and are now waiting 30 more seconds until the round ends. But then again i know that wont make you prefer slow speed any way because i know that not everyone likes running in slow-mo.
  13. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    This game and gametype is so friggin' sweet! If only there was a way to score if you were a human and got to the end...
    Suggestion: A few people are complaining about the slowness of humans, maybe you could place in a couple of custom powerups that can give humans 'adreneline rushes' which speed them up for a few seconds, however I don't know how you would place them so the zombies can't get them but then again zombies are already 100% speed so they wouldn't be that bothered.
  14. Isaac Clarke

    Isaac Clarke Forerunner

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    At first i thought the popcorn flood were in the map >.<
    I'm so silly....
    oh well, this looks like a great map! im downloading fo sho!
  15. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
    Senior Member

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    Sooo...I played the map with....4 friends to begin with. I think we got 8 some time in there, But the gameplay is great. It took my friends a little bit to get used to the zombie's spawning system, but they still had a lot of fun. I'm waiting for a new, Longer map like this one!

    Also, I like the Foundry feeling. Linear zombie maps on Sandbox don't seem that...Zombie-ish, because most of them have an open roof.

    Epic map. 'Nuff said.
  16. Snappy29

    Snappy29 Forerunner

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    Me and my freinds played it together but we found it a bit confusing where to go so I think you should make it a bit more obviuos where to go it's very well made though and reminds me like a bit of zombie apoclyspe
  17. MementoMori34

    MementoMori34 Forerunner

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    Hmm, I like the sound of this map. I'm going to download it now, but I have a suggestion. Why don't you turn the gametype into something like King of the Hill or Territories, and the put the hill at the end of the map so it counts as a win?
  18. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    I really feel the need to give a legit review on this.

    So I think I will...

    I've taken a look at some of your other Infection maps of late. I won't lie, they weren't too great (gotta smack you a little), but this one stands out amongst those as a very enjoyable, replayable (still circulates my customs), and overall creepy stage. I want to emphasize the creepy appeal because that to me is something that must be present in a good Infection game. If you aren't keeping your players on their heels then you aren't doing something right. In this map though I recall having several people yell out in their microphones after being startled by a zombie that seemingly came outta nowhere. So I'd say you accomplished a key element quite nicely and that by itself has created many 'LOLz' and 'O Shitz'. As always too, I'm a big fan of anything resembling L4D gameplay in any way.
    enjoyability: 7.5/10

    I do want to harp on some of the inner mechanics of this stage. To be honest, I didn't download the gametype that came with this map at first. Humans that move at 50% speed has never equated to fun in my book, so I played it the first few time with a similar Infection variant, then a guy I was playing with threw this map in with the proper gametype. It makes the game. I mean it gets a bit annoying at times when you can't make it 10 feet in less than a minute, but at the same time the sluggish speed added to the threat index, and no radar always adds to the paranoia. Limited ammo for humans is a natural incentive to move along, but something that was problematic (especially once people realized they could) was the zombie spawn system. In theory, it really is an awesome idea, especially if the human players adhere to the natural flow of the map, but the harsh truth is that they don't. Ammo limitations don't even help especially when humans start collecting the swords of dropped zombies. With these variables in mind camping toward the beginning became a serious problem because the zombies spawn progressively further into the map whilst the humans are stagnate. The always accessible mancannon zombie entrance eases this a little, but not too much after the second room. This could be avoided by giving the zombies an undesirable weapon (plasma pistol) or refining the spawn system to facilitate choice a bit more.
    balance: 6/10

    One thing that kinda bothered me, though I never tried, was the open area when you transition to the other side of Foundry. The bridge with the (teasing) turret on it seemed like with another head to jump on you could pretty easily reach it. Like I said though, I never tried it and it is my only concern about being able to break the map. The rest of the map is very closed in and very unescapable.
    durability: 9/10

    I've always been a more gameplay centered person, but this map certainly didn't disappoint the eye either. Like mentioned before, you almost perfectly captured a creepy, zombie-infested atmosphere (on Foundry!) in what looks like an urban warehouse facility. I know you say, "It's Foundry. Foundry is a warehouse." You know what I mean. It looks as though it was built to resemble a warehouse or garage facility in a zombie apocalypse period of time. Forging looks like it took time and thought to create and several forging methods can be seen throughout. The seamless flow of the map itself leads me to ask if this was planned before construction. If so, props. If not, props. Either way, props to a map that takes me back to the days of Help's on the way right? and a lot of the same experiences that went with it.
    aesthetics: 8/10

