I hadn't checked the thread on MLG for a couple days, just done so now and some crazy stuff's been going down apparently. Team list posted from LastMan's thread on MLG. As of a couple of days ago, only change of any note was Chig being dropped from Classic, but as of now there have been some serious movements. Firstly Str8 have lost Snip3down and Heinz (no idea whether they left or were dropped, though first guess would probably tend toward the latter), and they have both gone to BtH. This leaves Str8 as just T2 and Legit right now, and aPG and Destin as F/As. Walshy is also off Carbon, and SK is off tD (Orangeremi, if you're reading this, I officially eat my former words, apparently I couldn't have been more wrong about how much tD = SK). I'll be really interested to see how things settle down when the notable teams decide on new 4s, how Str8 in particular shape up is something I'll be keeping a close eye on. I also want to see where SK ends up, not because I've retained much love for him, but looking for a new team and settling in to their dynamic is one thing I've never thought he'd have to do. One thing I've also considered is the Heinz/Pistola situation, Heinz said in an interview just before C-Bus that he'd obviously love to team with Pistola again, but that he was really happy with the current Str8 lineup and didn't see it splitting so an Ultimate Duo reunion wasn't on the cards. Obviously that turned out to be far from the truth after their poor finish at C-Bus, and I'd guess that Heinz probably talked to Pistola about teaming when he left/got dropped from tD (unless BtH actively poached Heinz/Snip3down from Str8 of course, again I don't really know what happened there). Whilst seeing Heinz and Pistola together again, potentially even on FB, would be pure awesome, I kinda don't want this current FB to change to make that happen. Before C-Bus I wouldn't really have cared, but new FB with Pistola have made a forced change in to an epic success, they managed to put the wind up Instinct which even Classic couldn't really do at Orlando, not to the point of winning but still an impressive feat for a very new and forced lineup. Seeing Heinz, Pistola and OGRE2 under the FB name would be potentially awesome, but I just don't want either FiS or Victory to get dropped now. Plus, as always when he gets dropped, I want to see what happens to Walshy and what surprises he has in store after finding a new team. Gonna go out on a limb and say HaE, here's hoping. This inter-event period is shaping up to be really interesting in general, any predictions for pickups?
Not a strong enough team. I'm glad T2 is sticking with Legit though. When he dropped Elamite I think it was probably the only move he could make aside from perhaps dropping Snipedown who I believe was the source of the breakdown of team chemistry. Now though, with Heinz and Snipedown off the team, T2 clearly has a lot more options available. The only teams whose rosters I'm going to assume won't change any more are Instinct and FB, and even FB I think T2 might be able to lure someone from FB with promises of the Str8 house and Dr. Pepper perks. I really think he's going to pick up at least one person from Carbon, whether it's Naded, Walshy, or Defy though I don't want to predict. Somebody from Warriors is also possible, though I think T2 will more likely pick up somebody he knows isn't a fluke. HaE offers some good potentials too, and Enable could probably be easily poached from SQ if T2 wants to. Anyway, my point is that with so many options available, I don't think T2 will do anything irresponsible. Str8 to make top 4 next event, BtH to place top 6 as Snipedown becomes a reincarnation of Neighbor who believes himself to be God's gift to whichever team he's on. Instinct to win again.
I'm excited to see Ghost with T2 and Legit. That should be really fun. I am not a Soldier fan at all though, they need a Pistola or Enable.
Oh damn that was an actual team you announced? I thought it was your speculation of what a good team would look like. Guess I should've checked the updated teams thread first rather than relying on Peg's copy/paste.
Some of the rosters look pretty strong and should be a challenge for some of the top teams. Also I hope SK doesn't stay on carbon... (I'm a carbon fan and I don't like SK)
On the subject of Enable, he's been pretty vocal in the MLG thread that he's sticking with SQ and that they aren't changing as a team. Obviously this is often said and often turns out to be bull****, but I don't get that sense from him at least, so I honestly can't see him leaving for another team. Also, on the note of Enable, I'd like to make a point that I think bears heavily on the vast majority of team change predications and wishes: Why are people calling him now as a good pickup? Stats. Not to say that he hasn't been earning those stats (in the sense of putting up huge numbers but still being a really good team player), but it's still odd to think that someone no one really cared about not so long ago is now being pegged as someone teams X, Y and Z should pick up. Couldn't it be that he fits really well in to the current SQ dynamic, and that this is why he's doing so well? Not to say that his individual skill doesn't match his performances, but it's like the moment a lesser appreciated player shows themselves to be a beast, everyone just assumes they were either not trying before or just suddenly got better. Couldn't it just possibly be that the X-factor for Enable, and many other players in similar situations over MLG history, is actually being on the team he is now? In short, whenever a combination of players starts to succeed, why is everyone so keen that those players should suddenly part ways? Didn't that fallacy reveal itself as such after the whole Neighbor/Str8/FB fiasco all those events ago? Imo Enable is great on SQ, I don't want to see them change, and as far as their public words on the subject go they're not going to. After being specifically the most vocal on that front in the MLG thread, I'd personally say that Enable is unlikely to leave the current roster. Also, a bunch of changes going up now: Walshy back on Carbon, who also picked up SK in place of BestMan BestMan to tD Ghost and Soldier to Str8 as Insane said Chig back on Classic, along with new pickups aPG and Destin.
I agree with Pegasi I don't want to see Enable leave SQ either. I think they could be a pretty good team and place well.
Instead of giving a well thought out post supporting and condemning these team change decisions I'm gonna go ahead and give a shout out to SK and T2 on the subject of their recent team changes. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
SK... meh. I think if he can swallow his pride and not butt heads with Walshy that team could be good. Don't see it doing great, but it'll place solidly in the top 8. Best Man for SK is an upgrade to Carbon, and Carbon outplaced tD last event. Defy is an unsung hero and Naded is, well, Naded. Str8 just doesn't have a strong enough team there. They're all veterans and awesome players, but they don't have the raw power they're going to need to even touch Instinct, Final Boss, or I hate to say it Believe the Hype.
So does this confirm Hysteria as the evil mastermind behind tD all these years? Has he been pulling the strings of the puppet captain SK? Its like a really bad anime subplot in MLG right now.
Maybe it really was as democratic as people said in the other thread. From Heinz's and Pistola's offseason interview SK really came off as the bad guy and maybe he was. Now he's off the team though, so clearly it wasn't SK = tD the way T2 = Str8 (imo anyway, watch him go to Carbon for Naded next event or something crazy just because I said that). I'm looking forward to seeing interviews with SK, see what kind of humility he decides to show. --- Speaking of interviews... Basic Instinct: MLG Interviews the Columbus Champs | Major League Gaming And from the discussion thread about that interview, Instinct's coach Towey:
Here's an interview with SK. A little bit of blame neighbor, but also some acknowledgement that he was wrong. Better than I expected.
Agreed. The sense of at least majority responsibility and regret, whilst expressed in pretty brief terms, was there. There is the point some have made that this only comes along once his tenure on tD goes down the pan, but then to a certain extent you can always pick holes what is said and when if you look at it in a particular way. At the very least I'm interested to see how Carbon do with this new lineup and the return to 'dual captains' in the vein of when Walshy first joined, and also how their plans for LANing develop based on what SK said about something a little smaller than the 6-team. Top 8 teams that don't LAN before each event are at more of a disadvantage now than ever before with what TheLanNetwork are doing and the level of involvement from top teams.