YouTube - Chig gettin modded in MLG playlist! And the modders still lose because their unlimited rockets and snipe work just as well for the other team. And the other team was Team Classic.
Uhh, flaming helm? Looks like a jtag/devkit mod to me. By any chance did they get a temp red ring after the match? @Title - It's always been possible, just not many people do it because it costs and sometimes bricks peoples xbox.
YouTube - Devastationzz: First halo 3 Aimbot and Flaming Recon! Part 1 Another example. In the first video the guy with the flaming helmet is Jester Destroys. In this it is Jester Snipes
Couldn't help but notice that in both aimbot games, the opposition has the same team. Jester Snipes Shot of Art XL Destruction Cambone ay day
Jester Snipes sniped ______ Jester Snipes sniped ______ Jester Snipes sniped ______ Jester Snipes sniped ______ Lol.
I really just can't stand cheaters. I don't mind people who just mod in customs because that's all just for fun. People who cheat in matchmaking or boost though, do it because they want to look better than what they really are. What you have is a few select people that are fifties and generals because they practiced for hours and hours, and got REALLY GOOD. When they walk into lobbies they deserve the satisfaction of others oohing and ahhing over their rank. They are the best of the best. Then you have the ones that just want to have a fifty or a general status without doing any work, and they feel that they've somehow deserved it because they are "good enough" but they just "can't quite get it". So they cheat to get it, say they didn't cheat, and totally destroy the concept of a GAME. If we're playing tag, part of the challenge is to avoid the other player. If I will only play with some really fat kid that has asthma, it defeats the challenge, thus destroying the whole concept.
Seeing the other modding videos just makes me laugh even harder at Team Classic beating the modders. I wonder if they had the aimbot on against TC or just the unlimited power weapon thing.
The people with Jester are most likily trying to get their 50s. So the bring the cheater to help boost.
Week bump, another example. Probably the best example? YouTube - Halo 3 Cheater :: Sent in By ZeppyH3
Honestly, I've played well over 1000 games, and not once have I, or anyone I know, come across a slightly modified or hacked game. Sure, these may be old clips, but I don't think they're common.
I never said they were common. I just said its been going on for long than someone might think. For example, this was uploaded in June a year ago: YouTube- Halo 3 MatchMaking Mods