    Speaking of same experiences: A mad-dash, through an urbanesque stage, while zombies attack you at various junctions, hoping for some safety at the end (linear infection, defined) is nothing new to Forgehub. However, while the genre might not be new, the experience in between the start and finish should present something enticing in terms of originality; something I am sad to say is lacking in 'The Other Side'. No special holdout, no gameplay twist, no nothing really. Just a straight bout to the end. The only thing that came close to resembling anything of the such was the first time I played realizing there was a narrow passage behind the fence box to the second half of the map. Tinker with CP settings and create a boss zombie, or create a holdout spot that forces humans to stop and defend themselves, or better yet, create something never seen before (it's always possible), add some twist that catches players completely off guard or at least changes gameplay a little bit.
    originality: 4/10

    I Hear It's Safe on the Other Side has its fair share of ups and down but overall I enjoy playing it every time I do.

    average rating: 6.9/10

    personal score: 7.5/10 - some hella good times and personal lean towards the genre is a personal up for me.

    ha ha, anyone who recognizes the structure of this will see what i'm goin for...
    #18 Organite, Jun 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now thats a review i am looking for! =P I will most definitely take everything that this map is lacking of, and embrace it in my future maps. If i could get replys like this, so many of my maps would jump from very good to even better every time i make a new map. Thank You!

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have read and listened to many of your comments, and I have taken them all in consideration when making this map better, so after some thinking I finally have "I hear its safe on the other side" at the best it can possibly be. So without further boring talk, lets show you the out standing changes.

    Some of you may remember the confusing placement the teleporters were in. Will after some layout planning and re spawn placement changes, I finally have the system as good as its really going to get, and i have to talk more about how it works as you read below.​

    The zombies starting re spawns are changed for the better. They face right at the door they should go though first and leads them up the man cannon. Notice that the door is added there to better recognize that you are able to go though to get the humans. ​

    This here is the other side of the hall which is not accessible until 20 seconds. Wait.. whats that? 20 seconds? Will when i said i took all of your comments with care, i meant it. The time to get to the other side is much sorter because the Humans now run FASTER! I know!!!!!! How ever, the game is shorter as a result, but i must admit, it is much more fun.​


    OK this teleporter is very important. Please read this part carefully because this is where the zombies will get there understanding on how to play this update.
    This here is a two way teleporter that will be open in 20 seconds, allowing the zombies to attack the humans on the 2nd stage of the map. The other teleporter is blocked by a barrel which will be shoved out by a man cannon. from this point zombies can go back AND forth which indeed counters the humans camping at the spawn. I know! Keep reading! It gets better!​

    THE BOSS'!!!!!​

    OK the part that i am most excited about showing and having you play.
    To make up for such a short sprint to the safe hall, I added twoooooo BOSS ZOMBIES!!! Now this was a tricky one to do, because i wanted both boss' to be different and play different roles against the humans. So i came up with something just brilliant. The first boss has plasma rifles and a power drainer to chew away at the shields of the humans, and leave the clean up to the normal zombie. And i got to tell you, that boss really does eat your shield.

    The second boss is the hammer boss. This one just smacks you to death. I think around 3-4 smack at full health will kill a human, but what makes him scary is his splash damage, allowing him to hit more then 1 or 2 or 3 people at once. Hes a joy to take down though ^^.

    OK so let me tell you which teleporters take you to the boss zombies.​


    This first node in the 2nd stage takes you to the plasma boss, which is located out side of the street. The boss picks these guns up and can un load on the humans from the roof above or just Kamikaze his way down the street. His choice. The boss zombie power up does not spawn until 20 seconds.​


    The last node in the 2nd stage takes you to the hammer zombie on the roof near the end of the path. This zombie is the one thing that can decide if the humans will make it or not. This custom dose not spawn until one minute. ​

    So ya thats it! Thanks for reading this! and i really hope you did! lol. The new update is in the link on the original post. Have fun and thank you for down loading!​
    #20 IxXROADKILLXxI, Jun 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2010

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