So I was just going through all the maps Ive made mainly unfinished ones trying to think of map ideas for reach and I found my old map BlackHole. Blackhole was my first finished map and probably the one I am most fond of. It was made nearly 1 year ago before ghost merging even existed. I spent alot of time on this map and received alot of good feedback from people who had played it. In my opinion it was a remarkable feat at the time but sadly it was never featured. Now before you get the wrong idea, im not having a cry because my map was never featured, nor am I trying to get it featured, but im just asking for your opinion. In your opinion should this map have been featured? I would really like to hear from a few people and if your going to reply to this plz dont just say yes or no, gives reasons. Thankyou for listening and Im srry if you got the wrong idea from this. Also on that note would anyone like to see this remade on Reach hopefully bigger and better? EDIT: and heres a pic of the map incase you havent seen it Black Hole (click to see original thread)
I really like this map and the hole is incredible. The fact that this was before ghost merging almost makes me think it should have been featured, but in the end, a featured map is something original and while the spins you have put on it are interesting I don't think it should or could have been featured.
Why do people think that the difficulty in assembling something makes the end product better? Ghost merging or not, the only thing that matters is how good the design is.
I think the whole thing is super awesome...especially when playing the zombie variant. I reckon it should have received a feature. Oh and I definitely agree with Ladnil.
I think this is plagurised, this map was on halo forges episode 41 called 'Ring Of Fire' made by a guy called DeadlyHandyAndy but your forum post says it was made by you. I am not accusing you of being the one that plagurised but because multiple people are claiming to have made it, the FH staff can't feature it. EDIT: I looked into a bit more and have found that your forum post was released the same day as 'Ring Of Fire'. I also realised that you could be DeadlyHandyAndy but I doubt it because you haven't linked your gamertag to your FH account and you've had your FH account for more than a year.
Halo 3 forges is a complete joke. They take maps, hardly ever give credit, and just mess around on them the whole time. Ive had two maps on there little 'show', and while i like the advirtisment, they barely even showed the map, they just show themselves killing each other the whole time. And also, they barely ever get the creators names right, because they dont look into it, and research the origional owner. Anyway, onto the thread. I think this is a great map, dont get me wrong. Ive played this many times and have enjoyed myself on it, but a feature on forge hub is such a sizable thing, that i dont really know if it deserves a feature. Than again, there are alot of maps that HAVE gotten featured that i completely disagree with, so who knows.
EDIT: to cowboy, I totally agree. Halo forges is a joke. They took my map and claimed it as an aesthetic map with no gametype then spent the next couple of minutes betraying eachother and lauging like girls I'm am very srry for the confusion. I would like to clear things up because I have been accused by many as stealing this map from deadlyhandyandy. Deadlyha is my brothers account which I used since I at the time had no live to put the map on my fileshare. I hope this clears things up. I would like to know however who these multiple people are who are claiming the map are and why the FH staff didn't just clear the matter up with me. I could have easily logged on to DHA and proven that it was me.
OK good that's been cleared up . Nice map btw it's really fun (I waited untill it was all cleared up before I gave credit so I credit the right person) I especially like playing KOTH on it! Defo Feature worthy
Ghost merging isn't difficult, it just takes more time and patience. I guess I have no problem with people not ghost merging I just personally prefer to neaten up my maps. Also if a floor isn't merged it leads to bumps which affect gameplay.
And originality is very important as well. Unfortunatly, no matter how amazing this map is, and disregarding the fact that it could possibly be the best of its genre, there is very little about it that isnt borrowed from another somewhat similair gametype. Amazing map, but very few things are feature worthy (including about half of what actually gets featured.............)
Yes, this is very good forging, but that's about it.. I download each version of this map along with their gametypes, it was sorta innovative, but the replay value was thrown down that blackhole too. When you play a game on map you should have people saying "let's play it again!" not "soo what are we playing next?".. Trust me, I know what you've been through. I put TOO much time into Octo-Ocho and it got around 10 posts on it and maybe 250+ downloads. It was a very dissappointing turn-out, but it's something you live with. This is sorta advertising your map and I'm not sure if it's aloud sooo..
Because it's none of our business to get into. Also, we don't grade maps on a scale and then say "this is good enough to be featured, let's feature it!". If we notice a map and decide it's original and new and we want everyone to see it, than it's a feature. There's plenty of great maps we haven't featured. The last thing you should be making maps for is a feature or internet attention....make maps for yourself and friends, and just for the art of making a map and getting to play it.
I remember when this was posted and it was an awesome map. At the time I thought it should have been featured ( I mean there are maps being featured a week after posting nowa days). I don't see this map being featured now though because you aren't being very modest about it and brought it up in a thread. As for reach yeah I'd love a remake. I'm definitely going to be remaking a lot of my maps.
Thankyou to everyone who commented. Its really interesting to see everyones views on my map. I am srry to anyone who got the wrong idea from this. I am not trying to get my map featured, I am not having a cry, and im also not trying to advertise my map. So plz just everyone calm down. If this is classified as advertising or If ive posted it in the wrong area you can lock the thread if you wish. And to the last guy. I dont think having a map featured has anything to do with being modest or not nor do I think I have in anyway given you reason to think that I am not being modest. I understand though you may have taken this thread the wrong way.
That's how it is in the real world, you work hard on something that is deserving of attention and it doesn't get what it needs from the public. Sure, Predator (The guy famous for making epic pictures) can make a crappy bumper cars map named Lava Pit and get hundreds of thousands of downloads, and I make a map 1,000,000 times better and it doesn't even get 100 downloads. That's how it works... Sometimes the best things don't get the most attention. BlackHole was incredible especially for its time, but it didn't get the attention it deserved because you weren't one of the lucky ones. If I went back through all of my maps I could make at least 10 of these "Feature Worthy?" threads, but I chose not to because in the end it doesn't really matter. I think BlackHole was feature worthy, but to tell you the truth, anything feature worthy isn't going to get featured... That's a pretty rare thing to come upon these days. Either it just wasn't feature worthy in the eyes of the moderators, or enough of them just didn't see it...
We often use this thread to help choose our features I know there are plenty of maps people feel are "feature-worthy", but there's simply not a point at which your maps are "feature-worthy" or "not good enough"'s all a matter of opinion, and we tend to choose maps that catch our eye and we want to show it off. There's usually two features per a week, which is a whole lot less than you'd think. Basically...don't let getting a silly feature determine why you forge. Forge to forge, forge to play the game, forge to get better at it. Don't forge to get a rank or internet attention, it's alot less desirable than it seems it is.
Agreed there, i got over 200 friend requests and messeges asking me how to ghost merge when i put the first video in my fileshare... Annoying as hell. Im pretty glad that it finally died down, mostly because of Fritzer taking all the credit for it over at MLG... jk buddy. Anyways, its not worth it. It may look awesome; but its really not that cool, and sometimes its just plain annoying.
Actually, this map was looked at back in the day..however, we opted not to feature it. It's excellently forged and a cool concept, but all in all there wasn't much to play on it and it was difficult to class this as an aesthetic feature. So, in the end that's why it wasn't featured.